***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

thing is neil i checked had the bans of the people ;) on master ban list!

then comes the yeah my mate borrowed it, sold my this that my brother dl it and so on. i highlighted your hack as you labelled me to be playing with banana when i never played with him only against him and the mgt crew ;). so tried a cheap tar on me when you yourself hack hacked and i havent .

so my crime ? playing on a busy server :D sorry ill try not to do that in future.

if you cheat or not i give not too ***** in real life ;) . i dont play with you ingames so it matter not to me. do what you want.

dont label people in future then maybe you wont be ;)

and back to dayz.....
What if you crash? Can the server tell if you've joined another one

Well if you crash, you can rejoin the SAME server or another one. The point is you cannot join another and then back. This will stop combat logging+moving+rejoining. Obviously you cannot penalise those who encounter an issue but if you d crash, rejoining the same server is fine. Because you'll be in the same place without chance of moving positions.

Maybe I am not explaining it right but it makes sense
can we keep the thread on topic please, im sick of seeing any thread with DG involved ending up being locked. Cant you guys see that he just throws a few bits of meat in for the people to jump in and pick the bone clean, im pretty sure he just starts the fire then sits back at his pc and has a good laugh at the replies..

Hes been doing it for years, just ignore the fella or RTM for baiting, if we stick with the SA chat rather than who did what or who bummed who then the rest of us who are sick of seeing all the other rubbish can follow the thread without the childish interventions.

/back on topic

For me ive got bored of the Sa already, im giving it a break till we get some zombie/loot spawn updates. Game just isnt interesting once you get geared, its just a pvp session atm.
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If you want to spend your energy on a crusade to make DayZ the fairest game it can be, challenge the devs to prevent skiddies and cheats wrecking it, not the guys trying to make it work.

I couldn't agree with this more however... LOAM what you fail to realise is that the devs are perfect in every which way, beings only those of the same genetic makeup and understanding of king dg himself.

Therefore it is everyone else at fault and there couldn't possible be sound, reasonable trustworthy private community/hive/server admins who make names for themselves and run popular servers, for they are but mere peasant people.

The developers are what we shall call the "aZcended" who wouldn't even hide inside buggy hospital buildings in Arma 2 let alone use their server side powers to ruin the game for everyone else.

The best solution really here for you dg, is to run your own vanilla, untouched server, with no admin tools at all and see how that goes for you.

Heres some basic server admin questions for you for your server:

1) What are you going to do when an aimbotter shoots everyone on the map?

2) You realise that heavy projectiles such as grenades(underslung) can travel the entire distance of the map before exploding given the height/force and external tool intervention, how are you going to combat ESP and trajectory aim botting?

3) You will NEVER crush speedhacking or wall hacking and without a spectate tool or something simile to battle recorder/HLTV it will go undetected. How are you going to detect this without being able to see who's who at the very least, let alone spectating to see if its just lag or not?

4) You're aware that even if the network bubble only shows loot within the area, that external programs used for aimbotting and ESP will be used to seek out all the best loot in the area and as it spawns on server start, people will just server hop, hover up the loot and move on to continue raging people? How can you distinguish this between blind luck or ESP without spectating?

You going to rely on BE and VAC? Because thats worked so well over the years of all steam games and Arma 2.

5) What happens to people killed by these cheaters in the game that do get banned by the antihack tools? Do they get their gear back? Do they get their time invested back? No they just have to like it, end of story, full circle back to the need for a dedicated CS team unless you have a brilliant idea for this?

You want to be useful, instead of crippling the server hosting community and by proxy the regular playing community stop trying how about you 'campaign' as suggested by LOAM to the devs to increase detections and detection methods rather than trying to punish the majority for the failings of the minority just because you're paranoid.

Alternatively, just wear a tinfoil hat.
i dont want it derailed either if you actually look im just responding to those who taunted me.

so dont say its me . delete my posts but delete the others who also bait .
I couldn't agree with this more however... LOAM what you fail to realise is that the devs are perfect in every which way, beings only those of the same genetic makeup and understanding of king dg himself.

Therefore it is everyone else at fault and there couldn't possible be sound, reasonable trustworthy private community/hive/server admins who make names for themselves and run popular servers, for they are but mere peasant people.

The developers are what we shall call the "aZcended" who wouldn't even hide inside buggy hospital buildings in Arma 2 let alone use their server side powers to ruin the game for everyone else.

