Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Do you stay the same level, or can you level up items like the first Destiny? I tried the Strike but got a bit.. creamed. I had a shotgun, fire damage weapon and the Minigun you pickup.
Progression will be similar to D1 - starting with white gear and progressing up to legendary/Exotics.

(Unless you mean the beta whereby we are all locked in at 200 light with the weapons available across all characters (bar exotics)).
Since I've never played D1 can someone explain the difference between legendary and exotic items and which are better? Also, when as above your weapon is at 200 light, is light just an indication of level?
Legendary and Exotics are the highest tiered weapons/armour in the game. You can only ever have one piece of armour or a weapon as exotic (unless you have an exotic class item from a faction). Exotics are often better and have an extra perk over legendary items, however you don't always need one equipped as sometimes you can find a legendary just as good.

Your level in Destiny 1 is an average of your armour and weapons together. to be 200 light you'd need everything to have a value of 200. Guns, Armour, Class Item and Ghost.
Damn, so Destiny 2 requires 68GB. I need a bigger SSD as 250GB doesn't cut it with what games I've already got installed.
Since I've never played D1 can someone explain the difference between legendary and exotic items and which are better? Also, when as above your weapon is at 200 light, is light just an indication of level?

Destiny follows the same RPG color schemes as everything else

white = common
green = uncommon
blue = rare
purple = legendary
orange = exotic

Light is the exact same function as item level in other games like Warcraft or Path of Exile. Your overall character light is the average of all your gear's light. The higher your light, the more damage you can deal and take.
Since I've never played D1 can someone explain the difference between legendary and exotic items and which are better? Also, when as above your weapon is at 200 light, is light just an indication of level?

Legendary weapons are basically the highest tier "normal" weapons you can get in the game (same case with armour). They have more perks and increase light stats compared to rares (blue).

Assuming it is the same as D1 you will see:

- White gear (common)
- Green gear (uncommon)
- Blue gear (rare)
- Purple gear (Legendary)

Exotics are considered unique items with specific perks (and in most cases lore behind them - see Thorn/ Weapon of sorrow).

For example from Destiny 1:

Lengendary pulse rifle - Suros PDX-45- Basically a standard pulse rifle with various rolls available.

Exotic pulse rifle - Bad Juju - Same archetype as the PDX but has unique perks which auto generates ammo on kill (no reloads) and massively buffs your super bar on multi kills.

Light is a representation of your power level. It is calculated as an average of your currently equipped gear. In terms of damage you will be doing full damage on or above the required light level (there is a damage cap whereby you won't do any more damage - a level 2 Vandal will not die from a single melee from a 400 light / level 40 guardian for example). Under the required light level your damage and damage resistance drops off until you can't do any damage at all - generally considered to be 40 light below requirement.

The above of course assumes they haven't changed anything in D2. From playing the beta it isn't difficult to tell as you are bang on level for the mission / strike.
So wait, if I just plug in an Xbox 360 controller, and then play with my Mouse+keyboard I will get aim assist ? I'm even more glad I don't PvP now
Details of the first DLC have already leaked:
Jason Schreier said:
Yesterday, a source sent over some high-level details on the upcoming DLC, which is called The Curse of Osiris and scheduled to be out in December, three months after Destiny 2 launches on September 6. According to those details—which I’ve corroborated with a second source familiar with plans for Destiny 2—The Curse of Osiris will come with a patrol zone on the planet Mercury and a social space on the Lighthouse, an area that in Destiny 1 was only available to players who netted flawless records in the player vs. player gauntlet Trials of Osiris.

The DLC’s story will revolve around saving Osiris—who has been mentioned quite a bit in Destiny lore but not yet seen in the game—from the robotic alien Vex. We should hear more about it soon.
So wait, if I just plug in an Xbox 360 controller, and then play with my Mouse+keyboard I will get aim assist ? I'm even more glad I don't PvP now


If you do it's bugged, the suggestion to remove controller is just that, a suggestion

You need a XIM to spoof aim assist with m/kb

There is an extremely high chance of aim assist being removed in crucible though, the outroar is extremely loud and has dominated the PC beta discussion, and it's the only feedback from the beta that Bungie has actually responded to. We'll know what Bungie is going to do after the PC beta has ended.
Big thank you to all those who replied to my q's. Can I ask, are legendary and exotic drops only found in strikes or will the solo campaign provide them as well?
Its impossible to tell for definite yet. As this kind of stuff may be tweaked and changed right up until release day or after.

But i think in D1 you can get them in some strikes (weekly and heroic ones) /quests/faction rep grinding and vendors (Xur) dailies etc.

But it will auto match make you with people for stuff you dont have a group for.

Dont be put off by the MM - I played the original on console pretty much solo, bar 1x original raid with friends, and the rest was with drop in an out randoms who never used voice chat once.

Its an enjoyable experience.
Big thank you to all those who replied to my q's. Can I ask, are legendary and exotic drops only found in strikes or will the solo campaign provide them as well?

As Musty Pie mentions above we simply don't know yet.

Assuming it follows the logic set in D1 then exotics will be available from multiple sources with some being locked behind certain quest chains (Touch of Malice / Thorn) or mission requirements (Black Spindle).

The same could be said for legendary weapons and armour. Some can be purchased directly whilst others will provided as mission and quest rewards.

(Not for the above I am bundling missions, strikes and Raids together).

Essentially like any RPG / MMO Destiny has loot pools which differ depending on the activity in question. Some gear will be easily achievable whilst others will take much longer to finally track down (look up Outbreak Prime & the quest line that was cracked by Datto's clan as an extreme example of the latter).
Big thank you to all those who replied to my q's. Can I ask, are legendary and exotic drops only found in strikes or will the solo campaign provide them as well?

It's kinda awkward to answer, as we still don't know exactly how the loot will work, but I'll take a stab.

So the basic flow will be: play through the story and it will take you through unlocking all the main areas in the game. The missions themselves will give you rewards, and you will also get engrams (engram = loot package that decodes into gear/guns) as you play through. In D1, blue (rare) engrams had the chance to decode to purple (legendary) gear. But you will also have all the free roam areas and activities to check out for loot as well.

The further you progress, the better the rewards will become e.g. you will kill a high level mob at the end of a mission and he might drop a purple in addition to a blue engram, as well as you gaining the reward for completing the mission itself. Another example, in D1 completing the final story mission rewarded all players with the same purple primary weapon.

Now along the way, you will get assigned various quests / tasks / bounties etc from the various NPCs in the game. These may also be a source of purple gear, or give you a currency that allows you to buy purple gear from the vendors.

Now exotics are much rarer, I doubt you will get one just playing the story missions and nothing else. But in D1, Bungie put in various different ways of obtaining them, many of which could be found during solo play. A few examples:

- Upon redeeming bounties, there was a small chance that you would also obtain an exotic quest line. This is then a series of steps that you need to carry out, go here, collect this, kill this, perform x number of this etc (edit: this is the only way you will obtain this specific exotic, e.g. you cannot buy it or get it as a drop)

- Throughout the game, over time, you would collect a rare currency called Strange Coins. Every Friday to Sunday, a NPC would appear at random locations in the social spaces selling exotic items for Strange Coins. (edit: In D1, the NPC would only sell "drop chance" exotics. So if there is exotic from the raid, this NPC will never sell it)

Hope that helps a bit.
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Only plus side of the delayed pc release is that we get to see how it's received on console and how much content there is at launch.

With this scattered launch, does it mean we will be late to receive future dlc too or do we think/know it will be same date as that of console players?
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