US: DC's Legends of Tomorrow

I'm rubbish with names but the one who lost his suit and then he's made another one - HOW?
Is there an Engineering factory on board?

I'm guessing that there's an advanced 3D printing suite on board that's linked to Gideon, it would make sense for any 'on the fly' repairs to the ship. Even today's ships are making use of 3D printing so it's safe to assume that a time ship from the future is too. And it's capabilities would far outstrip those of today.
Yup some form of 3d printing, that is what they have been using to make all their time period clothing + weapons i.e. the western revolvers.
I'm guessing that there's an advanced 3D printing suite on board that's linked to Gideon, it would make sense for any 'on the fly' repairs to the ship. Even today's ships are making use of 3D printing so it's safe to assume that a time ship from the future is too. And it's capabilities would far outstrip those of today.

Bugger, a decent answer
It's still complete cheese, the writing is still just as bad but I'll admit without the Hawk plot dragging it down I'm really just enjoying them doing this as a wacky time period of the week thing.
I'm guessing that there's an advanced 3D printing suite on board that's linked to Gideon, it would make sense for any 'on the fly' repairs to the ship. Even today's ships are making use of 3D printing so it's safe to assume that a time ship from the future is too. And it's capabilities would far outstrip those of today.

I thought the problem with re making the suit was to do with the fact it uses the Dark Star alloy and how hard it was to obtain etc? Or have I got that completely wrong?
I thought the problem with re making the suit was to do with the fact it uses the Dark Star alloy and how hard it was to obtain etc? Or have I got that completely wrong?

Which they found enough of to power 1000 suits.
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"Call me". Haha, love Mick. I'm in such a strange place with DC shows at the moment. I enjoy them all but I'm aware how crap they can be but I don't care?! Also, Supergirl is actually a blast at the moment.
That latest episode was great fun. All those sly little Star Wars references and they ended up in a trash compacter. "Help us save the World. You're our only hope". :D
Haha, I love this show now. It doesn't take itself too seriously (very often) and I think it benefirs greatly from it. At the moment it's my favourite of the DC quad followed probably by Supergirl which is actually not as crap as I thought it was going to be. Flash is abit rubbish now and don't get me started on Arrow.
Great episode, loved seeing Malcolm and Damien hamming it up for best bad guy :D
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