The best solution really here for you dg, is to run your own vanilla, untouched server, with no admin tools at all and see how that goes for you.

Heres some basic server admin questions for you for your server:

1) What are you going to do when an aimbotter shoots everyone on the map?

2) You realise that heavy projectiles such as grenades(underslung) can travel the entire distance of the map before exploding given the height/force and external tool intervention, how are you going to combat ESP and trajectory aim botting?

3) You will NEVER crush speedhacking or wall hacking and without a spectate tool or something simile to battle recorder/HLTV it will go undetected. How are you going to detect this without being able to see who's who at the very least, let alone spectating to see if its just lag or not?

4) You're aware that even if the network bubble only shows loot within the area, that external programs used for aimbotting and ESP will be used to seek out all the best loot in the area and as it spawns on server start, people will just server hop, hover up the loot and move on to continue raging people? How can you distinguish this between blind luck or ESP without spectating?

You going to rely on BE and VAC? Because thats worked so well over the years of all steam games and Arma 2.

5) What happens to people killed by these cheaters in the game that do get banned by the antihack tools? Do they get their gear back? Do they get their time invested back? No they just have to like it, end of story, full circle back to the need for a dedicated CS team unless you have a brilliant idea for this?

You want to be useful, instead of crippling the server hosting community and by proxy the regular playing community stop trying how about you 'campaign' as suggested by LOAM to the devs to increase detections and detection methods rather than trying to punish the majority for the failings of the minority just because you're paranoid.

Alternatively, just wear a tinfoil hat.

toe your trying to be too clever and like marker taking it to the extreme ! i never said all admins abuse tools :confused: the tools when used right they are a must! but... there is better ways and ways of making the tools still work without the chances of exploit ! that is upto the devs to find and make work not me not you ! im triyng to find a balance or get them to find the balance which works for both !

thats the thing we could keep the same old tools and the abuse and stuff just carries on for legit admins great ! but for those who abuse just carry on.

people want hacks gone but leave massive loop wholes as bad as hacks in the tools themselves :confused: that makes no sense ! you may aswell just let hacks plays then and say if you want use them but you dont have too.

if the tools are made correctly and work well there is no need for you or any other admin to watch players movements 24/7. you may dissagree thats fine but a said its up to how the devs make them.

one official tool to be used by admins no third party you use that or you dont have a server. if thats the rules then thats the rules.

i still think theyll bend to server owners in the end as too many will start raging because of the effects i already mentioned.

please before posting dont just assume i mean every admin i dont.
Quit arguing chaps, aren't you all like 40 odd with families?

It isn't so much the arguing that bothers me but the tripe you all spout.

A few English lessons are in order also.
You need servers to be officially moderated in that case DG.

You need godmode to stop admins getting killed / trolled into helping players then getting killed. Especially without ESP as you never know who's around. Why should the admin die while helping out? Note: Admins on CPC (except myself) do not have ESP so godmode is needed more than ever when helping players out with issues.

You need to be able to spawn items in to 'refund' players from being killed by at the least, bugs and at the worst cheaters ruining hours of play.

If you want people to stop "selling" items, then there needs to be an official server moderator system to blacklist servers from the search list. I know that DZC can blacklist IPs from showing up, start your own version of DZC that only shows 'legit' servers but then who can you trust to make sure this is always legit? There will always be bad eggs in every basket.

What about regular players that sell items that they've looted and want to make a profit on in real money? Look at Diablo 3 (Auctionhouse aswell) / EQ2 / WoW / Other MMOs where there is a black market for selling goods. The difference between an overt system and a blackmarket system is fair pricing in this case.

You will never stop it and in your campaign to prevent it, you'll just make it harder for admins to do their jobs and it'll be a case of only the rich will be well ahead, which will create even more of a problem.

There are upsides and downsides to everything.

Just find a good trustworthy server or start one yourself because by limiting admin abilities in a game like this where admins need full reign you'll cause an issue, or push for a logged system that can be tracked by moderators in some way, who are employed by BI themselves.. but then you'll have to think of a way to fund this.
I played TJ's server for a while and I loved it but the hackers, the in game bugs and base building destroyed it for me, I will however be back shortly to see if it rekindles my interest.
No ones getting personal and a discussion regarding hosting and hosting tools is surely valid?. I personally feel though Dg is that your asking for the impossible, an admin tool thar prevents cheaters, aids hosts to find exploiters and yet gives the no information that they cant use to their benefit. I dont think thats possible.
I went to hit submit but my kid decided to type at the same time.. luckily I have an OCD that makes me copy everything before I hit submit as I've been burned by forum glitches in the past lol

Edited now!

