DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

I really wish ED would sort out the master server issues/ keys not being sorted out before releasing more potentially buggy software

Fix what you have released and CHARGED people for , before churning out more

I think that's coming in the next patch :fingers crossed:.
But the length these issues have been going on for is bad. :(
The only problem about this game is that it does not have a dynamic campaign which annoys me as it gets boring,Falcon BMS is much better and its free.
The only problem about this game is that it does not have a dynamic campaign which annoys me as it gets boring,Falcon BMS is much better and its free.

Agreed, I've just lost patience with flight sims now. I still have my TM cougar, trackir and CH pedals but I never use them.
I think that's coming in the next patch :fingers crossed:.
But the length these issues have been going on for is bad. :(

Problem is that ED haven't a clue when this patch will be released

On one side you have 1C .... who promise a patch next week ....... next week
Other extreme you have ED ..... who knows what they are doing
I bought DSC A-10C the day it was released here in the UK, but i put the game away until i upgraded my PC.
Well a long time has passed and i still have the same PC due to having no spare cash.

Anyway, i would like to install the game for the first time and was wondering if anyone could help me by telling me what i need to do to get this sim up and running?

I've been reading through this thread to find out what i need to do, but its got very long and other add-ons are in the mix.
So what is the best install method for A-10C and what patch/patches do i need?


iirc its fairly easy to install just the base A-10 on its own, thats the way im still running it.

Just install the files you have now and then download each of the patch files up to seperately, theres no kind of 'master patch' for any version up to the current one they all need to be done in turn I think.

Alternately you could just download the full version from their site again and I think your key then works as normal when asked for it

Please correct me if im wrong anybody,
You have a choice, stick with what you have on disk (which is OK). Or...

Install DCS:-World and the A-10 module. You get free Su-25T aircraft with that too.

DCS went free to play with DCS:-World, and you can use the plugin modules such as the A10 you bought to place into it. This is the latest version of DCS.

I would suggest waiting for a day or two as there is new version, with an auto updater, on the way.

Thanks for your help. I don't want to play online, so i will just stick with the standard A-10c install for now.

One more thing, i have an X-52 Pro and Thrustmaster MFD Cougar panels that i bought for this sim. I've not used them yet and was wondering if there are any good profiles for the X-52 Pro that i can download. I have seen some online, but are there any profiles that are made by anyone who is using the MFD panels and who does not have trackIR?

Thanks again,

DCS 1.2.1 is out.

DCS 1.2.1 Updates

The move to DCS version 1.2.1 marks numerous changes and improvements to the entire series of DCS products. As with the all DCS products now, DCS World (1.2.1) must now be installed prior to installing any of the DCS module versions 1.2.1.

DCS World 1.2.1: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?ProductId=21&end_pos=137&scr=product&lang=en

DCS 1.2.1 Modules: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?end_pos=136&scr=products&lang=en

New 1.2.1 changes include:

DCS World, 1.2.1

This new update to DCS World provides a set of new features and fixes. The most important of which is the new auto updater that will now automatically update your DCS World files without having to download entire new versions and manually install.

• Added new auto updater function. This will automatically update your DCS World files to their latest versions when online.
• Corrected KMGU-2 loading in the Resource Manger.
• Improved multiplayer stability and issues with master server.
• The Su-25T Flight Manual has been updated.
• We have fixed forests that would be missing on map when zoomed in.
• The proper S-125 HUD symbol has been added to the Su-25T when in SEAD mode.
• Corrected unit measurement for Russian AWACS (feet to meters).
• Added a change to the manual for the role change window in single player.
• Added some additional Su-25T commands for keyboard and joystick.
• Optimized the models for the IL-76MD, IL-78M and A-50 aircraft.
• Added "Escort" and "Follow" advanced tasks for aircraft in the Mission Editor.
• Fixed Su-25T autopilot.
• Corrected rocket/missile smoke trails.
• The Su-25T gun pods are now modeled correctly.
• Improved water effects.
• New F/A-18C model.
• New MiG-31 model.
• New T-90 main battle tank model.
• Updated DCS User Manual.

DCS: P-51D Mustang (Final), 1.2.1
• War Emergency Power (WEP) has been implemented.
• Tail wheel dynamics reworked for more realistic performance.
• Realistic cooling system added and integrated into the full engine thermodynamic model.
• Landing gear physics have been reworked to have realistic behavior and interaction with the fairing doors and down-lock latches.
• Fairing doors can now be damaged or ripped off at over-speed conditions.
• Engine wear or damage due to high manifold pressure at low RPM, overheating, and overuse of WEP has been implemented.
• Oil pressure is now viscosity dependent. Oil dilution is now possible and has direct impact on engine performance.
• The front dash gauge panel and the K-14 gunsight are now spring suspended.
• The K-14 gunsight has been reworked using new data from K-14 documents.
• The rudder anti-booster tab now works correctly.
• Control stick and rudder pedals movement are now limited due to hinge moments.
• Flap drag has been adjusted.
• Lamps brightness and electro-dynamic gauge readings are now voltage sensitive. You can best see this during engine start.
• The starter can now be burned out due to overheat if overused or overloaded.
• Guns jam due to over-G firing has been added.
• The radiator shutters' thermo-sensors can be damaged now.
• All aircraft failures are now reported correctly in debriefings.
• Sounds for the primer, pilot parachute opening and flapping during decent, and pilot landing have been added. The canopy sound has also been improved.
• Corrected tendency for left roll at takeoff.
• Adjusted Red Tail pilot art.
• Improved bailing out animation.
• Fixed landing light on with air start.
• Fixed cockpit tooltip for the gun switch.
• Corrected radio information entry in Mission Editor.
• Improved AI P-51D.
• Fixed SCR-522 resetting in some situations.
• Adjusted G impact on airframe.
• Improved pilot normal maps.
• Adjusted landing gear collision model.
• Corrected trim performance in multiplayer.
• Adjusted wingmen takeoff behavior.
• Improved prop RPM model.
• Sounds for control stick and rudder movement have been added.

