I am sorry, but if kids and young adults have no respect for their own parents and have no respect for their teachers, with them probably at least a second generation with such disrespect inbred into their ethos, then only Draconian force will muster their compliance. They are capable of respect, but only from those they fear financially or physically.
I am glad I am of the age I am, having had the pleasure (unbeknownst at the time of course) of growing up in a relatively civilised age I would not want to be a young child now unless my parents were wealthy and foresighted enough to bring me up outside of the excesses we now witness daily in inner cities. Whilst admitting I would yearn for the Bobby on the beat nodding sagely at people, and having ultimate respect from society in general, I acknowledge this is wishful thinking and a dog eat dog society has emerged with little if any respect for their peers. I fear the longer it's ignored the more ingrained it becomes and the harder it will be to try and eradicate it. If indeed eradication is even possible.
It depends what you're angling for, you say kids and young adults have no respect for their own parents, no respect for their teachers - I agree, but how is shooting them going to help in the long run? It doesn't work at all in the US - it causes more problems than it solves, but I suppose it depends whether you want to actually solve a problem, or simply dish out ever increasing amounts of force, in order to take control. (which as far as I can tell, has never worked anywhere and lasted)
What happens when guns become normalised - where the police are fully armed, but the problems still remain, the crimes are still committed, the stabbings still go on and the acid still gets thrown - what then? missiles? bombs? where do you go from there? The way to solve the problem surely can't simply be to give all the police guns - it only takes a few minutes of thought to come up with far better ideas.
Policing is more than just about arresting people and locking them up - it should be a community service, that means engagement - if the police engage with the community properly (
like they used to) the respect for all the other things will probably come back, that includes respect for teachers, parents and authority in general. It doesn't just stop with the police, there are many services which were very good which have been raped out of existence, many health and support services which have gone - and many more which could have been created which will never exist.
We also need to tackle responsible parenting, one thing I've noticed (especially when I lived in Southwark) was how young single parent mothers - simply didn't care and couldn't control their teenage kids, the opposite was true - they controlled the mother and got away with everything - ultimately it ended up with gangs and knife crime for many kids. I'm not sure how you solve complex problems like that, I doubt there is a single silver bullet, but I'm pretty sure arming the police with guns won't really help, it'll just make things worse (like the US)