Declining attitude to law and order

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I'd have to watch the video again but I wasn't talking about the guy with pepper spray obviously - some of the others didn't appear to be acting like plain clothes police.

I definitly think the guy with the pepper spray was acting like a braindea idiot the way he wa during it lol
Comical watching this, they clearly need more training.

Just had chance to look at that video, what a carry on, I honestly thought it was some comedy sketch for a while, all they had to do was twist his balls and he'd be calm as a lamb. Truly pitiful. Those two should be lollipop men, not London bobbies. Embarrassing to watch.
Just had chance to look at that video, what a carry on, I honestly thought it was some comedy sketch for a while, all they had to do was twist his balls and he'd be calm as a lamb. Truly pitiful. Those two should be lollipop men, not London bobbies. Embarrassing to watch.

Very embarrassing and all of this was very unnecessary, the two cops was power tripping.

Did you hear them ask him to put his hand behind his back? Well, he can't because the other officer is holding his arm back. :rolleyes:

Disgusting behaviour from a lot of people in that video and the comments in the twitter. Just shows the Police are not respected by the younger generation, there is no united civility, no one helped them or didn't know how to help them.

The staff could had came out for example and blocked that area off, asked people to get out or some citizen could had stepped up and did the same.

Anyway, reading through the comments, I had to share and laugh at this. lol


From what I understand, the guy being arrested was fighting.
Wow, what an absolute circus. How poor that the staff of the restaurant are not helping the police, this just shows you the state of play. The staff probably felt too intimidated or are just as apathetic and dismissive themselves.


An article has appeared in the Independent with comment from the police federation:

Speaking to BBC Radio 5Live, Mr Marsh laid out several factors he thought had contributed to the ugly scenes.

He said: “I think there is a lack of sentencing and strength of action that’s taken against police when they are assaulted. I’ve openly heard judges say in court, ‘You should expect it, you’re a police officer’.

“When you start hearing things like that then there is a complete breakdown in society.”

When the judiciary isn't even on your side you know its a sorry state.
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Wow, what an absolute circus. How poor that the staff of the restaurant are not helping the police, this just shows you the state of play. The staff probably felt too intimidated or are just as apathetic and dismissive themselves.


An article has appeared in the Independent with comment from the police federation:

When the judiciary isn't even on your side you know its a sorry state.
Completely agree, they should be charged with assault too. As a police offer you should expect to have to put up with people resisting arrest, not to be assaulted by members of the public whilst making an arrest.
Welcome to London....

Enjoy the decline along with waves of cultural enrichment encouraged by the regressive left.

My friend works as a doorman, says he has to put up with Somali gangs and says basically he knows they pretty much all carry knives.
Probably engineers or cabinet makers still accruing a full set of tools, give them a chance.... ;)

Or just maybe the step from piracy to Pimlico is just one step too much to take.
Well, I guess That's what you get for the Police spending the last 25 years or so placing "Diversity" and "Showing solidarity" with societies weird fringe above basic police work!

We live in a world where, over the last 30 years or so, the Police have managed to alienate and lose the respect of the middle classes. nearly 90% of housebreaking and vehicle thefts go unsolved (Heres your crime number, just claim on the insurance and stop bothering us). Field, Factory or Village green invaded by Travelers (Sorry, Civil Matter, nothing to do with us)

But HOLY CRAP, 1MPH over the speed limit and here's your ticket you Baby-killer!

Meanwhile they have also lost the respect of the Criminals as a result of routinely overlooking criminal activities (Sometimes very serious ones-Rotherham anybody?) and trying to be every-bodies friend in order to "Promote good community relations".

Add to that already toxic mix and we also have a Judicial system that seems to think it is acceptable for multiple repeat offenders, sometimes with literally Dozens of convictions to their name, to still have their freedom!

How we get back from this sorry state of affairs I really dont know. But sadly I suspect that even with a concerted effort, it would still take a generation to repair the damage. :/
We have seen a direct rise in individualism with the decline of hierarchy and institution over the last 40 years. There has been a push to question everything especially power structures and popular culture told you it was cool to be cynical. This has probably been for a few reasons, I guess a rise in left wing politics and intellectualism along with a number of scandals that have exposed corruption within our institutions. This has left people basically cynical of any collective institution that is not focused on the individual.

In some sectors of society a policeman has gone from an authority figure to being stripped of any status and just another individual or even worse an individual form the now despised "system".

My wife is a teacher and I can see this in the attitude parents have towards her. She is just another person, her knowledge and experience counts for nothing. This is not the attitude my parents had or that existed when I was a child. There was an understanding the authority of the running of the school lay with those who ran it and in all likelihood they knew best.

Individualism can work if the everyone involved has a strong sense of personal responsibility. But what about those that aren't responsible. What cues are they picking up from our society so they behave in a way that doesn't make it horrible for the rest of us? I don't really see many, the world seems increasingly like a giant playground where anything goes.

Maybe I'm just an old man but I can still remember when people used to believe in things. I don't think anyone really trusts anything anymore, no wonder the mental health of people is in such a state.
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@MookJong completely agree with what you're saying.

It's also quite interesting in that I think I've actually lost a lot of respect towards some 'authority figures' for the reasons you've suggested. Although in my case it's more industry 'experts'. Throughout my working career I've been exposed to them and found many to just be absolutely incompetent. The only reason they're in the positions they're in is because of who they know, outright lies or utter luck.
I think the bankers who failed to see the world financial crisis coming are a prime example.
Special interest groups have long interfered with justice in the West. Jewish groups in particular, which is why that man with his Nazi salute dog was jailed.

The decision was applauded by Jewish groups.

Now despite it not being a law, there are people actually in court in Britain for questioning the Holocaust, or as they like to brand it.. Holocaust denial.

You live under Jewish tyranny LOL

Welcome to London....

Enjoy the decline along with waves of cultural enrichment encouraged by the regressive left.

My friend works as a doorman, says he has to put up with Somali gangs and says basically he knows they pretty much all carry knives.

Sure, it's noting to do with all the cuts. The right have been in power for years now. You can't blame "the left".
Sure, it's noting to do with all the cuts. The right have been in power for years now. You can't blame "the left".

I don't think any quantity of Somalians have been here for years though, that's the point. All these so called "asylum seekers" don't seem appreciative of a quiet life, they seem keen to become gangsters, thieves and drug dealers with a bit of sexual assault, rape or paedophilia in their spare time.
There's been a strong influx of Somalians to the UK in recent years the size of the Somalian population was relatively small until then. The civil wars in Somalia in the eighties and nineties saw a large influx and we now have one of the, if not the largest Somalian populations in Europe, having gained a load more of them from Scandinavia. Somali born immigrants boast the lowest employment figures in the UK of all immigrants. Their use of the hallucinogenic, Khat is at the opposite end of the spectrum. They are known for extreme violence and a scant regard for UK law and order as this episode typifies:

In their homeland they seem to favour piracy on the high seas with many cases of murder in the process.
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