*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I've heard you guys mention this Crux thing a few times now, what is it?

And has anyone got that Necrochasm gun? The cursed thrall explosion sounds a bit exciting. :D

The necrocasm suffered two problems, first it wasn't that great, it wasn't terrible but there were better choices. Secondly, it's an exotic which why would you use any exotic other than gjallahorn. Obviously this is pre-patch so it may be some more use now.

Yep I need the crux as well so I can convert my eidolan ally to a nechrochasm but with the new stuff coming out next week...don't think there will be many crota raids going.

Saying that I really need to do the poe 35 and 100 crucible wins for my triumph. Did play some crucible today but I truly truly suck...think out of the 2 clash games I played I got about 3 kills :( I'm at 49 wins so need around 51 kills to get that moment and not sure if I'll get it before the end date.

Any ideas?? Or can someone somehow get me to my 100 kills?? I'll be around tomo late afternoon and evening and the weekend as well. I'm on xbox one by the way...so if anyone can help a lowly sad hunter out I'd much appreciate it.

There are 2 train of thoughts for getting kills in crucible. First is play clash or even Rumble as simply kill anyone you meet. If you are struggling then maybe switch to control, the control points generally concentrate players so you can be slightly less careful about watching your back. I would also add that if you can find people to play with then in clash run around as 3 pairs and generally you will win gun fights as meeting people 2 on 1.

Edit: Wait do you need kills or wins? Kills as above, wins is a little harder as just takes time. Again if you can get a group together and chatting then generally are going to win a lot more matches.
I've heard you guys mention this Crux thing a few times now, what is it?

And has anyone got that Necrochasm gun? The cursed thrall explosion sounds a bit exciting. :D

As mentioned above, the Crux of Crota is the item needed to ascend the Eidolon Ally and turn it into the Necrochasm.

Secondly, it's an exotic which why would you use any exotic other than gjallahorn.

Even pre-patch I found myself using Big G a lot less simply as it made the game too easy. I ran 4th Horsemen a lot so I can get up close and personal and melt Fallen Captains with ease. Now with the shotgun nerf I'm considering using Queenbreakers Bow more so I can snipe the Vandals with their own gun.
There are 2 train of thoughts for getting kills in crucible. First is play clash or even Rumble as simply kill anyone you meet. If you are struggling then maybe switch to control, the control points generally concentrate players so you can be slightly less careful about watching your back. I would also add that if you can find people to play with then in clash run around as 3 pairs and generally you will win gun fights as meeting people 2 on 1.

I think playing Control is a great way to improve at PvP as it's generally a lot easier to be ready for engagements as they'll usually happen around the control points. Hang back a bit, let the enemies come to you and you'll start with that advantage. By doing that you should get at least 10 kills per game without trying too hard.

I used to be awful at PvP and have an average of around 0.7 K/D, but several months later and a lot of Iron Banner and I consider myself to be slightly above average now. My K/D has risen to around 1.2 and most of my stats are in the top 35% of PvP players according to Destinytracker. I know I'm not great but I think concentrating on Control matches has allowed me to gradually get better. It's also a really good mode for learning the maps which I think is a big part of PvP skill. If you know the map then you'll know the sightlines to use and the ones to avoid. That makes a huge difference.
Edit: Wait do you need kills or wins? Kills as above, wins is a little harder as just takes time. Again if you can get a group together and chatting then generally are going to win a lot more matches.

No need wins rather than kills. Just seems like every team I get on, I'm the weakest link as I keep getting shot or blasted to high heaven :p.

What is strange is pre-patch I was on 10 wins, played a few games of crucible...6v6 game and even though I was getting shot to pieces...I was racking up wins galore. Mistake I made was to stop playing then when the patch landed, went back in and did the same stuff but now it's slowed right down ie not racking up wins as I tend to end up on the losing team more often than not lol.
Ah ok, your post was just confusing. Wins are a little harder to get but control is probably your best option. It still focuses on kills however if you aren't comfortable getting the middle of action you can hang back and pick off people at the control points. Even if your kill death ratio isn't that great getting assists is still helping and helping capture really speeds up objectives.

To be honest, your best option is getting in to a group from here, reddit, lfg or whatever. Simply being a party and communicating really helps as you can work as a team then rather than 6 individuals.
Ah ok, your post was just confusing. Wins are a little harder to get but control is probably your best option. It still focuses on kills however if you aren't comfortable getting the middle of action you can hang back and pick off people at the control points. Even if your kill death ratio isn't that great getting assists is still helping and helping capture really speeds up objectives.

To be honest, your best option is getting in to a group from here, reddit, lfg or whatever. Simply being a party and communicating really helps as you can work as a team then rather than 6 individuals.

Thanks mate, was thinking that maybe the free for all game ie where everyone just kills everyone maybe my best bet?? In that if I can get someone to let me kill them a few hundred times lol. But don't think that would work as invariably I'd end up getting killed plus the fact u have other players to deal with so would be hard to get to where I am without getting shot to pieces lol.

I did have a game or 2 with milkybk on here last night after our raids and was good fun in all honesty.

Will try and see if he and a few others can help me get to 100 kills before it ends. I know he's offered to help out with the poe 35 with me as I need to do that as well.
I'd be up for some Control when I'm next free mate, I find that enjoyable and even more so in a group.

Cool mate, I should be around tomo evening and the weekend so I'll send an invite if you, dave, me and a few others want to give it a go.

Think the next few days I'm going to be concentrating on getting poe 35 and the 100 crucible wins myself. The daily bounties are pretty easy, knocked them out this morning in about half hr.
I'm up for the crucible too, just drop me an invite when you're on guys.

Will definitely do that mate, like I said I'm going to try and get the crucible wins out of the way then try and nail poe 35 as well.

Looking forward to playing again with u Milky, was good fun last night.
Yeah man crucible is always a good laugh when there's a few people in a fire team. :)

I've just done PoE 35 with a couple dudes to help them out, took a few goes but we got it done. Good practice for when we need to get it done for thi this weekend and all. Does anyone else from the raid group need level 35?

I just checked my triump thing for the first time now, turns out I've done everything but the chests. Gunna finish that now.

The chests shouldnt take too long, I found a youtube guide that showed me all the locations although I had found a few before i used the youtube videos.

I'll most likely be online around 8pm tomo night so i guess we could give it a bash then or over the weekend??. Going to try and do some crucible tomorrow as well as I really want to start getting those 100 wins out of the way.
If you're about tonight Milky and Jay is still up for it I'd like to finally nail Skolas. Was waiting for Dave to text me last night about doing it but obviously he couldn't be arsed and did Skolas anyway lol
I definitely need to do PoE 35 on PS4

Pretty much the last thing for my Triumphs

Alex_6n2 on PSN if anyone would be so kind as to help :) :) :)

I've got a bit of time this evening....could possibly blast through it. I never did get the ship from skolas..

Off this week and next so can be on anytime if you want a 3rd to run through PoE35?
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