***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

way points for new players would help a lot. if you not new to dayz its pretty easy to navigate around the map.

went round most of it last night quite a lot of new stuff added which many wont of seen by just sitting in balota or churno or elektro ;) also better loot :)
guess whos servers will be checked ;)

Is it really hard to understand DG?

Say a server owner who has his own dedicated box which is connected to the hive in a private sense is asked if he has any third party tools installed. He says no, no one can verify if this is true or not because they do not have access to his box. Say they request access, all he does is uninstall any third party tools before letting someone have access to his box.. Which BTW any self respecting admin would tell them to get stuffed. Other option is to install a VM which only sysadmins have access to, again most self respecting admins would tell them to get stuffed.

The only way to actually have this MMO running is for BIS to run all servers and have a sysadmin team to deal with it, much like any other larger MMOs out there, problem is that there would need to be a monthly fee for that..
guess whos servers will be checked ;)

None of them by anyone that matters?.

As stated they dont care what happens in PH thats why its being implemented. That aside dont think that I condone admins being underhand in how they run servers but I fully support the belief that the maximum tools / control be given to hosts. If i'm honest I struggle to see why you care really, if you dont like the way a server is run dont use it, the way you are acting is no better than the very admins you decry in that you are demanding people play how you want them to and run their servers how you think they should be run.

In addition what business is it of yours how people deal with donations, again its not something we do or I agree with but if a host wants to sell reserved slots or load outs on PH who's business it that but the host and the fool that wants to pay?.

I think ToeJam pretty much hit the nail on the head when he recommended you pony up and run your own server, the greatest most fair run server in all of Christendom rather than casting judgements upon others and shouting hollow threats of running to teacher.

I dont normally mind you Dg but in this instance your so wide of the mark you cant even see the line.
no he was with mgt and i played on there server ourlot would battle mgt lot. we always thought and said banana was dodgy then one day he was banned :p

Rubbish, you stuck up for him and so did many others. I was told to shut up and then both dave and jewish came on a server i was on and gave me a flood of abuse . Posting anything about here I was met with insults. A massive i told you so to anyone that stuck up for that cretin. Dave was also his best mate...
haha comes to check forums neil jumped on hate dg band wagon for nothing asscoiated with me in any way :p

banana was part of mgt not my group and never has been. if you ask any of my lot we said from day one he was dirty ;) could we prove this no ! so what can you do if you cant prove it you just have to play.

we played with mgt a lot just as many of YOU do. so thats the only connection to banana . funny thing is neil you do and have been caught for cheating yet you trying to label me whos never been caught for any cheating ever lol :rolleyes:

right server side- i know how it works marker was doing it before you even thought about running boxes :p you may not of known that so ill let you slide on that ;)

as for tools and seeing it doesnt matter if your tools arnt seen the actions can be ;) . loam you may dissagree with me fair enough i understand how servers run i have ran them for many moons in many games. your op may differ from mine fair enough no problem :)

as for load outs and pay to win for admin abuse thats my op. dayz never started like that it was only because of the very tools that were added it became like that ! so by giving limited tools that is enough to do what a admin needs without making them god ! then that is all that is needed.

i dont need to run my own server to do that. im just trying to campaign to get the game fair on all levels. obviously admins do need software and tools to help monitor just not to the easy pave my own pocket expense of players.

so dont assume anything i understand what you say its just i dont agree and i will try as much as possible to make sure those very same exploits arnt in this version of the game. you may think its a waste of time i dont i like to play on a level playing field.

im all for donations for servers but when you getting 500-600 a month from basically selling gear through explotation then thats bs.

you say go to another server that doesnt do this but because others see other popular servers doing this procedure then they inturn do it. its like a snow ball. so what once was a fair legit game becomes a buy gear to win. not only this because admins run a server not only do they get gear when ever they want by abuse or spawning whatever in they can watch your " gear " locations as you play.

so by stopping it early on which is what dayz sa is it prevents the snowball effect now ! i understand many dont agree and its often the very ones proffiting from selling gear, loadouts and use the tools unfairly who respond most often cause they gonna lose a lot of money.

if you look at dayz the mod most of the busy servers sell loadouts. so if you want to play on busy servers you at a disadvantage before you even join , why ? because of abuse of the admin tools !

so yes your opinion is different i just want a fair game. is that to hard to understand? thats my op your is different i get that doesnt mean my way is wrong nor is yours ;)

well run servers even with no tools will get there donations regardless just like many of us did for many years without selling ingame stuff to win .
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Solution to Combat Logging

If you log off one svr and log onto another, you cannot rejoin the first svr for an hour. Will stop it

[Thanks to BigChief for his input]

Please sort it out
badboy there is supposed to be a multiplyer not sure if working properly yet but when you log its supposed to take x4 time then if you do it again soon then it multiplies again and so on.

when that actually works right it will solve a lot of combat logs. also killing the player should happen.

some guy on markers yesterday near churno yesterday logs on us had m4 full combat gear on but he had his back to us as soon as we let a shot off he logged instantly. another reason for names would be nice.
badboy there is supposed to be a multiplyer not sure if working properly yet but when you log its supposed to take x4 time then if you do it again soon then it multiplies again and so on.

when that actually works right it will solve a lot of combat logs. also killing the player should happen.

some guy on markers yesterday near churno yesterday logs on us had m4 full combat gear on but he had his back to us as soon as we let a shot off he logged instantly. another reason for names would be nice.

