***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

arma 3 dayz isnt happening.

also how long do games normally take ?

No DayZ code will be used as they are not allowed but they can code there own Zombies and just call it Epoch, same as breaking point on A3 which IS DayZ just with new code. Epoch is already well in the works for A3.
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Find gear, find other people, shoot other people, find their gear, get shot, repeat. I just failed to see the enjoyment as there's not really much to do beyond that :confused:

This is why I'm not jumping in... It'll need more content, objectives and stuff before I'm interested!
I'd pay an extra fiver just to be able to throw cans at people, let alone get to play with a bow & arrow

Guess i'm just easily pleased :D

well it wont be long hopefully on experimental in 2-3 weeks. physics is currently disabled.

just had a run on experimental animations take a little getting used to fps was decent now to find some good loot.

Hicks just twittered that 40 new experimental servers are going up soon !
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I still really cannot get into this game. I've tried and tried - I WANT to like it!
I think if I had friends that play PC games ( and dayz), I would probably enjoy it more.
I still really cannot get into this game. I've tried and tried - I WANT to like it!
I think if I had friends that play PC games ( and dayz), I would probably enjoy it more.

I think you NEED people to play with, it's essential for enjoyment of this game.

Yep, the beauty of the game is safety in numbers and moving as a group, even if it's only 2 or 3 other players.

It's a survival game and our natural instinct is to group up and it works for this game too.
Its good to play in numbers but i actually do better on my own if im honest, ive wiped out whole squads multiple times on my tod. You concentrate more and are less likely to make bad decisions when playing on your own. Sometimes playing in a group of 10 people which i do also can be a cluster ****.
Yeah i never play alone... rarely, infact the only times i login alone is either to a) run back to my friends should I have been killed late at night and need to get there or b) if im desperate for loot, ill login to a quiet server and stock up

Most of the time its in a team of upto 5 and we loot together and bandit together... we kill, we die and its fun as we are not campers, we always move about and look for a fight.

Long term it will be even greater, buildings, vehicles, hunting, cooking etc -thats all right up our street and will add so much to the game.

Its the social aspect of it all, we chat on comms and have a laugh.. the game situations are never ever the same and theres still the excitement of seeing 1,2 or even big groups of people and seeing how we can do in the combat.

Of course the more content the better, but for a game classed as Alpha, its very playable and bags of fun.
I think the "problem" with this game (if thats what you want to call it) and the reason it seems to polarise opinion so much is that peoples expectations are so high.

... and are not being adequately managed.

The Devblog on Tumblr reported the release for early access at the beginning of Jan then went silent until the 24th Feb.

A lot of people are seeing themselves as stakeholders with the view of 'I am paying for the development of this game with my cash and time testing'. Most stakeholders would expect to see a timeline with milestones reported and tracked in some sort of official manner rather than the odd YouTube clip.

In reality, the Steam DayZ page highlights that the game in Early Access and is for people who want to actively support its development, but does not say how much say in that development the Early Access supporters will have.

Personally I would like to see a list of prioritys and timeline of the items they are working on for the core game (physics, zombie numbers, zombie not going through walls, vehicles, hunting, server optimisations etc) to better help manage expectations. THey could then have polls on other additions with expected timelines to see which ones the community may like to go in to the game first (new building / town / crash site / guns / body armour / umbrella / pink moeskin legwarmers etc) to give the community a sense of having some direct influence over content. Of course only purchasers of the Early Access game could vote.

The early access game model is still in its infancy and a proper balance has yet to be found, in my view. How much say should the community of early adopters get and how much control is the dev team willing to give away...

Me... I just bought the game because I like shooting Zombies (almost seems like a service to the community) and it looked fairly good... oh and because you could run personal servers. Seems the last one was only for the DayZ mod :(. Two outta three ain't bad ;).

in moderators eyes yes i do understand that what you others may not understand is in dayz a lot of us play or have played together for a few years now. so while a lot may appear vicious or not fun it is the opposite of what you think .

gaming banter is part and parcel of multiplayer games. while i understand you have a job to moderate forums and keep them to " family safe " its part of gaming that is part of the games most play.

no one is mad and many don't know the personalities who post so from a layman or fresh reader it may appear as a attack which i get. just don't go to heavy on banter . its like speaking another language if you don't understand it how can you say or understand what is meant ? its only face value being gone on. no worries the banter will stop.

this isn't a argument more just showing you know no intent is meant its just a laugh. so hopefully you understand this.

now back on topic dayz.

the experimental patch went live last night quite a few new things were added i would suggest some play experimental as you often get to see stuff a week or two early on it :cool:

Banters one thing, we all understand banter - but when it's set across in such a way where it isn't greatly distinguishable, or the person on the other end of the "banter" RTM's the post, or someone else has concerns around it, the it's something we have to do and act upon. Unfortunately, that's how it is.

Back on topic - the problem with DayZ and the reason I haven't and won't pick it up yet, is their focus is all wrong. Instead of focusing on the core elements of the game - it's a zombie survival game - then the work they are doing to add more polish and so forth is pretty meaningless. There's no zombie respawn, no loot respawn, two massive chunks which aren't in a game, but should be. It'll get there, but for the time being I'm keeping my money in my pocket :)
Zombies do respawn ;) check the experimental. zombies are re-spawning. :D should hopefully be on the normal patch very very soon.

experimental patch details here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/177017-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-037115791/

It's not in the LIVE game though is it - for me, if I were to release a game, even a very early alpha. I'd release i with the main core elements already working to a reasonable state. It's been what? 3 months? And still no zombies really. Just think the direction isn't right.
It's not in the LIVE game though is it - for me, if I were to release a game, even a very early alpha. I'd release i with the main core elements already working to a reasonable state. It's been what? 3 months? And still no zombies really. Just think the direction isn't right.

because zombies and loot respawns are one of the hardest thing with dayz and performance. the patch will be very very soon to live. anyone can play experimental and they added 40 more servers to experimental last night not sure if all finished yet.

in the next 1-2 months a lot of the core features will be in the game.
because zombies and loot respawns are one of the hardest thing with dayz and performance. the patch will be very very soon to live. anyone can play experimental and they added 40 more servers to experimental last night not sure if all finished yet.

in the next 1-2 months a lot of the core features will be in the game.

You hope ;)
Yeah pooley you're this close to being RTM'd

Gotta say it's pretty funny to see that when a Don brings up all the problems with the game none of the usuals jump down his throat and shout him down :rolleyes:
Hilly does make the point that we are all thinking though. For a zombie apocalypse, the zombies are non-existent.

A few ways to run the zombies.
1. Completely server side. Which is screwed unless the whole server.exe gets to use all the cores available. Limitations of the VR engine do not allow this, I know the server files have been optimised slightly, but not to this extent!

2. Client side. Complete waste of time, as the client would still have to push the zombie stats to the server so that it could push the globally to the other players.

3. Server side limited radius. Possibly be done! A 1Km radius around the player is controlled client side, pushed to the server so that other players within said distance can see the zombies.

4. Best option. Headless client mode. All AI is controlled by another instance of the server running in conjunction with the main server. You could have thousands of zeds on the server being controlled quite well with this. Leaving the main server to run the players, inven etc...

Number 4 is the only way to run the number of zombies in game that the player base wants to see. Remembering when it first came out, The max amount of zombies on my server at one point was 2500, that's what we want to see. Until then it's a scavenge point and shoot game!
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