Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Yes, PS4, forgive me for I have sinned :p I'm too impatient and would end up reading all the spoilers anyway. I'll try to hold back by just using one character and learning the best practices ready for PC

This is what I'm doing too.

Most of my mates have it on PS4 but the PC version is really where my heart is. May be tricky juggling both!
It's a shame they won't do what R* did with the consoles and pc, allowing you to import your account once to any platform regardless of what it was created on. If this was the case I would get it for the PS4 and then move it to the pc. But il stick to my pc version. Just have to avoid the internet for what seems like an eternity now to avoid spoilers.
I've got an Xbox coming today, I preordered it but thought I'd cancelled when I decided PC was the way. I'm going to be strong and just return it!

We're going to have to get groups together for Raids and Strikes.
For you guys who've ran out and got it on console I'd be worried about burn out as you've got over a month before it's out on PC and you'll have to start all over again if you switch back.
For you guys who've ran out and got it on console I'd be worried about burn out as you've got over a month before it's out on PC and you'll have to start all over again if you switch back.

That's what stopped me double dipping. I want the PC version fresh when it comes out. Don't fancy running the story 4 times.
I must have picked this up and put it back on the shelf about a dozen times today really want to play destiny 2 very hard to resist the wife practically dragged me out of the shop as i did her head in :)
Haha, I was just walking through town and my mate sent me some photos... got jealous so I walked into game to buy it... £54... for a base edition of a game! Why are console games so bloody expensive on the high street.
For you guys who've ran out and got it on console I'd be worried about burn out as you've got over a month before it's out on PC and you'll have to start all over again if you switch back.

I thought the PC version was out at the same time, today?
Boo hiss, I'll wait though not that I have a choice. This being my first time into the Bungie/Destiny universe.
its going to be a long wait till the end of October guys. Hearing my mates yap on about how awesome it is, even on PS4, I'm trying so hard not to get the that double dip done. Must be strong, not going to watch any gameplay or streams. Must savour this for PC.
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It's painful but the wait will be worth it. It just felt so at home on PC that its hard to go back to the 30fps of the PS4. Even watching small bits of gameplay on YouTube the 30fps is really evident now.
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