Have most people forgot the awesome Zombie ai path finding that was so well worked on during interviews/teasers? What happened!
Meele is shocking only a full on fanboy would say otherwise. Its np for me I've realised the sloppy cluncky mechanics of it all. So can take out Zeds now np But it really is very bad.
the teleporting back and forth is from the ddos that's been happening to dayz and rust .
losing characters is often when people leave or jump servers often.
Has the patch actually fixed anything guys? Also, what are Public and Private 'Hives'?
Does anyone else find the game blurry?
This is still really frustrating.
Decided to give it another shot tonight and ran about for a while, until I reached a huge town with loads of buildings and a factory with an epic red and white chimney. Unfortunately I attracted 2 warping zombies and try as I did, (avoid LOS, stop making noise, going in dark places) they forced me up the roof of the factory where I tried to escape... and jumped off.
Does anyone else find the game blurry?
Also, melee is so messed up it hurts - I somehow defeated 2 zombies in CC with a wrench, but there was no indications that I was hitting it, or it hitting me. Then I bled to death.
what do you guys use to record anyway? is there anything that will only record the last 5 minutes and keep recording over it? just to catch epic fail bugs?