Got my U2410 on Friday along with my new desk ready for when my room's painted. Finished painting on Saturday night, left it to dry for the night and have just finished putting everything back in.
I would have loved to get the carpet done (as you can see), but it's rented accommodation so I'm not doing much more than paint.
Here goes!
Old colour, just before painting. Polyfilled & scraped where necessary. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of a before when all my old stuff was in there, but might be able to dig one out at some point:
(Excuse the dirty windows, got some paint on there which I haven't cleaned off yet).
Blurry i4 photo does nothing for the screen!
Could do with a new bed quite desperately. Loving the desk though
Oh, yes. By the way Acronis 10 Workstation seems to not like the USB on the U2410. Every time I started the machine it'd blue screen, managed to get past that by plugging the USB in after the PC was booted, but then every time I put something in the side it would blue screen. Eventually had to uninstall Acronis in safe mode to make it work.
Really hope I can make them work together as I far prefer Acronis Workstation over true image.
Desk is this if anyone's interested: