Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Im getting closer and closer to pressing that refund button.. gave the pvp a try a few times and it felt like CoD with the same insane short ttk although slower movement, some may like that but i dont..i really really dont. So fare this Demo only has one thing going for it imho and that's the good performance and good visuals.

It felt like CoD? Not sure we're playing the same game but it feels nothing like CoD. It feels more like Halo and Destiny 1 online than CoD. Movement is far slower and i'd say a higher skill base than CoD.

I'm a prestige master on CoD and i've played every last CoD online and it's nothing like it at all. Go play Halo you'll see what i mean :p

Just because you aren't a fan of the PvP shouldn't put you off it though. I mainly play destiny 1 for the raids as they're a lot of fun with a full team.

You should give that a go for sure if you decide to keep your purchase for destiny 2 :)
It's nothing like cod and it's only a quick ttk because your mainly playing vs first timers. Once people start playing properly, a good player can/will be difficult to take out.

This is a tiny taster, barely even a beta, common sense and the mountains of information that's available should tell you what's in store - plus the console players will provide even more specific feedback. If you don't like the feel of the game then it clearly won't be for you (I hate overwatch but that doesn't mean it's not an amazing game) but if content is the concern, then wait and see before makinga decision.

The big concern I had was the feel of the game/weapons, they have aced it imo.
What's your thoughts on the beta mate?

Its hard to say...

Graphically = its good but not out of this world good - however it fits the theme of the game
Performance = amazing. 4k, 60FPS on almost highest settings on a 1080ti. Fantastic.

Gameplay = this where I am unsure about but I think its due to the lightweight nature of the beta. PVP in this game aint for me, I don't like it at all, but the PVE aspect I can see potential. The PVE at the moment, feels generic most of the time, shoot and kill the bullet sponge....I don't know how I feel about that. And yes this coming from a TD player but it just feels too much imo.

In addition, I hate the menu system and invite system.

Luckily, I got the base game for free so will play that regardless with some buds but right now, I don't see longevity in the game just a bit of fun for a month.

And this is from someone who hasn't played D1 but just my 2c
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Its hard to say...

Graphically = its good but not out of this world good - however it fits the theme of the game
Performance = amazing. 4k, 60FPS on almost highest settings on a 1080ti. Fantastic.

Gameplay = this where I am unsure about but I think its due to the lightweight nature of the beta. PVP in this game aint for me, I don't like it at all, but the PVE aspect I can see potential. The PVE at the moment, feels generic most of the time, shoot and kill the bullet sponge....I don't know how I feel about that. And yes this coming from a TD player but it just feels too much imo.

In addition, I hate the menu system and invite system.

Luckily, I got the base game for free so will play that regardless with some buds but right now, I don't see longevity in the game just a bit of fun for a month.

And this is from someone who hasn't played D1 but just my 2c

I haven't even been able to work out how to invite someone yet. I see their name but no options for 'invite to game' or anything. How a game can get this wrong after many years and many games having this function is beyond me.
It's all sounding good, looking forward to the open beta.

Is anything here double dipping? I'd love to play on PC but all my mates are on Xbox so I'm limited.. thinking of getting both, but then I would be splitting my time between the 2 platforms, and progress on each would be a lot slower :(
Destiny itself I don't think will click for everyone. It took me until the taken king to actually enjoy the first one. Takes time to get used to, I doubt this beta offers enough to give a good idea of the whole package?

Looking forward to trying it myself today though, I wasn't a hard-core player but enjoyed running strikes and did the taken king raid once then stopped playing. (Platforming in an Fps shouldn't be a thing)
The Taken King raid was actually a lot of fun for the way it mixed things up a little. It was fun taking people through for the first time and having them take the lead through the pistons part and hear their expletives. Everyone had to know there position and what to do/when, it started off being very frustrating but after a while it was much easier with the right team. And D2 will be more of the same, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I've cancelled my pre-order for Playstation 4 but im keeping the PC one for now :)

It's just a shame PC owners have to wait another 2 months for it.
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I wasn't sold on it last night. It was a bit bullet spungy for my liking.

However It looked great, movement was decent.

I dunno... Will play again tonight and tomorrow and decide what to do with my pre order later
Can anyone comment on 1070 performance? All previews were on 1080ti, just wondering if I could achieve a good performance at 4k with some visual sacrifices to maintain frame rate? It sounds like a really good port
If you see my first post further up I benchmarked my R5 1600 (@3.8) / GTX 1070 @ 1440p max settings (FXAA). Overall average was around 85FPS with no drops below 60FPS.

(This was the entire first mission from the moment you saw the flagship to the end cut scene).

I imagine with a mix of medium and high settings that 60FPS should be do-able on a 1070 at 4K.
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