*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Tonight OK then? Happy to move it to tomorrow/Sunday if it's more suitable. (I'm assuming everyone who replied to my post wants to do CE )

(XB1) Crota's End: 09/01/15 - 8:00pm

1. Ehhh Mazin - 31 Hunter
3. ExcludedWardyp
4. thoseion
5. Auty71 - 32 Titan
6. WriteThatD0wn - 29 Titan or 31 Hunter/Warlock if 29 proves too low

I can't do tonight or tomorrow now as bro caught an earlier bus so I don't have enough time to play. Sunday night I'm free, otherwise I can do it with LFG :)
Just got home and broadband is out AGAIN, to be fair at least it could be the weather this time instead of just BT's incompetence....

I'll update nearer the time to let you know if it's back up, or else I'll just have to start my raiding career later on :p
I can't do tonight or tomorrow now as bro caught an earlier bus so I don't have enough time to play. Sunday night I'm free, otherwise I can do it with LFG :)

No worries mate, cheers for the heads up. Give me a shout if you need a hand with it on Sunday :)

Tonight OK then? Happy to move it to tomorrow/Sunday if it's more suitable. (I'm assuming everyone who replied to my post wants to do CE )

(XB1) Crota's End: 09/01/15 - 8:00pm

1. Ehhh Mazin - 31 Hunter
2. ExcludedWardyp
3. thoseion
4. Auty71 - 32 Titan
5. WriteThatD0wn - 29 Titan or 31 Hunter/Warlock if 29 proves too low

Anyone else up for it?
Start with a Crota CP....then see what we fancy depending on how long it takes...possibly run Tibbz2 through VoG normal or do HM templar

1) mid_gen
2) Turbo_Nuter
3) AStaley
4) Torquar

Added you Torquar....what's your PSN?

Doesn't look like theyre going to get the broadband fixed tonight, sorry guys.
Sorry guys for missing start, expected to be home much earlier but only just leaving now. Should be home in about 40-45 so if there is any space on raids going on then I would like to join.
Hey guys if you have a vog hard or crota normal let me know need to run those on my gfs character now that she got 30. Also i am in for weekly heroic if anyone hasnt done it yet
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I'll give you a shout on XBO if I'm around but don't want to commit to a slot because I'm not sure where my flatmate is.
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