DCS: A-10C Warthog, 1.2.1
• Flight model updated.
• New APU sounds.
• Corrected inverted flight behavior.
• Fixed course and heading on HSI continuing to change after knob input has ceased.
• Reworked TGP tracking. TGP would now enter INR track for approximately one second after slew has stopped. It will now enter AREA / POINT track.
• Fixed sensor axis responsiveness after exit from LSS when TGP is masked.
• Only POINT track and RATES are now possible in TGP A/A mode.
• TGP will now revert to RATES when a track is lost in A/A mode.

DCS: Black Shark 2, 1.2.1
• Restored the vertical bar on the Ka-50 right window (view inside cockpit).
• Corrected brightness of lamps and devices in the cockpit.
• Corrected shadows of IR rockets on the water.
• Fixed Abkhazia skin for Ka-50.
• Adjusted clickable zones in the cockpit.
• Corrected number of saved PVI zones in memory.
• Fixed NDB indication on ABRIS map.
• Corrected shadow on the ground from rotor blades.
• Fixed Ka-50 repair procedure when on the runway.
• PVR is no longer powered by SUO (Weapon Systems) switch.
• SUO (Weapon Systems) switch logic has been revised - now it controls the ability to fire weapons and to display weapons status. Additionally, external fuel tanks will not transfer fuel when the switch is OFF.
• Vikhr ATGM issues fixed.
• Autopilot control panel and Datalink panel lamps status is now reset when electric power is lost.
• Hydraulic system related instruments will no longer work when electrical power is lost.
• Ambient temperature indicator (the one above the pilot on the cockpit ceiling) was implemented.

DCS: Combined Arms Beta 2, 1.2.1
• Changed the binocular button on the F10 view.
• Improved operation of mouse cursor.
• Altered Instructor mode for bot-units.
• Added new message for user when start is delayed.
• Corrected role selector function.
• Added artillery range rings in F10 view.
• Fixed sight lock in some situations.
• Fixed player control process for SAMs.
• Fixed working compass and turret rotation indicator for ZSU-23-4.
• Added route refresh function in MP.
• Corrected users’ names for all CA units in MP.
• Corrected tank sight for zoomed in mode.
• Corrected ammunition status field.
• Fixed Battlefield Commanders ability to target artillery in MP.
• Corrected Lock - Unlock sequence targeting.
• Fixed tank sight for HE shells.
• Added fixed delay time between locks.
• Fixed the ability to lock units behind terrain.
• Added tank ability to turn on the spot.

Uninstall all previous DCS products prior to versions 1.2.1
Note: Do NOT deactivate your products!
To be safe, delete \Saved Games\DCS files
Install DCS World 1.2.1
Install each new DCS module (1.2.1 or latest Beta version)
Note: A new activation will not be required unless this is the first time you have installed the product.

Please note that MP requires you to have all products S/N activated using the same DCS (webshop) account.

It's annoying having to uninstall/reinstall so often lately, but I guess from now that won't matter. If I have to rebind everything because of incompatibilities someone is gonna get shived.
Hoping the current load of MP issues are sorted for real, pretty much stopped playing because it was that bad for large group play ;)
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I had to use 2

1 for BS2 (count left was 6 .. wtf ?) <----------- Seriously lucky here , I still had BS1 installed and on last activation)

1 for A10C (count left was 4 .. wtf ?)
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I had to use 2

1 for BS2 (count left was 6 .. wtf ?) <----------- Seriously lucky here , I still had BS1 installed and on last activation)

1 for A10C (count left was 4 .. wtf ?)

OK thanks - seem to be a widespread problem - I'm looking into it.

is it really recommending a complete uninstall and reinstall or am I reading wrong ?

Yeah that's the recommendation - from here on in the auto updater will prevent this being necessary ever again.

I must say i'm a bit confused about what i need to do to patch DCS A-10 C.

I bought A-10C from a store the day it was released. So i have it on DVD-ROM. I have only just installed it last night, but do i now have to uninstall it before i patch it?

I'm just finding it very unclear what i need to do to patch this game. Do i need to uninstall the game first?

Nate, can you please talk me through what i need to do to get A-10C up and running.
As i said, at the moment, i have just installed A-10C, but i've not started playing it yet. DCS world will improve A-10C, then i will use it, so if this is the case, could you also talk me through what i need to do to get A-10C working with DCS world.
I've not looked into DCS world at all yet. I'm not into playing online or using russian aircraft.


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