*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Tuesday 8pm GMT VoG Hard PS4
1) middgen 31 warlock
2) OweO 31 warlock
3) apostolis 30 warlock
4) piphal 31 Titan

Already looking good, more warlocks = easy peasy. Having titan pop WoL at back of atheon platform is v handy too.

Last time I cleared Atheon I got 2x Vision of Confluence, Timebreaker, Raid Helmet and chatterwhite :|

I'd be up for that fellas - Level 31 Hunter (someones got to be the weakest link ;) )
I am interested in joining, there is a small chance I wont make it home for 20:30 though so if someone can definately make it then I am happy to drop out.

Edit: If I make it then I'll bring my 31 Warlock.
If there's more Crota happening on Wednesday night, I'd be up for that.

I'll be up for Wednesday Crota Run. So anyone with multi characters, fancy a go then?

I've got a date with my missus to watch the Hobbit... It better be good as it's Raid Day! :p
I'll be up for Wednesday Crota Run. So anyone with multi characters, fancy a go then?

I've got a date with my missus to watch the Hobbit... It better be good as it's Raid Day! :p

I'll have 3 chars to run it with and am free Wednesday as well so happy to run it again.

Off topic - Not sure how they made the last few pages of the book into a 2:30 film but still an enjoyable film though. Personally would have preferred it to be only two films but I guess money talks.
Tuesday 8:30pm GMT VoG Hard PS4
1) middgen 31 warlock
2) OweO 31 warlock
3) apostolis 30 warlock?
4) piphal 31 Titan
5) Zoomee 31 hunter
6) Greeboth 31 warlock?

Ok cool. If apostolis or greeboth can't make it I'm sure we can rustle up replacements, usually easy enough on reset day :) If anyone wants to go on reserves let us know
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Level 28 is the recommended minimum for normal VoG right?

Finally got my first piece of purple for my Titan who is now lvl 26, so hopefully not too much longer and I might be joining in due to my lack of friends :p
Level 28 is the recommended minimum for normal VoG right?

Finally got my first piece of purple for my Titan who is now lvl 26, so hopefully not too much longer and I might be joining in due to my lack of friends :p
If you've got a reasonable group of people, 26 should be fine. We went through with a 26 on his first run without any probs the other night.
26 would be tough for first time, but 27 is fine for VoG normal.

Isn't VoG normal 27? Personally, I think being 26 is high enough - yes you will take a lot of damage and will be harder to kill but can actually join in. Lower than that and it is a struggle though have got through with 5 29/30's and a 24 (might have been 25) without too much difficulty. Really depends how much want to join in instead of running away from a lot of things just to stay alive.
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