*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Well not really i will probably let them kill me again since by dying constantly and someone else doing it for me landed me a G'horn :P

I need to run the stupid exotic fusion rifle bounty need 160 more kills and being honest i might skip for next week the marsian bad guys are tanks no way i can solo these..

Trying to do pocket infinity on a nightfall with no burn sounds like an activity best avoided :)
Well not really i will probably let them kill me again since by dying constantly and someone else doing it for me landed me a G'horn :P

I need to run the stupid exotic fusion rifle bounty need 160 more kills and being honest i might skip for next week the marsian bad guys are tanks no way i can solo these..

Yeah unless you have a void fusion rifle (for the Psions who are weak once their shields are down) this isn't really the NF to get that bounty on.

Other NF's have areas where you can "farm" NF level enemies which count towards your bounty (Phogoth/summoning pits has the Temple of Crota for example).

I'm not sure if there is anywhere like this on Mars.
Trying to do pocket infinity on a nightfall with no burn sounds like an activity best avoided :)

I'm sure there'll be a location somewhere with level 30 mobs that aren't in a darkness zone. I know of 2 locations on Venus, which I used for the Pocket Infinity bounty, but I've never checked on Mars.
I'm sure there'll be a location somewhere with level 30 mobs that aren't in a darkness zone. I know of 2 locations on Venus, which I used for the Pocket Infinity bounty, but I've never checked on Mars.

I will give it a go tonight. I mostly want to get rid of the extra bounty space it takes in the inventory as i have the pulse rifle one to do as well and the stupid eris morn Urn bounty to kill that guy who spawns in Skywatch at the patrol mission. It spawned once when i was lvl27 and that thing is lvl 31 needless to say i couldnt solo with all the things that were running arround me and since then i cannot get a patrol at skywatch, the website gives me the wrong times for the patrol for that specific area.
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I will give it a go tonight. I mostly want to get rid of the extra bounty space it takes in the inventory as i have the pulse rifle one to do as well and the stupid eris morn Urn bounty to kill that guy who spawns in Skywatch at the patrol mission. It spawned once when i was lvl27 and that thing is lvl 31 needless to say i couldnt solo with all the things that were running arround me and since then i cannot get a patrol at skywatch, the website gives me the wrong times for the patrol for that specific area.

You'll want to enlist some friends to take that guy out. He spawns pretty regular though. If I'm free some time I can help out.....having one person taking his shield then another spam gjallahorn works good.
I will give it a go tonight. I mostly want to get rid of the extra bounty space it takes in the inventory as i have the pulse rifle one to do as well and the stupid eris morn Urn bounty to kill that guy who spawns in Skywatch at the patrol mission. It spawned once when i was lvl27 and that thing is lvl 31 needless to say i couldnt solo with all the things that were running arround me and since then i cannot get a patrol at skywatch, the website gives me the wrong times for the patrol for that specific area.

I need to do that bounty too. I spent about 2 hours waiting for him to re-spawn. He appeared every 30 mins or so and then ***'s off after about 2 minutes or less.

I also tried to do it on solo as a lvl 27 and got nowhere each time. Very, very frustrating after waiting so long. Happy to team up and give it a blast.

N.B I don't think you need a specific patrol. I just landed there and waited for it to spawn.
I did mine with randoms, just run in and out of the loading region (between the room with Fallen / Hive) and the spawn area till you fine 2 or more other players hanging around that area, they're likely to be there.

Trouble is, I did mine within 2 weeks of DLC release, so there were plenty. I like to glimmer farm / Public Event around that area and there's definitely a drop of people hanging around there now - on Xbox One anyway.
I will give it a go tonight. I mostly want to get rid of the extra bounty space it takes in the inventory as i have the pulse rifle one to do as well and the stupid eris morn Urn bounty to kill that guy who spawns in Skywatch at the patrol mission. It spawned once when i was lvl27 and that thing is lvl 31 needless to say i couldnt solo with all the things that were running arround me and since then i cannot get a patrol at skywatch, the website gives me the wrong times for the patrol for that specific area.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat bounty wise - got 4 exotic bounties taking up space. Have 3 waiting on me jumping back into the crucible (which I'll be doing on Saturday) and the Pocket Infinity one, which I've not progressed at all yet. I had all the weapons previously (except Thorn) but I've been dismantling them as I've picked up the bounties again.

I actually didn't find Urzok to be too bad. There was one other random there with me when I did it, and it did get a bit hectic, but he went down quite easily once I started spamming Murmur (Arc) on him. I did it during a Warsat public event. I imagine it would be seriously more difficult if he appears during an "enemies are moving against one another" event!
Pretty sure Urzok always spawns just before the public event....has when I've been there. First time I tried it was a 'moving against each other' event which was just utter chaos :)
Yeah, I'm in the same boat bounty wise - got 4 exotic bounties taking up space. Have 3 waiting on me jumping back into the crucible (which I'll be doing on Saturday) and the Pocket Infinity one, which I've not progressed at all yet. I had all the weapons previously (except Thorn) but I've been dismantling them as I've picked up the bounties again.

