*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Crota's End in 17 minutes without cheese or speed running lol.

HM needs to hurry up.

It was buttery smooth wasn't it! Especially as on the first run we just absent-mindedly did everything first time :)

Same team for Hard Mode? Any maybe an attempt at Flawless Raider on VoG NM?!

The enemies hover around 31 and the final stage is level 32, so you'll be 1 or 2 level under-levelled. Be mindful as one wrong move and you can be on hit and out (Swordbearer!)

Agreed - I wouldn't want to be 30 for CE, especially when 31 is quite easily available from the vendors. Too easy to get one shotted in the final fight and risk Oversoul etc
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I won't be on at all tonight but I'll be around tomorrow night. I don't have any raidable characters left, but I'm happy to help out if you need one more.

I've got a lowly 27 Titan that I'd like to run through VoG at some point this week.
I still have my Hunter to run Nightfall / Weekly and CE. I can do anything between 18:00 and 21:45 as I have taxi duties this week, so give me a shout if something is happening, otherwise, I'll just run the first part up to Bridge and perhaps attempt at solo-ing bridge.

At present I have 2, possibly 3 for a CE run tonight on PS4..

No set time.. Just after 6 atm..

I'm considering attempting to solo it too lol

I've already solo'd the lamps with all 3.. Just need to do the bridge.. Then it should be straight forward until the main dude himself :)
Would that be a (no cheese) world record then?

Doubt it. We started at 8 but spent 15-20 mins trying to get the first chest to spawn. After, we cracked on and finished each encounter on the first attempt. Killed Crota at 8:37.

Looking at sub 20 minutes.
I was crafty..

I did it 3 times as a hunter.. Went invisible..

Ran it once all the way through to the next stage..

Then had one other person in the raid.. I formed the bridge then jumped on the first pillar.. Made them party leader and left to change character.. They ran through without issue whilst I was away.. Waited on said pillar.. I arrive and they run through to the next stage.

Did that twice.. Easy.
I'm up for a CE tonight, still have my Titan to run through it.

I won't be on at all tonight but I'll be around tomorrow night. I don't have any raidable characters left, but I'm happy to help out if you need one more.

I've got a lowly 27 Titan that I'd like to run through VoG at some point this week.

I still have my Hunter to run Nightfall / Weekly and CE. I can do anything between 18:00 and 21:45 as I have taxi duties this week, so give me a shout if something is happening, otherwise, I'll just run the first part up to Bridge and perhaps attempt at solo-ing bridge.


Ok, how about tomorrow night then?

XOne CE raid, Thursday 19:00

1. Schnippzle
2. Thor
3. Chris M135i
4. ....
5. ....
6. ....
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At present I have 2, possibly 3 for a CE run tonight on PS4..

No set time.. Just after 6 atm..

I'm considering attempting to solo it too lol

I've already solo'd the lamps with all 3.. Just need to do the bridge.. Then it should be straight forward until the main dude himself :)

Add me if there is a spot, i will be on after 6
psn: apostoliskt
Ok, how about tomorrow night then?

XOne CE raid, Thursday 19:00

1. Schnippzle
2. Thor
3. Chris M135i
4. ....
5. ....
6. ....

I might be able to make 30 on my warlock by Thursday night so grab me if you're short but if three more people have better geared/levelled characters and want in then I don't mind stepping aside as I've done it on my 2 hunters already this week :)
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