***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

I thought further optimising was the reason the standalone was held back for so long? I'm also fairly sure he's stated before that was the case.

So in the year or whatever it's been since he began this project all he has managed to do is remove vehicles, weapons and gear. Remove zombies and loot respawns. Then add a marsh near Cherno.

Seems legit.

I don't understand why things that were working fine in a mod are not in the standalone. He's literally moved backwards in a year.
I thought further optimising was the reason the standalone was held back for so long? I'm also fairly sure he's stated before that was the case.

So in the year or whatever it's been since he began this project all he has managed to do is remove vehicles, weapons and gear. Remove zombies and loot respawns. Then add a marsh near Cherno.

Seems legit.

I don't understand why things that were working fine in a mod are not in the standalone. He's literally moved backwards in a year.

When they kept saying the game was being pushed back throughout 2013 the reason they cited was that the "core network architecture" was in such a state that the game was unplayable. They didn't want to release it at all last year to avoid exactly this sort of reaction, but we kept asking for them to give us something we could throw our money at (me included).
Antony101 , well you are not understanding the process then of making a game. many many changes have been made many dont either understand or acknowledge whats been done.

its been explained even in capital letters from steam to the official forums in every detail yet people say its worse than mod or this doesn't work yet :confused:

they have to do core features first get it stable get performance good then build on that. remember just because someone else is making hats doesn't mean other stuff isn't being done ! it is being done just by a different person/s.

the thing is us as gamers don't want to wait or most don't for the work to happen we just want the game now.

the mod only offers more content everything else is worse.
they have to do core features first get it stable get performance good then build on that. remember just because someone else is making hats doesn't mean other stuff isn't being done ! it is being done just by a different person/s.

This is something I try to remind people. There are around 30 developers working on DayZ apparently, and a separate third-party team of hunting game developers working on the hunting mechanics and the AI/behaviours of game animals and dogs and such. Plenty of work to go around. :)
so you expect the bi people to pay to use someone elses engine?

That's what we were lead to expect when every time someone brought up a strange quirk in the mod and the response (mostly from Dean) was something like:

"Oh yeah, that's just a hard limitation of the Arma engine unfortunately; nothing we can do about it. But don't worry because we're making a standalone version from the ground up which will overcome all those problems"

Colour me surprised when I first checked the new standalone version and found it's still using that limited engine that everyone over at BI Dean included seem to have hinted at various stages (even in a quote a page or two ago from Dean in this thread) is not really the best engine for this game....

Could Dean not have walked away from BI (as he is planning to anyway) and either formed or paired up with a dev team in NZ then researched the best possible engine to implement his idea and gone from there? I guess it's likely BI own some or all of the rights but I'm sure since everyone loves Dean so much he could have just made it under a new name
That's what we were lead to expect when every time someone brought up a strange quirk in the mod and the response (mostly from Dean) was something like:

"Oh yeah, that's just a hard limitation of the Arma engine unfortunately; nothing we can do about it. But don't worry because we're making a standalone version from the ground up which will overcome all those problems"

I'm afraid you misunderstood what Dean said, because I remember those statements too. He was talking about limitations in ArmA 2, he wanted to make standalone so that he could work with the bare engine and build a game on top without the same limitations. Some stuff, such as how weapons now have lots of mods, were not possible in the ArmA 2 mod. In the standalone weapons, players/clothing, and other objects are actually what would be considered vehicles in the mod.

Of course the RV engine still has limitations, all engines do, but they were always going to use RV either way as it's the in-house engine. I'm not even sure what engine, if any, would be suitable because I don't know enough about them (but before you say CryEngine I have heard it would not support a 225km² map).
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Banters one thing, we all understand banter - but when it's set across in such a way where it isn't greatly distinguishable, or the person on the other end of the "banter" RTM's the post, or someone else has concerns around it, the it's something we have to do and act upon. Unfortunately, that's how it is.

Back on topic - the problem with DayZ and the reason I haven't and won't pick it up yet, is their focus is all wrong. Instead of focusing on the core elements of the game - it's a zombie survival game - then the work they are doing to add more polish and so forth is pretty meaningless. There's no zombie respawn, no loot respawn, two massive chunks which aren't in a game, but should be. It'll get there, but for the time being I'm keeping my money in my pocket :)

This is because the loot and zombie respawnings are big things that are taking a lot of time to get working. However that doesn't mean they shouldn't be adding new things whilst they work on those two large issues.
I'm afraid you misunderstood what Dean said, because I remember those statements too. He was talking about limitations in ArmA 2, he wanted to make standalone so that he could work with the bare engine and build a game on top without the same limitations. Some stuff, such as how weapons now have lots of mods, were not possible in the ArmA 2 mod. In the standalone weapons, players/clothing, and other objects are actually what would be considered vehicles in the mod.

Of course the RV engine still has limitations, all engines do, but they were always going to use RV either way as it's the in-house engine. I'm not even sure what engine, if any, would be suitable because I don't know enough about them (but before you say CryEngine I have heard it would not support a 225km² map).

avalanche engine is the best option other than what is used.
I'm afraid you misunderstood what Dean said

Perhaps I did... but until they successfully show evidence that they will actually ever be able to eliminate or work around those limitations I'm still not convinced by the decision

Edit: Just to say I also loved JC2 and it's engine seemed quite good at handling big stuff
Perhaps I did... but until they successfully show evidence that they will actually ever be able to eliminate or work around those limitations I'm still not convinced by the decision

I guess all you can do is give them time, if you're willing. Having been with this since the very early days of the mod I already knew to expect lots of bugs and for things to be fixed slower than I would personally like, I still took the choice to give them my £19.99 though because actually being able to play DayZ was well worth it.
Unity could do it to, Dead Linger is already doing it with large map and hordes they plan to have crysis 2 like graphics as well. Although I am not sure they will pull that of tbh.
Guys i've not been on in a while, has the performance been improved/fixed at all?

Never had performance issues, but i believe it gets better with each patch.... so might be worth just hoping in and going to a big city and see what happens.

I think the current experimental patch will have more performance updates as well, so you could even wait for that. I know a lad who got awful big city lag in the 'live' servers, is now having a bit more joy in 50 man experimental servers....
I'm new here my thoughts after 50 hours + playing

Not played the mod so started straight off with Dayz SA.
I signed up to play a survival game pitting my wits and ingenutiy against the zombies and trhe elements etc.

My first point is why is map stuck at 225 km2 , when the RV3 engine can handle much larger maps, I'd like to see the map doubled in size to 30km x 30km from 15x15.

Next, multiple posts about bugs etc , it is alpha and peolple complain , jeez I find it stable no crashes yet just annoyances like ending up ouside a building after fighting a zombie (obviously code needs tweaking on a global level to ascertain player boundaries, this should fix the hding in walls prob as well).

Vehicles, as read on another forum ' i want cars now' reason so he can get from a to b quicker 'cos he cant be bothered to spend time walking/running. Obviously a ps3 boy who wants to login get a gun and shoot anything that moves in the quickest possible time without actually playing the game.
If they implement cars I'd like to see the following
find car, no battery , no petrol, flat tyres
battery ; find battery (can only walk with battery 'cos they're heavy)
battery flat ; no power or water in dayz so will have to find a solar trickle charger (takes 10 hrs in sunlight to charge battery, but remember it rains a lot)
petrol ; find petol can , may have petrol may not , may have water etc, then need to find syphon hose then find petrol station with petrol then fill can
tyres need to find pump either car(10 mins a tyre) or bicycle (15 mins a tyre).

So to get you car running you'll need to find the parts spend 10 hrs with the car and protect it from other survivors, this will give the KOS'rs something to fight over.

Whats other peoples thoughts on these comments (more thoughts to come).
The mod already has all that stuff where you have to repair cars and refuel with jerry cans etc. It will all be coming to SA as well with probs even more to fix and mod. Same with the carrying weight it's all been done on the DayZ mod, Epoch is the best one for it.
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Well had a go with Speed and Two of my friends last night we ran all around eth NW for a good two hours.
I must say the Experimental Build is definatly going in the right direction. The visuals are bloody stunning really does add a proper immense feeling to the game, specially when the sun started to set on us all very eerie...

Loads and loads of little improvements cant remember a single one but I was very impressed last night. Game is 100% going in the right direction after seeing that build last night.
OOOOO one thing I do remember RESPAWING ZOMBIES, If your going to the NW Airfield take at least one friend and as many MAGS and RAGS as you can carry.

All hail our new leader King Dean....:p
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