I've not even got it and I'm having 2nd thougts
I get buyers remorse with practically every pc component I've bought lately. But it soon wears off.
I've not even got it and I'm having 2nd thougts
I've not even got it and I'm having 2nd thougts
Because it's a grainy flimsy wobbley TN ?
Because it's a grainy flimsy wobbley TN ?
Ignore Easy, seems he can't be satisfied in the monitor department
If this is the same as the Swift then you'll love it
Ignore Easy, seems he can't be satisfied in the monitor department
Well it's clear that g-sync has it's benefits and is clearly highly spoken off. I hope it lives up to expectations.
Now I just need to get BF4DB to sort their crap out and stop me being kicked.
Got one of these coming today. Its my first G-sync screen so cant wait. To get me up to speed can anyone let me know of anything I should be aware of both putting togther and setting up the screen. Is there anything inside the NVCP that I should enable disable. Ie vsync etc. As far as I'm aware I enable g-snyc and diable adaptive sync vsync tripple buffing etc etc..
And one more thing can anyone link me to the TFT ICC profile that's talked about in here and how do I install it ?
One last thing whats the app I saw someone use on here that fills teh screen black, white, then green,red and blue to test for dead pixels etc.
Anything else I should be looking out for to make sure I have a good quality panel that doesn't need to go back.
Sorry about all the question But Id like to give it a good test tonight after work and make sure its up to scratch.
Can anyone post up there settings they are using, had a quick look at lunch time and it seems the Out of the box ones are not great.