I actually didn't find Urzok to be too bad. There was one other random there with me when I did it, and it did get a bit hectic, but he went down quite easily once I started spamming Murmur (Arc) on him. I did it during a Warsat public event. I imagine it would be seriously more difficult if he appears during an "enemies are moving against one another" event!

Each time I did it was during the "enemies are moving...." was totally undoable dealing with the minions and Urzok in a small time frame.
the stupid eris morn Urn bounty to kill that guy who spawns in Skywatch at the patrol mission. It spawned once when i was lvl27 and that thing is lvl 31 needless to say i couldnt solo with all the things that were running arround me and since then i cannot get a patrol at skywatch, the website gives me the wrong times for the patrol for that specific area.

I wasn't aware that they had changed the public event times. If you want to do it you are best going for a defend the warsat mission rather than the enemies rising against event as there are less ads to deal with. I have done it solo at level 31, I used plan c for his shield then used 300atk steel oracle (only tracking launcher I have) to kill him.

If you need a hand anytime though you're on my friends list now so happy to drop in. Usually some patrol bounties to do on cosmodrome so can do them while waiting around.
Yep he hasnt spawn ever since and always checking the public event site and going there 10 mins earlier and leave 10 mins later. I know he spawns just a bit before the event. It is a waste of time but yep sure whoever wants lets go do it. I have better items that what you get out of it but since i paid for the stupid urn i might as well finish it and never again for the other 2 chars that i will make eventually
I've always found Urzok doesnt spawn before the event but during it, usually a couple of waves in during defend the warsat. I've also read but cant remember if true that he's easier to kill during that event than the "enemies fighting each other" event.

Have to say with a group of people (even randoms) that 2nd event is a lot of mad fun with the spawn areas turning into a couple of little loot caves. Urzock does make the events a fair bit harder though.:P
Ah Urzok. I have him to look forward to on both of my alts!

Attempting to take him down during the "enemies are moving against eachother" is like trying to take down a level 30 Ultra quickly (not going to happen).

I found the biggest problem is shooting the right ******* knight!

For us he appeared half way through the event (a small line of text bottom left will appear saying something like "bow before Urzok the unwed").

We took him down during a Warsat in the end with around 5 people slamming him. Having a High RoF Arc heavy machine gun works wonders against him. My 150 round culling tore him apart!
Looks like the fixes are incoming, actully happy about the change in drops on the deathsinger as was the hardest part of the raid and yet you got nothing, also good news about exotic weapons from VOG:D

In the meantime, we’ve prepped a separate patch, which will be ready for deployment as early as next Tuesday, January 13th. Below is a preview of changes being made to Crota’s End and a little bit of a love tap for the Vault of Glass.

Crota’s End – Updates

The existing Pit treasure chest reward moved to killing Ir Yut, the Deathsinger. She has a chance to drop Exotic weapons and armor, class pieces, and Radiant materials.
The Pit treasure chest will now contain Radiant Materials.

Pit Encounter

Removed the physics impulse caused by exploding lanterns.

Bridge Encounter

Players will now be required to cross the bridge in order to complete the bridge encounter.
Players will now be required to wait for the bridge to be completed prior to crossing with the sword.

Deathsinger Encounter

Fixed a rare case where the Shriekers would not spawn, preventing players from reaching the Deathsinger.

Crota Encounter

Two Swordbearers will no longer spawn at the same time at the outset of the encounter.
Crota will now recover from his kneeling state after a player quits.
Fixed a bug that allowed players to remove the “Presence of Crota” using a Radiance Warlock’s Fireborn ability.
Fixed a bug that made the Oversoul appear destroyed to some players in a Fireteam when it was actually still active.

Vault of Glass – Updates

Exotic weapon drops in the Vault of Glass are now Level 32.

Getting Swole in the Crucible
The Raid crew wasn’t the only team readying tweaks heading into and out of the holiday season. Our Crucible designers have a few things in the works to add some spice to the early goings of 2015.

Asylum, The Anomaly, and The Burning Shrine maps will be added to existing Clash and Control playlist rotation.
Iron Banner will return, with updated rewards, running from January 13th through January 19th.
Anyone fancy some early Tuesday CE raiding then ;)

Glad its getting fixed as the community feels like its gone to pot since the well known exploits were found out...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Good to see they're fixing CE and that deathsinger bit!

Looks like I'll hold off VoG Hard till they update and just do normal for shards.
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