Well there are a few issues to solve

1. Combat logging to save your gear with the intention of jumping to another svr and carrying on
Solution: Your idea of not being able to log out for a multiplied time
ALT+F4 still an issue. May be solved by your idea but Task Manager closing your game would work

2. Combat logging with the intention of joining another svr, moving location on the map, then logging back into the first svr to kill your attacker.
My idea above

Both situations are crap but require different solutions
Is it really hard to understand DG?

Say a server owner who has his own dedicated box which is connected to the hive in a private sense is asked if he has any third party tools installed. He says no, no one can verify if this is true or not because they do not have access to his box. Say they request access, all he does is uninstall any third party tools before letting someone have access to his box.. Which BTW any self respecting admin would tell them to get stuffed. Other option is to install a VM which only sysadmins have access to, again most self respecting admins would tell them to get stuffed.

The only way to actually have this MMO running is for BIS to run all servers and have a sysadmin team to deal with it, much like any other larger MMOs out there, problem is that there would need to be a monthly fee for that..

Spot on, great post.

I get the impression that youve unfortunately fallen into the mindset that admins are the issue here, they arent. Ive never grasped this attitude within the DayZ community that hosts should be viewed with suspicion because a tiny tiny tiny minority choose to use the tools for their own ends. Ive said on here before, we killed UK22 which at that time was the UK number 1 server and 3rd in the world because of this attitude. Not one of us used logs info for our benefit but every time the server was restarted (despite it announcing it in chat) you could guarantee a post on the dayz forum demanding we be blacklisted for "dem adminz abuse". The attitude sickens me considering what it costs us.

People have given up trying to target the real issue of DayZ which is the fact its a skiddie infested cheaters wet dream of a game because its too big a subject to deal with so have decided to tar every host with the same brush as the few that deserve it.

Trust me (and you should know this yourself if you have hosted as long as you say you have) removing hosts tools will, in the end be considerably more damaging to the game. Look at the mess "official" status BF4 servers are in, thats what you are advocating, a cheats paradise where no one can do anything so stop them!.

If you want to spend your energy on a crusade to make DayZ the fairest game it can be, challenge the devs to prevent skiddies and cheats wrecking it, not the guys trying to make it work.
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LOAM not saying every admin does abuse tools but there is no reason to have the exploitable aspects in tools if they can make it work without them in another way. as rocket and team havent started the work on the tools yet which may be the only allowed tools to be used then now is the time to speak up on how we'd like em.

im all for admin having admin tools just not with such easy exploitable items included. in no other game is a admin tool such a god like tool or easy exploitable.

so yes for admin tools and being able to do what they want as long as its not game altering through those very tools. i will challenge the devs on anticheat aswell not just tools. this needs doing early before the game progresses too far and it becomes the norm.
funny thing is neil you do and have been caught for cheating yet you trying to label me whos never been caught for any cheating ever lol :rolleyes:

EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WRONG! I was never CAUGHT, I was sick and tired of people claiming that WarZ had no cheaters, that the people who killed me had skill and were completely legit. I was shot down, insulted and spoken down to like a child. Just like I always am when I say that guy is dodgy!

So I came on and told everyone I was going to use an ESP to prove that people were cheating. I had proven by 100% fact that atleast 75% of people even from ocuk were cheating and using it to their advantage. I had a number of people clapping me and saying what I was doing was a good thing.

It is no difference than the police going under cover as people dealing in drugs to catch a criminal. That's what happened, but there are people here that have it in for me and labeling me as an all cheater without knowing any facts. There was no caught, people who cheat don't go around telling people alla Jewish.

So that's the story and even though some say aren't you banned yet in WarZ, well you want to know why? Cause I haven't used anything since, hell even the devs knew what I was doing, hence me having front live chat with them.

You yourself have accused so many people in Battlefield bad company 2, yet you ALWAYS say to me

Solution to Combat Logging

If you log off one svr and log onto another, you cannot rejoin the first svr for an hour. Will stop it

[Thanks to BigChief for his input]

Please sort it out

What if you crash? Can the server tell if you've joined another one
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