I've heard you guys mention this Crux thing a few times now, what is it?
And has anyone got that Necrochasm gun? The cursed thrall explosion sounds a bit exciting.
The necrocasm suffered two problems, first it wasn't that great, it wasn't terrible but there were better choices. Secondly, it's an exotic which why would you use any exotic other than gjallahorn. Obviously this is pre-patch so it may be some more use now.
Yep I need the crux as well so I can convert my eidolan ally to a nechrochasm but with the new stuff coming out next week...don't think there will be many crota raids going.
Saying that I really need to do the poe 35 and 100 crucible wins for my triumph. Did play some crucible today but I truly truly suck...think out of the 2 clash games I played I got about 3 kills I'm at 49 wins so need around 51 kills to get that moment and not sure if I'll get it before the end date.
Any ideas?? Or can someone somehow get me to my 100 kills?? I'll be around tomo late afternoon and evening and the weekend as well. I'm on xbox one by the way...so if anyone can help a lowly sad hunter out I'd much appreciate it.
There are 2 train of thoughts for getting kills in crucible. First is play clash or even Rumble as simply kill anyone you meet. If you are struggling then maybe switch to control, the control points generally concentrate players so you can be slightly less careful about watching your back. I would also add that if you can find people to play with then in clash run around as 3 pairs and generally you will win gun fights as meeting people 2 on 1.
Edit: Wait do you need kills or wins? Kills as above, wins is a little harder as just takes time. Again if you can get a group together and chatting then generally are going to win a lot more matches.