***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

I've played this game something like 60-70 hours (cba to check) and I've just stopped playing it and gone back to the mod. Was looting a barracks, was stood in the bathroom when I get punched from a zombie behind... bleeder glitched through a wall and knocked me out.

Hours of looting for a Zombie to give me a cheap shot. Not saying the mod will be better but I just need to cool down from SA for a while.
Genuine question, 118hrs - but doing what? I've tried and tried to get into this but there's just so many things wrong I can't stomach more than an hour at a time - think I've managed a grand total of about 10hrs.

Tbh I’m not really sure, I have had the game a while and I play it a lot with my brother so we constently meeting up, changing our strategy being good guys, bad guys. Messing around and that.

Many times I have been killed by glitches but it’s part of the alpha build, and before the hate starts I am aware that they are taking their time with this.

I have tried the breaking point MoD and I don’t like the fact that weapons/ammo are too easy to come by and you hardly have to drink or eat...I find it just a slow PvP match. Not once have I come accross a person who has even spoke over comms nevermind be nice!

What I did look at was a pre alpha build for H1z1 recently and although its pre alpha its miles ahead than SA…I am just wondering when its going to be released.
A played a couple of hundred hours and then my card broke so I had a forced month off. Went back and nothing had really changed apart from it seemed a bit harder to gear up. Ended up getting epoch and am finding that much more enjoyable. I was also playing a3 breaking point but it was a bit too death match but looking forward to more mods on that engine when they fix what they have just messed up
No, it's pretty much the biggest con of a game ive come across and this is taking into account that it's "early access" aka the universal get out of jail excuse for your game being a steaming pile of broken turd.

I don't get what's hard to understand about early access. It SAYS that the game will be broken and won't function correctly upon attempting to purchase it. They told you what you'd be in for and you still bought it.
Best Graphical Set-UP?

Anyone have any ideas what the best graphical set-up would be for DayZ SA

I've heard it has to be set a certain way to keep Framerates up, be interesting to know what people are thinking is the best setup to try and boost FPS.
I don't get what's hard to understand about early access. It SAYS that the game will be broken and won't function correctly upon attempting to purchase it. They told you what you'd be in for and you still bought it.

the line was a get out clause on steam.

people always use alpha as a excuse. stating because its alpha its not finished. the thing is though when the building bricks of alpha the game is based on isnt going right. you know the whole future is going to end up a mess.

i think they may get it right but it wont be done for 2 or 3 years now and thats too long. many other games will of either done what they trying to achieve in less time and better.
This sort of response is from people who just don't understand or appreciate what goes into making a game though. A 3 year development cycle isn't a long time.

It's also not an excuse, it's just a fact.
I never said my opinion is a fact, I said that it being an alpha is a fact not an excuse, and that people who moan about the alpha status don't understand or appreciate what it means.

So no it isn't "a" opinion ";)"
I don't get what's hard to understand about early access. It SAYS that the game will be broken and won't function correctly upon attempting to purchase it. They told you what you'd be in for and you still bought it.

Trouble is though they KNOW that the game is broken and always will be, the mod has been out like forever based on the same engine.

So yeah you have been duped :p
So... what engine and performance improvements have happened over the last 3-4 months that i've not played the game?

Please don't tell me they've not done any and instead added new types of drinks and food. If that's the case, i'll kill somebody. :mad:
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