***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

either play it or dont . 20 quid is fair enough and looking at how much bf4 was lol its bargin of the year.

Says the no 1 fanboi, this is not a AAA title and should not have the same price tag as one.

EDIT: also stop keep saying BF4 why do you say BF4 over and over, if BF4 is the only game you can compare it to then LOL every game wins.
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Yes they are both buggy as hell however BF4 has improved substantially since release. Time will tell how much DayZ improves cuz god knows they have a lot to be working on.

We get that you dont like BF4 however for every person whining about their problems with the game there will be someone who is happily enjoying it problem free and as such doesnt feel the need to jump on a forum to share their opinion.

Same with DayZ despite it being a buggy mess the hype train just keeps on rolling, my only genuine fear with DayZ is that its will never be complete.

Despite my fears i do have a bit of faith in Dean and his vision for the game thats why i bought it to show my support in the alpha.

I expect once it hits retail launch that DayZ with be at least £29.99
Says the no 1 fanboi, this is not a AAA title and should not have the same price tag as one.

EDIT: also stop keep saying BF4 why do you say BF4 over and over, if BF4 is the only game you can compare it to then LOL every game wins.

im not number one fanboy my favourite game is theHunter ;)

i like dayz but its far from perfect but people crying about a alpha just released to public when its been said how it is then people start crying over bugs already knowne about is irritating. i do point out issues aswell.

i point out bf because you mention about a 20 pound price which is less than any big game and literally everything has sucked and bf4 which can cost upto 90 quid total has been the worst and that wont ever be fixed !

so 20 quid for a interesting idea which many of us will play together and have a lot of fun is a bargin. they are patching it a lot another on tuesday thats 4 patches in a week. if that continues we should have a very fun solid game in a month or two well worth 20 or even more.
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Do you think people should code games for free then?

It is a bargain at it's current price. I don't even think you can buy A2 and OA for less than £20? Which makes the game free as it is based on both.

I would buy it for the £110 I paid for BF4 + Premium and I know I will get 1000 hours out of this compared to BF4 where people got to rank 110 in three days.
Do you think people should code games for free then?

It is a bargain at it's current price. I don't even think you can buy A2 and OA for less than £20? Which makes the game free as it is based on both.

I would buy it for the £110 I paid for BF4 + Premium and I know I will get 1000 hours out of this compared to BF4 where people got to rank 110 in three days.

I will not try to reason with anyone who paid £110 for BF4..........(or any game for anywhere near that stupid price)
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Yeah i have no problems with the price, i can see why people wished it was cheaper but why should they charge less for a pay once play forever type game? A **** take would have been 39.99 for an alpha. The full game may well be around that, and why not.
Yeah i have no problems with the price, i can see why people wished it was cheaper but why should they charge less for a pay once play forever type game? A **** take would have been 39.99.

Steam prices sure, most AAA games you can get for around £20-£25 if you shop around. Apart from CoD and BF4 which seem to charge whatever they want everywhere lol.
well if you use that same analogy then why do COD and BF4 charge what they want? Because they know people will buy them regardless.

DayZ could have launched at £30 and it would still have sold a load of copies.

All being said i dont think £20 was too bad, for me im more buying into what i hope the game will become rather than what it is now.

Versus one good takeaway and a few drinks i dont think its too bad value
Having played the mod and enjoyed it, aside from a few things like how clunky the interface, I was happy to pay £20 for it. Its got a great concept and out of all the similar zombie survival type of games, this is the one with the most future. The interface for me (atleast the inventory) is so much better.
I don't think the price tag is right at the minute since its still pretty much the same as the mod. If they actually start to do something useful with their time then it might well be worth the price soon.
well if you use that same analogy then why do COD and BF4 charge what they want? Because they know people will buy them regardless.

Indeed but not me, NEVER haha. Also I have no idea why people buy the same game over and over every year with the same engine (although the engine seems to run worse each year) but with different maps. Totally crazy, but hey going a bit off track with this BF4 CoD stuff tbh.
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