*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I can't do a whole raid tomorrow but it'd be great if I could grab the Oracle checkpoint once you guys get there. If people then have other characters to run with, I'd be up for just doing Oracles and Templar as it should only take about 10-15 mins.

Oracles will give me a shot at getting Praetorian Foil (only weapon I need) and Templar will give people another shot at getting Fatebringer.
I can't do a whole raid tomorrow but it'd be great if I could grab the Oracle checkpoint once you guys get there. If people then have other characters to run with, I'd be up for just doing Oracles and Templar as it should only take about 10-15 mins.

Oracles will give me a shot at getting Praetorian Foil (only weapon I need) and Templar will give people another shot at getting Fatebringer.

I have 2 characters that haven't done VoG this week so I don't mind running through it twice.

I'm good as long as we're all done by 11pm :)
I've never done VoG - loner with no friends ;)

What are the chances I could join a crew of you lot and have a play through? I'm a level 28 hunter. Xbox One. I'm also based in Oz, so not sure how the ping will affect our play?

Guess I'd have to join a group of 30+ who have done it a lot to carry me? Anyone up for it?
I've never done VoG - loner with no friends ;)

What are the chances I could join a crew of you lot and have a play through? I'm a level 28 hunter. Xbox One. I'm also based in Oz, so not sure how the ping will affect our play?

Guess I'd have to join a group of 30+ who have done it a lot to carry me? Anyone up for it?

I would say jump in next time we do a normal run, hard might be a tricky place to start :)
Going to take it easy this week....and raid newbies fancy being introduced to Vault of Glass normal mode on Tuesday evening?

I wouldn't mind dragging my hunter (kicking and screaming I might add!)through a raid for the first time. I think Piphal wants to do the same.

OweO - Level 31 Hunter
Piphal - Level 29/30 Hunter

Don't mind giving up our places if anyone else who have never done the raid wants a crack at it. :)

EDIT: Confirmed with Piphal but would need to start at 8:30.
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I've never done VoG - loner with no friends ;)

What are the chances I could join a crew of you lot and have a play through? I'm a level 28 hunter. Xbox One. I'm also based in Oz, so not sure how the ping will affect our play?

Guess I'd have to join a group of 30+ who have done it a lot to carry me? Anyone up for it?

Yeah always room for new people to join :). The main issue we'll probably have, given your location, is the time difference. Most of our raids take place at around 8pm GMT which at a guess is around 7/8/9am over there.
I see on reddit they are showing you dont need the lamb explosion to get up, you can just jump lol. Seen the guy do it with a Titan and Warlock.
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Well, been a busy weekend for me and now it's back to Destiny in the evening!

Missus is getting a lift tomorrow so I can run CE tomorrow evening (supposedly update will stop cheese, so assume no cheese!) + any other extra run.

Tuesday 20:00 Xbox One Crota's End Raid:

1. Mr Jones

If anyone wants to run Nightfall / Weekly, we can split into 2 teams of threes after CE. I have 3 Characters to run and I believe, this week should be Archon Priest - if the rotation resumes.

I'll be on from 18:00 anyway, so feel free to give me a shout then.
Going to take it easy this week....and raid newbies fancy being introduced to Vault of Glass normal mode on Tuesday evening?

I would be up for that, get 1 or 2 noobs in for their first experience of VoG. Might use my hunter as only ever run it as a warlock but don't fancy the jumping puzzle with rubbish double jump.
Tuesday 20:00 Xbox One Crota's End Raid:

1. Mr Jones
2. Ehhh Mazin

Up for the weeklies as well. Would be nice if we could do one or two before the raid, it could get a bit late if we're delayed in finishing CE. You know what these patches can be like :p

Nightfall should be Arc burn if my memory serves me right. All the more reason to get a Fatebringer drop tonight *HINT HINT BUNGIE*
I wouldn't mind dragging my hunter (kicking and screaming I might add!)through a raid for the first time. I think Piphal wants to do the same.

OweO - Level 31 Hunter
Piphal - Level 29/30 Hunter

Don't mind giving up our places if anyone else who have never done the raid wants a crack at it. :)

EDIT: Confirmed with Piphal but would need to start at 8:30.

Cool, let's see who's interested. If we end up with all 30s we can do HM....if we get some newbie raiders we'll do normal mode. All exotics should be dropping 331 after patch so not a huge difference. I've now got 2x 31 warlocks and a 30 hunter, might run the hunter if we do normal...

PS4 Tuesday 8:30pm VoG
1) mid_gen
2) OweO
3) Piphal
4) Greboth
5) Tibbz2?

k I'll reserve last two spots for raiding newbies.
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