*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Cool, let's see who's interested. If we end up with all 30s we can do HM....if we get some newbie raiders we'll do normal mode. All exotics should be dropping 331 after patch so not a huge difference. I've now got 2x 31 warlocks and a 30 hunter, might run the hunter if we do normal...

PS4 Tuesday 8:30pm VoG
1) mid_gen
2) OweO
3) Piphal

If we run normal I will bring my hunter. If hard one of my Warlocks (completely interchangable). I'm not sure whether I will run the Warlocks at 31 or 32 as my CE raid armour doesn't have the greatest of ammo perks (I also prefer the look of my VoG armour).
Up for the weeklies as well. Would be nice if we could do one or two before the raid, it could get a bit late if we're delayed in finishing CE. You know what these patches can be like :p

Nightfall should be Arc burn if my memory serves me right. All the more reason to get a Fatebringer drop tonight *HINT HINT BUNGIE*

I'll be happy to run at least 1 NF/Weekly before the raid, as for burn, it can be anything or nothing thanks to RNG. Arc will be nice as I seem to have my other 2 characters kitted out with Arc!

Hope you get the fatebringer though, it's still awesome in PvE!
Yeah always room for new people to join :). The main issue we'll probably have, given your location, is the time difference. Most of our raids take place at around 8pm GMT which at a guess is around 7/8/9am over there.

Yeah, that's 7am here... I could do 8am if people in the UK could do 9pm?

Actually if it's tonight (tomorrow for me), I can do 8pm (7am)? Can we find 5 other people on the Xbone willing to help drag me through tonight?
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Well, been a busy weekend for me and now it's back to Destiny in the evening!

Missus is getting a lift tomorrow so I can run CE tomorrow evening (supposedly update will stop cheese, so assume no cheese!) + any other extra run.

Tuesday 20:00 Xbox One Crota's End Raid:

1. Mr Jones
2.Ehhh Mazin
3. WriteThatD0wn

If anyone wants to run Nightfall / Weekly, we can split into 2 teams of threes after CE. I have 3 Characters to run and I believe, this week should be Archon Priest - if the rotation resumes.

I'll be on from 18:00 anyway, so feel free to give me a shout then.

I'm in, hoping to get a decent ammount of Shards tonight to get to 31. Can do Nightfall/weekly but only have 1 char atm
Would anyone be up for helping me cheese the bridge tonight on a level 27 Titan? I'm planning on soloing the lamps with my Hunter, then switching over to my Titan for the bridge section. I just need someone to come in so I can swap out characters and rejoin. I'd then be keen on swapping back to my Hunter to grab the 2nd chest that we missed the other night.
Cool, let's see who's interested. If we end up with all 30s we can do HM....if we get some newbie raiders we'll do normal mode. All exotics should be dropping 331 after patch so not a huge difference. I've now got 2x 31 warlocks and a 30 hunter, might run the hunter if we do normal...

PS4 Tuesday 8:30pm VoG
1) mid_gen
2) OweO
3) Piphal
4) Greboth
5) Tibbz2?

k I'll reserve last two spots for raiding newbies.

I'd be up for joining in with this if it's hard mode (2x 32 Hunter/ 1x 31 Warlock). But no worries if newer guys want the slot to run Normal.
Would anyone be up for helping me cheese the bridge tonight on a level 27 Titan? I'm planning on soloing the lamps with my Hunter, then switching over to my Titan for the bridge section. I just need someone to come in so I can swap out characters and rejoin. I'd then be keen on swapping back to my Hunter to grab the 2nd chest that we missed the other night.

Sure, was planning a cheese run with a work colleague anyway :)
Would anyone be up for helping me cheese the bridge tonight on a level 27 Titan? I'm planning on soloing the lamps with my Hunter, then switching over to my Titan for the bridge section. I just need someone to come in so I can swap out characters and rejoin. I'd then be keen on swapping back to my Hunter to grab the 2nd chest that we missed the other night.

If this is PSN then I would also be up for it. I have got all chests apart from the one where you have to rush the closing door which I need on all 3 characters.
my PSN is FaceBaker
Sure, was planning a cheese run with a work colleague anyway :)
Awesome :)

I'll be on from 9pm tonight so I'll send you an invite if I see you online. Do you want to do the lamps part as well? I was just going to solo it but I'm happy to do it with others.

If this is PSN then I would also be up for it. I have got all chests apart from the one where you have to rush the closing door which I need on all 3 characters.
my PSN is FaceBaker

Sorry, Xbox One :p
Would anyone be up for helping me cheese the bridge tonight on a level 27 Titan? I'm planning on soloing the lamps with my Hunter, then switching over to my Titan for the bridge section. I just need someone to come in so I can swap out characters and rejoin. I'd then be keen on swapping back to my Hunter to grab the 2nd chest that we missed the other night.

Sure, was planning a cheese run with a work colleague anyway :)

I still got 2 characters needing the bridge - haven't run CE for them yet! I can help. I'll be online tonight between 17:30 and 21:30, so give me a shout then.
That's fine by me - I'm assuming you're doing it before the VoG Hard Mode?
I'm not in the VoG run tonight. I'm hoping the guys who are will invite me at the Oracles just so I can grab the checkpoint. Then I'd be up for doing Oracles and Templar only with whoever fancies it as it should only take about 15 mins and has some of the best loot drops.

I can do bits and pieces of raids tonight but not a whole one, otherwise my girlfriend might dump me! :D
Awesome :)

I'll be on from 9pm tonight so I'll send you an invite if I see you online. Do you want to do the lamps part as well? I was just going to solo it but I'm happy to do it with others.

Sorry, Xbox One :p

Yeah, I was going to try the jump from the rock by the second lamp with my little level 29 warlock, using my colleague's level 30 titan as a Thrall distraction hehe. Not taken the warlock into Crota's End yet but mostly just after shards to get my hunter to 32. I also have a Deathsinger checkpoint on my second hunter if anyone wants to say goodbye to the kneeling cheese with a final send-off.
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