Yep I liked what I saw, looks like ray traced reflections (didn't have the tell tale SSR quirk as the reflection gets to the edge of frame) and GI too at play. I like the fact that they didn't crush the blacks so it looked like a faded colour grade (old dead space had this, Callisto has this) - So playing on QD-OLED is going to be amazing with this lol.
It was being played on a PC at 4K 60fps, I saw no major stutters, just a few minor fps drops randomly - Minor optimisations perhaps before launch..The fact that it was running and looking flawless at 4K 60 on PC means I should have no trouble at 3440x1440 hopefully.
The audio also was top notch, Calisto is amazing already but I don't recall the sound directing being this cinematic from DS1.
It would indeed appear that EA have not messed this one up from those 18 minutes lol.
Although yes, I will not get too hyped just incase lol.