Cool I'll put you on reserves....I wouldn't be surprised if there was a friday night casualty.....usual rules, if someone's not arrived by 1015 and not got in touch then the spot is yours.
Agree getting up to Crota is pretty straightforward, shouldn't take too long.
I was watching a couple of videos last night on Youtube of the Abyss through to crossing the bridge. It looked very similar bar the level penalty and lack of revives. A few tougher enemies whilst the bridge is forming (abyss) but otherwise as per normal.
I will make sure all of my best weapons are on Pigtails or Bluey before the run (depends who I run tonight). My weapons are all over the place so I will have to do a post raid clear up.
My Warlocks are both fully unlocked. I will run fireborn until Crota and then switch to something else to generate orbs for everyone else. As you say self revive is somewhat pointless in that fight due to the oversoul. I might even run voidwalker for the life stealing perk (saying that flame shield might be better, especially if running Monte Carlo coupled with Claws of Ahamkara (dual flame shields)).
I know what I will do, I will make sure all of my best weapons AND armour are on the specific WL I run.

I assume if I run Pigtails through on Normal tonight I will still get the possibility of weapon drops on hard tomorrow? I'm sure this is a yes but once again I am doubting myself.