***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

I would be more than very shocked if the current content is anything to go by. Just spent 3 hours playing this and its pretty shocking in its current state(yeh i know its alpha but the amount of bugs/frame drops/appaling movement/bad ui/no zombies?/). I mimick what other people have said above me and that its actually in a worse state then the mod by a long way.

How did WARZ get such negativity surrounding it when it was a much more solid gaming experience then this :S

I honestly think they missed the boat with this should have come a year ago. I may be proven wrong will have to see.

Did you ever see WarZ in Alpha/Beta? It was horrendous :) It might be a more solid game NOW but not when at a similar stage of development
Theyve Cleary spent a long time, perhaps longer than they thought bending the engine to do what it needs to do. I dont think right now blocking external scripts is a massive priority because of the alpha status and the frequency of db wipes that will happen. I do however find it even sadder than ever that people would bother to cheat in a game that is in a state like DayZ currently is.
Theyve Cleary spent a long time, perhaps longer than they thought bending the engine to do what it needs to do. I dont think right now blocking external scripts is a massive priority because of the alpha status and the frequency of db wipes that will happen.

You can't test a game if some dirty Russian hacker won't let you spawn.
The new town is looking good..



Nice new train station. I have a feeling they are going to have some form of useable train in place..


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