*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Anyone up for a quick 34 PoE tonight at say 9ish? (gives time to watch the twitch stream)

The Mrs wants a chance at the Lord of Wolves after messing about with mine last night. The Etheric light will also get her Titan to 33 (Warlocks are both 34).

PS4 - Gulrot "I make you stand still derpy derp" POE 34 ~ 9PM

- OweO
- Jorja86
agh, I just did my last PoE 34 for my last cipher otherwise I would have joined.

Got 3 exotics in half an hour today. Dreg's Promise from cipher, Sunbreakers from PoE 34 chest, Thunderlord from a legendary engram I found on my hunter :)

Dreg's Promise and Sunbreakers were 2 out of the 3 exotics I was missing....now it's just 4th Horseman evading me :) Oh and necrochasm, but....meh.
agh, I just did my last PoE 34 for my last cipher otherwise I would have joined.

Got 3 exotics in half an hour today. Dreg's Promise from cipher, Sunbreakers from PoE 34 chest, Thunderlord from a legendary engram I found on my hunter :)

Dreg's Promise and Sunbreakers were 2 out of the 3 exotics I was missing....now it's just 4th Horseman evading me :) Oh and necrochasm, but....meh.

I have the 4th horseman but I also have dry rot


dry rot is actually better once you have rolled it with

aggressive ballistics
full auto
small bore
and either of these 3 in the last slot depending on your pvp playstyle
luck in the chamber/knee pads/rodeo
I don't want it to use it silly :P Just to complete my exotics.

I had a major cull of stuff today, all the non-raid, non-trials legendary weapons I don't use have been dismantled. Got a full set of exotics (minus 4th horseman), both sets of raid weapons, all the raid armour for my warlock plus a full FWC and DO set. Gonna get a NM set before TTK aswell, just because :)
I may throw out some invites tonight. Judging by a text received at lunch I am not sure if the Mrs will be in the mood to game tonight... :o

If she is on don't worry about swearing.... :p
I may throw out some invites tonight. Judging by a text received at lunch I am not sure if the Mrs will be in the mood to game tonight... :o

If she is on don't worry about swearing.... :p

I will be online but I don't know what I will be playing. If CoD has downloaded by the time I get home I will probably be on that. Though by 9pm I might have rage quit and be back on Destiny already :D
Anyone up for a quick 34 PoE tonight at say 9ish? (gives time to watch the twitch stream)

The Mrs wants a chance at the Lord of Wolves after messing about with mine last night. The Etheric light will also get her Titan to 33 (Warlocks are both 34).

PS4 - Gulrot "I make you stand still derpy derp" POE 34 ~ 9PM

- OweO
- Jorja86

I can come on my bubble bro if you don't find anyone else.
Initially lets start with Crota on normal but I'm interested to see if we think VOG could be done as well?

Rules are any variant of Shotgun can be used so probably a universal remote for primary and any shotgun secondary and all guardian grenades and supers are allowed

Crota Normal 8pm ish (shotguns only Xbox)
1. Writethatd0wn
2. Kahuna Jay
3. Wardyp

who's up for it?
Thanks Fallen / TehMoe for the 34 run last night.

Went well enough although I died more times than I would have liked. I should have stopped playing like it was a 28... :p
The shotgun run was quite amusing last night lads! :D

Just need to formulate a plan for taking down Crota without relying on everyone being hunters!
Can't do today I'm afraid but can do tomorrow. Can't see me being much use on a flawless run on this week's map, but I want to try for the Hunter boots at least.
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