****Courtesy of one of our American friends who recieved his a few hours ago****
OK, I don't have a camera with me till I get home, but I darkened my office as best I could, but it wasn't 100% dark, but as far as I can tell there is no noticable light bleed. As I said my office couldn't get 100% dark, so there was some refelction, but compared to monitors with obvious bleed, there was none apparent, just and overall even very faint screen glow at a dos prompt. In windows blacks look blacker than the 243T. The 2D picture quality is quite stunning. If you grab a window and shake it around you get some minor ghosting, but again less than the 243T or other 25ms monitors. Not bad at all really. Distinctly brighter and more vivid picture than other large high end LCD monitors I have used lately.
Alos seems like zero stuck pixels but I'm still searching.
I also have the Samsung 243T and you do notice the improved contrast right away. I can't exactly game here at work or watch DVD's, so that will have to wait. Sorry no pics, but you have all see what the monitor looks like earlier in the thread. The base is nicer than the 243T in my opinion.., but it seems that the ceter top tilt position of the monitor looks ever so slightly off level. no biggie.