*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

The core of the game starts at level 20. You will need to run strikes/public events for a while to get geared up enough to do raids. Once you get to level 26 some friendly OCUKers can show you the way through the first raid (Vault of Glass).

nobody is doing easy mode anymore, hard mode only, so he needs to hit 26+, do ROC strikes for vanguard marks, buy level 33 light gear from vendors, hit level 30/31, then think about raiding.

i doubt anyone is interested in easy mode at all anymore, well nobody i know is so he needs level 30 minimum now really.
Tonight OK then? Happy to move it to tomorrow/Sunday if it's more suitable. (I'm assuming everyone who replied to my post wants to do CE :D)

(XB1) Crota's End: 09/01/15 - 8:00pm

1. Ehhh Mazin - 31 Hunter
2. Dr Pharmacology
3. ExcludedWardyp
4. thoseion

Hopefully I can get the Nightfall & Weekly done just before :)

Can a lvl 27 join in? or too low?
A BIG thank you for those walking me through the VOG raid last night. Was great fun, total mayhem at times - would love to do it again sometime :)
With the announcement that Hard mode CE is almost upon us, what do people think will change other than Mob level?

I bet one is that ALL of the team need to make it through the lamps stage rather than a few lone runners.
nobody is doing easy mode anymore, hard mode only, so he needs to hit 26+, do ROC strikes for vanguard marks, buy level 33 light gear from vendors, hit level 30/31, then think about raiding.

i doubt anyone is interested in easy mode at all anymore, well nobody i know is so he needs level 30 minimum now really.

There are probably quite a few people on here who would happily help the chap through the "easy" raid even if meant no drops for them. I would for example. The same goes for any other "end game" but not max level content.

I play the game for fun not to just get rewards.

Your posts often come across as your opinion is true for everyone. This certainly isn't the case.
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Tonight OK then? Happy to move it to tomorrow/Sunday if it's more suitable. (I'm assuming everyone who replied to my post wants to do CE :D)

(XB1) Crota's End: 09/01/15 - 8:00pm

1. Ehhh Mazin - 31 Hunter
2. Dr Pharmacology
3. ExcludedWardyp
4. thoseion
5. Auty71 - 32 Titan

Could probably powerlevel my second hunter by tomorrow night but won't have time to make it this evening sadly :(
Tonight OK then? Happy to move it to tomorrow/Sunday if it's more suitable. (I'm assuming everyone who replied to my post wants to do CE :D)

(XB1) Crota's End: 09/01/15 - 8:00pm

1. Ehhh Mazin - 31 Hunter
2. Dr Pharmacology
3. ExcludedWardyp
4. thoseion
5. Auty71 - 32 Titan

Hopefully I can get the Nightfall & Weekly done just before :)

I need to do some VoG runs at some point, need shards
There are various websites with timers for public events. Just search for "Destiny public events" and you should find a few. They're really invaluable and means you don't have to rely on good timing for one to appear when you're on patrol.

Thanks :) Just downloaded "Destiny Public Events" app for my android phone, looks spot on.
I need to do some VoG runs at some point, need shards

Tonight OK then? Happy to move it to tomorrow/Sunday if it's more suitable. (I'm assuming everyone who replied to my post wants to do CE )

(XB1) Crota's End: 09/01/15 - 8:00pm

1. Ehhh Mazin - 31 Hunter
2. Dr Pharmacology
3. ExcludedWardyp
4. thoseion
5. Auty71 - 32 Titan
6. WriteThatD0wn - 29 Titan or 31 Hunter/Warlock if 29 proves too low
With the announcement that Hard mode CE is almost upon us, what do people think will change other than Mob level?

I bet one is that ALL of the team need to make it through the lamps stage rather than a few lone runners.

Extra boomer knights either side of the top floor above the Crystal room in the final fight. That top floor must be there for a reason :eek:
There are probably quite a few people on here who would happily help the chap through the "easy" raid even if meant no drops for them. I would for example. The same goes for any other "end game" but not max level content.

I play the game for fun not to just get rewards.

Your posts often come across as your opinion is true for everyone. This certainly isn't the case.

It would be far easier if he just did it the way I am saying he would find it a lot easier finding a group.

I would help someone through a daily, weekly, nightfall no issues. Help them through CE or VOG Hard (if they were 30 minimim for VOG HARD). But I wouldn't go out of my way to do easy mode on VOG simply because it is pointless now. I would even help someone drag a character through the main story, simply because they are quick and easy enough to do. A VOG easy raid can take like over an hour when you have low level virgins and I personally don't have the time to waste if i'm getting nothing (you don't get any xp whilst raiding), I have a job, i'm married and i have a life.

Hell there is someone on here that is demanding people ask permission before joining him on a daily, weekly, nightfall, etc. If they join him randomly he sends them a disgruntled message about not earning it and benefitting from him doing all the hard work for them if he is near the end on a daily, weekly or nightfall. I totally disagree with that and I let people join me, hell someone joined me as the end cut scene was playing once and got all the rewards for doing nothing and I said great timing. I try and join people who have started them too, to help them.

All i'm saying is he would be a lot better off just doing what I posted, it would be a lot easier for everyone including himself. I have no issues with helping anyone, just that VOG easy isn't being run by anyone anymore because it is now pointless.
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PS4 Friday 2030GMT......something! I have a pass for an hour or so. Happy with VoG hard, Crota cheese (or kill if everyone knows what they're doing, not gonna wipe for hours). Wouldn't mind showing some raid newbies the ropes on VoG normal, I think there were a couple asking?

1) mid_gen
With the announcement that Hard mode CE is almost upon us, what do people think will change other than Mob level?

I bet one is that ALL of the team need to make it through the lamps stage rather than a few lone runners.

No revives....natch.
Some kind of new mechanic a la containment fields/oracle mark....perhaps weight of darkness will get the whole team and be cleansed by passing chalice around?
No chalice on crota.

And a continuation of the boring bullet sponge mechanic i.e. higher level mobs.
No revives....natch.
Some kind of new mechanic a la containment fields/oracle mark....perhaps weight of darkness will get the whole team and be cleansed by passing chalice around?
No chalice on crota.

And a continuation of the boring bullet sponge mechanic i.e. higher level mobs.

More gatekeepers :/
just that VOG easy isn't being run by anyone anymore because it is now pointless.

Why is it pointless? It gives lower level players access to one of the best co-op parts of Destiny.

Expecting someone(or more than one) who has never run the raid before to try it initially on hard will most likely just lead to constant team wipes (due to the critical difference of no revives).
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