Maybe this is the afterlife.
<dramatic music>
Funnily enough I was thinking this whilst listening to the first part of the audio the OP referenced.
i.e. We're in the third life-the intermediate realm now. I did apparently die and was brought back to life in 1996. Maybe I did die.
*Edit. Thought to add a bit more info of my NDE, also would love to hear more of the circumstances around yours Castiel, I guess you can call being in a coma a NDE.
Here is a short version for now of mine. It was Christmas eve 1996, I was attacked and knocked unconscious very close to midnight. I was left semi naked outside and was not found until around 6-7AM Christmas morning. The temperature that night was -6. I was taken into hospital by the emergency services, I came around for the first time around that time then slipped into unconsciousness again. When I came into hospital my temperature was around 30-31 and I went into cardiac arrest and my heart stopped.
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