***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

Hey guys,

Having only played about 15 mins of SA im a bit lost as to whats going on and where the place to is :(

Is everyone playing SA or are people still playing mod mainly?

I have both, anyone want to take me under their wing like the good old days? :)
BP is the only survival game/mod worth playing right now. DayZ SA development is painful and almost comedicly slow.

But BP is not currently a proper survival game.

1) Pickups are 50% weapons, 20% useless rubbish, 10% food and 20% tools
2) Zombies are not dangerous. Easily outrun, and easily kill
3) There is very little to do other than collect weapons and avoid kill on sight
4) Very little need for food and drink, and hunger prompts are non-existent as far as I can tell
5) Vehicles are there on some maps but is there a real reason for them?

1) Pickups are 20% weapons, 30% food and medpacks, 20% clothes, 20% tools, 10% rubbish. It also has the chance of damaged gear
2) Zombies are dangerous and better avoided in most cases. Some can be outrun, but not all. Some of this is due to coding bugs but still...
3) They have implemented fishing, hunting and cooking as a start. More to come
4) Hunger comes on very quickly, and should be monitored constantly
5) No vehicles yet, but will be soon, but again not sure why

If you want a survival game which should become more polished then play DayZ:SA.
If you want a slightly more polished game which might become a survival game, then play A3:BP.
If you want a game with no bugs, then don't buy an alpha.
BP just works, SA is still in alpha full of bugs.

Hunger prompts are in breakingpoint just listen for the growling noise of hungry stomach, or heavy breathing when thirst.
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you had to spoil it didnt you. epoch sucks ass.:p

hi im admin i give myself everything :p we have biggest base cause we own server. cant wait for that again in arma 3 :p

only thing about epoch i liked was getting in bases and destroying them :D

also 2017 is the next big thing not epoch.
Tried SA experimental again last night, still quite unplayable for me. Loot spawns are fubar, i've gone through unlooted towns to find didly squat, haven't once found any of these new weapons which they keep adding in.

Got catapulted off a staircase and died, melee combat is really bad now with its hit detection and died from hunger more than I care to remember since 0.48.

SA is great whilst your in the honey moon period, but you soon come to get annoyed by its bugs and slow development pace. I wish they would stop adding new towns every 2nd patch or so, I don't need more places to not find loot.

Give me transportation, spawn locations (so quicker to meet up with ppl), base building, give me something which makes the game fun long term.
i asked if they would be showing base building or vehicles at gamescom.

no was the answer so no nearer yet.

when those two are in a lot will probably play again until then bp or the mod.
you had to spoil it didnt you. epoch sucks ass.:p

hi im admin i give myself everything :p we have biggest base cause we own server. cant wait for that again in arma 3 :p

only thing about epoch i liked was getting in bases and destroying them :D

also 2017 is the next big thing not epoch.

According to you 6/7 months ago SA was the next best thing I told you BP was but you would have none of it. You were calling Arma 3 everything under the sun, now you can't stop playing it. No one really cares what you think of Epoch btw, you like thehunter I don't but that does not make it a bad game. Admin abuse etc only ever seems to happen to you, I wonder why :) I stick to servers where I know the admins and know I am playing on the best servers by decent admins.
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