*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

If you're happy to wait until this evening then I'd be up for that :)

Yeah sure, as it's cheese, as long as people come in with something decent to drop Crota and boomer knights (rockets and snipers), we should do it in 5 mins. So anyone level 28+ welcomed.

Lets say 1900?

Drop your names below for some cheesy sunday snack;

1. Mr Jones
2. Evilmatt
Yeah sure, as it's cheese, as long as people come in with something decent to drop Crota and boomer knights (rockets and snipers), we should do it in 5 mins. So anyone level 28+ welcomed.

Lets say 1900?

Drop your names below for some cheesy sunday snack;

1. Mr Jones
2. Evilmatt

Damn, would love to (not done Crota for two weeks now - starting to get left behind!) but at the cinema this evening.

If anyone is around from about 9-9:30, would be great to do it then.
Hopefully soon I'll be starting to raid! :)

I assume I need some friends, so my PSN is Sgt_Angle_ if anybody wants to add me!
Damn, would love to (not done Crota for two weeks now - starting to get left behind!) but at the cinema this evening.

If anyone is around from about 9-9:30, would be great to do it then.

I don't mind starting at 2130, its a quick cheese as long as everyone don't die :p:p
Yeah sure, as it's cheese, as long as people come in with something decent to drop Crota and boomer knights (rockets and snipers), we should do it in 5 mins. So anyone level 28+ welcomed.

Lets say 1900?

Drop your names below for some cheesy sunday snack;

1. Mr Jones
2. Evilmatt
3. Ehhh Mazin
4. WriteThatD0wn

Anytime is good for me, got a couple of chars if people wanted to do it a couple of times
I don't mind starting at 2130, its a quick cheese as long as everyone don't die :p:p

Well, if people are happy to wait, I'll be back by then. :)

EDIT: I'll add my name to the list but if others can't wait I'm happy to drop out.

1. Mr Jones
2. Evilmatt
3. Ehhh Mazin
4. WriteThatD0wn
5. thor (thoseion)
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Yeah sure, as it's cheese, as long as people come in with something decent to drop Crota and boomer knights (rockets and snipers), we should do it in 5 mins. So anyone level 28+ welcomed.

Lets say 1900?

Drop your names below for some cheesy sunday snack;
Sign me up

1. Mr Jones
2. Evilmatt
3. Ehhh Mazin
4. WriteThatD0wn
5. thor (thoseion)
6. Schnippzle
Another couple of hours with a LFG group on Crota. It's so ****ing boring I just don't think I can be bothered with trying to do it legit anymore. Got him down to a sliver of health a couple of times but some tit always stops paying attention and gets taken out by a boomer.

Really crap fight. Totally dependent on timing, and yet every member of the raid sees things happening at different times which makes things a lottery, especially with a geographically spread group. Half the problem is the damn sword bearer running away and disappearing under stairs etc.

Think I'm done with CE now, apart from the solo cheese parts....bring on House of Wolves.
Another couple of hours with a LFG group on Crota. It's so ****ing boring I just don't think I can be bothered with trying to do it legit anymore. Got him down to a sliver of health a couple of times but some tit always stops paying attention and gets taken out by a boomer.

Really crap fight. Totally dependent on timing, and yet every member of the raid sees things happening at different times which makes things a lottery, especially with a geographically spread group. Half the problem is the damn sword bearer running away and disappearing under stairs etc.

Think I'm done with CE now, apart from the solo cheese parts....bring on House of Wolves.

Did Vog hard on friday for the first time and saturday Crota with randoms. I enjoyed Vog it needed a lot of coordination but crota omg. Only the first part we did normally all the other were just cheesing. I didnt enjoy it at all.and not having a loot after the witch makes you feel like skipping completely that go try to find a crota cp. i wonder how come after a whole month they havent fixed these bugs..
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So much cheese. Wallace and Gromit would love this raid.

Killed Crota with the group, then duo'd it from the start with Thor up to the Deathsinger in about 25mins (we wiped a few times). We only tried the duo for a laugh :eek:

Black Hammer and 2 bits of armour for the night. Makes up for the lack of VoG drops lately!
There are 2 spots you can stand on at the Deathsinger part where the knights can't hit you so you can concentrate on the witch. You sill have to clear out the left and right witches and screechers though, hard as a duo but possible.

Might as well start planning the Tuesday night CE run for when it resets.

XB1 CE Raid. Tuesday 20:00pm start. Ideally looking to do this legitimately and avoid cheese.

1. Auty71, Lvl 31 Titan/Hunter/Warlock (as required)
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