Dead Space (Remake)

That's good because apparently there is a game breaking bug at the end of the PC version, twitch streamer bawkbasoup, There's a glitch on the last chapter of the game where batteries don't spawn for a puzzle. I've reinstalled, loaded old chapters, deleted files and redownloaded etc.
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Yeah DLSS off still runs good, for me too, can still get 60fps so for now am playing TAA, even though there's more Aliasing. Brightness 49 as noted above, seems to be the best value before black crush of the left most logo on the screen.

Oh yeah, TAA vs DLSS Quality, it's true the sharpness is just better and threads on fabrics are visible now so I mostly take back comments about Callisto textures being much more detailed, as now with TAA, DS Remake is also very detailed:



Might seem subtle at first, but in motion in areas like this it does make a big difference to crispness of everything:

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It's been a while since I played DS, is one of the first objectives to restore power to the ship? All the screenshots I've been seeing look like some has turned off all the lights
Link to this?

Fix for VRS, can confirm it looks better.


Fix for VRS, can confirm it looks better.

Hmm doesn't make a huge difference to me, sharpness on TAA is still better:



I will keep TAA until the official patch which seems to be in the works now!
Overall, just TAA isn't so bad actually having now played an hour+ with it. The aliasing on straight lines isn't as obvious as I initially thought. Just use TAA until it's patched properly. Still get 60fps at Ultra preset 3440x1440. The weird thing is that this game's 60fps is far smoother than the Witcher 3 Next Gen's locked 60fps. The camera movement you can feel is buttery smooth like a German engineered volume knob on a high end hifi, whereas Witcher's camera movement, even locked at 60fps and with the same Gsync in action visually feels like an ALBA hifi volume knob :p
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