Having studied hypnosis, NLP does overlap with it a lot. Saying so doesn't make someone a loon.
For someone obviously fairly intelligent, you do seem very gullible for CT nonsense.
NLP in itself is not a conspiracy. Be careful of people who use their closed mind to irrationally deny all mechanisms of brainwashing and call everything to do with cognitive sciences "pseudoscience". These same people completely discredit and deny the entire life research of people like Noam Chomsky, totally unreasonably, under "pseudoscience". It's laughable really, they deny the entire works of professors, just because some people start trying to make money using NLP trainings etc. What a disgraceful argument, simply full of low level denial... According to these people's logic and definition, things like CBT, would also fall under "pseudoscience", even though practitioners of CBT have helped countless millions.
Now let me give you my personal
reasoned thoughts on NLP:
Firstly, do not get your definition of NLP from the Wikipedia article for NLP its very conflated with people using it to make money.
Read the article for neurolinguistics and psycholinguisics, without the "programming" bit. Once you have understood the mechanisms of "neurolinguistics" and psycholinguistics, without the "programming", then you can sort of get an idea of what sort of brainwashing
may be possible using these mechanisms.
Just to keep it basic and literal....
Neuro-linguistic. To me this just means that language can affect the neural. See all animals have sensory abilities, these senses affect how the brain forms connections. For example, some people may have a fear of loud noises lets call this a "neuro-auditory" mechanism. Some people's moods are affected by light, lets just call this a "neuro-visual" mechanism. For some people, touch might evoke some sort of response in the brain, we can call this a "neuro-tactile" mechanism.
Now, because humans can also process language, there is a mechanism for "neuro-linguistics".
This is simply the research of the connection of language, with the brain or the mind.