I don't know what I think of base building on a map where there isnt infinite space.. first come first served to the good locations means that people move on from server to server but I also dont think destructible bases is the way to go if they are difficult to put together and you cant defend them 24/7
haha comes to check forums neil jumped on hate dg band wagon for nothing asscoiated with me in any way :p

banana was part of mgt not my group and never has been. if you ask any of my lot we said from day one he was dirty ;) could we prove this no ! so what can you do if you cant prove it you just have to play.

we played with mgt a lot just as many of YOU do. so thats the only connection to banana . funny thing is neil you do and have been caught for cheating yet you trying to label me whos never been caught for any cheating ever lol :rolleyes:

right server side- i know how it works marker was doing it before you even thought about running boxes :p you may not of known that so ill let you slide on that ;)

as for tools and seeing it doesnt matter if your tools arnt seen the actions can be ;) . loam you may dissagree with me fair enough i understand how servers run i have ran them for many moons in many games. your op may differ from mine fair enough no problem :)

as for load outs and pay to win for admin abuse thats my op. dayz never started like that it was only because of the very tools that were added it became like that ! so by giving limited tools that is enough to do what a admin needs without making them god ! then that is all that is needed.

i dont need to run my own server to do that. im just trying to campaign to get the game fair on all levels. obviously admins do need software and tools to help monitor just not to the easy pave my own pocket expense of players.

so dont assume anything i understand what you say its just i dont agree and i will try as much as possible to make sure those very same exploits arnt in this version of the game. you may think its a waste of time i dont i like to play on a level playing field.

im all for donations for servers but when you getting 500-600 a month from basically selling gear through explotation then thats bs.

you say go to another server that doesnt do this but because others see other popular servers doing this procedure then they inturn do it. its like a snow ball. so what once was a fair legit game becomes a buy gear to win. not only this because admins run a server not only do they get gear when ever they want by abuse or spawning whatever in they can watch your " gear " locations as you play.

so by stopping it early on which is what dayz sa is it prevents the snowball effect now ! i understand many dont agree and its often the very ones proffiting from selling gear, loadouts and use the tools unfairly who respond most often cause they gonna lose a lot of money.

if you look at dayz the mod most of the busy servers sell loadouts. so if you want to play on busy servers you at a disadvantage before you even join , why ? because of abuse of the admin tools !

so yes your opinion is different i just want a fair game. is that to hard to understand? thats my op your is different i get that doesnt mean my way is wrong nor is yours ;)

well run servers even with no tools will get there donations regardless just like many of us did for many years without selling ingame stuff to win .

I joined a UK hosted Dayz server once, and it's teamspeak. Up north I found a Heuy, Littlebird, and some other stuff all parked on the same mountain. Naturally I looted what I could and then flew off in the Huey.

Next thing I know I was moved into admin channel and told that I had to put all the loot back and return the huey or face ban, because someone had bought all of it for real money.

I promptly crashed the heuy and was banned.

I can't say whos server this was as I can't remember the name of it (although searching for my nickname would probably find myself on their forums) but it is an atrocious behaviour if you ask me...donate £100 or you can't play here... really silly.

The problem was, you would think OK, I will go and find another server... I only found one private hive and before BF4 came out it was increasingly hard to find a server that is populated whilst not running silly donator schemes.

Luckily I did find one and have been playing there ever since, but I no longer play the MOD now that SA is out.
Pretty sure the word "order" in this context is used as a noun, the word also is an adverb and should be used next to verbs, not nouns? :P

Its been a while since I learned myself England ;)

I will plead the fifth & state that English isn't my first or second language so I am exempt from my own standards but will also back that up with being an avid Hypocrite and the occasional ****!
Solution to Combat Logging

If you log off one svr and log onto another, you cannot rejoin the first svr for an hour. Will stop it

[Thanks to BigChief for his input]

Please sort it out

That's a great idea!

If you jump around a bit it resets your gear, problem is this is faulty in that if your fav server goes down and you join another, this will reset your gear too.
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