*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Cool, let's see who's interested. If we end up with all 30s we can do HM....if we get some newbie raiders we'll do normal mode. All exotics should be dropping 331 after patch so not a huge difference. I've now got 2x 31 warlocks and a 30 hunter, might run the hunter if we do normal...

PS4 Tuesday 8:30pm VoG
1) mid_gen
2) OweO
3) Piphal
4) Greboth
5) Tibbz2?

k I'll reserve last two spots for raiding newbies.

As long as BT don't mess with the connection I should be able to join in this time!

Currently only lvl 27 if that's a problem?
As long as BT don't mess with the connection I should be able to join in this time!

Currently only lvl 27 if that's a problem?

You will be fine on the normal raid. Watch out for Hobgoblins at the gatekeepers as they will nearly (or possibly will) one shot you.

Most important thing though is have fun. :) None of us bite (well Greboth might if anyone gets a Gjallarhorn drop..) so don't worry if you have to ask advice or arn't sure exactly what your "role" should be.

EDIT: I will add you to PSN tonight.
Most important thing though is have fun. :) None of us bite (well Greboth might if anyone gets a Gjallarhorn drop..) so don't worry if you have to ask advice or arn't sure exactly what your "role" should be.

I wouldn't bite if someone gets Gjallahorn, rage quit smash ps4 and tv on the other hand is a possibility :p
You will be fine on the normal raid. Watch out for Hobgoblins at the gatekeepers as they will nearly (or possibly will) one shot you.

Most important thing though is have fun. :) None of us bite (well Greboth might if anyone gets a Gjallarhorn drop..) so don't worry if you have to ask advice or arn't sure exactly what your "role" should be.

EDIT: I will add you to PSN tonight.

Ah good good, hopefully I won't be too much of a liability :p
Coolio, you got the sixth spot. Not much prep you need, but a few special ammo synthesis things are useful.

I like a good VoG normal run....and now 331 exotics will be dropping :)
Apparently the first chest is dishing out rewards again (i.e. pre reset) but the Deathsinger is not. I've not tried myself yet though so can't confirm.
Ok so the raids fixed - time to sort out a CE raid. Wednesday 8.15pm PS4?

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007
2) Greboth - Greeboth
3) Wyrdo - Wyrdo
4) Zoomeez - Zoomeez
5) Sieze2 - Sieze2
6) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit

Might try and sort one out for Friday - depends how Weds goes :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Hope the Xbox chaps did OK on the Hard VoG raid, Sorry I had to duck out near the end, minor medial emergency at home I had to help with.
Hope the Xbox chaps did OK on the Hard VoG raid, Sorry I had to duck out near the end, minor medial emergency at home I had to help with.

Did anyone manage to get Fatebringer? I realised that I've only done hard mode 4 times and managed to get 3 Fatebringers, 2 Vex and 1 Timepiece :D
I really hope Bungie allow them to be upgraded by the time the next DLC comes around.
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