in moderators eyes yes i do understand that what you others may not understand is in dayz a lot of us play or have played together for a few years now. so while a lot may appear vicious or not fun it is the opposite of what you think .
gaming banter is part and parcel of multiplayer games. while i understand you have a job to moderate forums and keep them to " family safe " its part of gaming that is part of the games most play.
no one is mad and many don't know the personalities who post so from a layman or fresh reader it may appear as a attack which i get. just don't go to heavy on banter . its like speaking another language if you don't understand it how can you say or understand what is meant ? its only face value being gone on. no worries the banter will stop.
this isn't a argument more just showing you know no intent is meant its just a laugh. so hopefully you understand this.
now back on topic dayz.
the experimental patch went live last night quite a few new things were added i would suggest some play experimental as you often get to see stuff a week or two early on it