***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

Having got this over the holidays I have tried giving it a go but it all seems a little floaty? Hard to describe but it feels quite hard to play, like some odd smoothing is going on.

Don't remember having this problem when I tried the mod version with ARMA 2.

yes mouse acceleration and the closer the camera becomes the faster you want to turn which makes exploring those tiny houses annoying
so I hear they actually have zombies in SA now ;)


I hope they try to optimise the game more for SLI/crossfire too. current profiles either don't auto use SLI or run like poop :(
Rufus you have posted so much and now you are saying you haven't actually played standalone???

I said that from the start, and numerous times (my original post in here I think was saying how I liked the mod and was looking forward to the standalone but based on the state of it I wasn't convinced it was worth £20 so would likely not be buying it at this stage)

But why does it matter? I can read what others have written, listen to what people I know who do have standalone are saying, and watch videos of how it is coming along... Besides - most of my criticisms are aimed at how the devs are handling the development anyway, which you don't need to play the game to be able to see.
you are making decisions on others play you haven't experienced how it plays yourself.

for eg some on here whine about no food i can find food and water in under ten minutes everytime.

so you have my view and maybe someones who can loot properly. whichever you choose is different to your own as you haven't played it.

weapons are great there isn't many but they are very well done look better than the mod. you might not know that. ammo isnt that rare but some will say it is.

could go on and on but then someone will post some **** like neil about pbo file :p neil basically dies as soon as he joins then blames everything under the sun.

so whos videos opinion you base your view on the game is totally false as you haven't played it.
Yeah I can find food/water/ammo/backpacks and guns quite easy. People need to head north a little as everyone loots the coast first. Then all you have is DG killing the new freshspawns at Electro.
I haven't really said anything about the frequency of food/water/loot or many of the specifics of the game-play though... and I wouldn't want to - partly because as you say I haven't really given it a try myself, but mostly because those are really incidental and trivial details which are exactly the sort of thing a game-play alpha should be testing, but it is my perception that there are far more serious underlying problems with the core of the game that really ought to have been addressed first (and hence cue ten-page rant about why I think the dev's approach to how they're doing things is worrying/amateurish and the cynic in me thinking Dean Hall is a bit of a crook blah blah blah - what can I say I'm passionate about software development!)
It's the Arma engine, don't get your hopes up on it ever running well.

didn;t ask for it to run well.... just use both my damn GPUs :p hehehe managed to twiddle arma2 to work quite well on SLI bumping the usage on each to 75+% but the same profile isn't as good on the SA it seems.

oh but they need to do something about the damn hunger!!! started to die after about 20-30 mins of running and having eaten a banana, can of sardines, beans and two apples..... like is this character serious?!?!?! HOW ARE YOU STILL HUNGRY?! hell when I'm hung over I can survive on less for an entire weekend!!! :p
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I said that from the start, and numerous times (my original post in here I think was saying how I liked the mod and was looking forward to the standalone but based on the state of it I wasn't convinced it was worth £20 so would likely not be buying it at this stage)

But why does it matter? I can read what others have written, listen to what people I know who do have standalone are saying, and watch videos of how it is coming along... Besides - most of my criticisms are aimed at how the devs are handling the development anyway, which you don't need to play the game to be able to see.

well give it a go then form your own opinion because you know if you did you might actually enjoy it or maybe you wouldn't but until you do you don't know.

I've played 20 hours, never been hacked, can find food/water, haven't been wiped, melee works fine and is different to mod.

You paint a filthy picture of the game and you haven't played it, the game is very very playable, more content will only make it better and of course bug fixes too.

regarding the devs, you surely have no idea what is happening so its unfair to say they are doing nothing.

but whatever, doesn't effect me, ive had 20 hours, and i'll have many more.
melee works fine? lol what.... it's the worst melee combat in any game I have ever played counting even FPS from the 90s.

never before has character movement and melee combat been so clunky and out of sync

you punch a wall, it sounds like a bullet... your fists are literally guns with weak bullets and small range and you are claiming melee combat is fine? WTF!
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