*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

If there’s still space I’ve a lvl 30 Titan and a lvl 28 Warlock. I’ve done the templar both ways before, buts it been a while since I did it the proper way :p
Of course I'll add you
Cool, Titan not Warlock though. Will surprise us both if I pop some Sunslinger moves.
Oops will fix
ps3ud0 put me down for Wednesday. PSN: FaceBaker LV30 Hunter/Lv27/28 Warlock.

There is a chance that I might not be back from work in time so if you get a reserve (or someone can definitely make it then happy for me to be down as a reserve)
OK dude - what time do you deffo think you can make it? Happy to delay a bit (say 30mins) to ensure everyone is armed and ready

ps3ud0 :cool:
I should be back for 19:30. It's a conference so depends when we have had enough. Worst case it will be 20:00. I will update the thread though by 18:30 if for some reason I leave late so you have time to get someone else if that's ok?
Thanks for the heads-up, appreciated. We'll start at 7.30 as planned unless you advise otherwise - I dawdle anyway :p
Wednesday 7.30pm - Double normal run - level 27+ with some decent weapons and voice comms

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (30 something)
2) Greboth - Greeboth (29 Warlock/29 Warlock)
3) AStaley - AStaley (29 Titan)
4) wattsy - chewie9967 (29 Hunter/27 Warlock)
5) Paul_M - Turbo_Nuter (30 Titan/28 Warlock)
6) oneilldo - Facebaker (30 Hunter/28 Warlock)
Templar on hard mode is a pain in the ***
Yeah tried it earlier today and can't get past him - have a few ideas but needs people to be disciplined with the oracles while being ready to deal damage on the Templar. Trying to get that extra chest is gonna go out of the window on hard methinks.

Only having the relic holder down seems the most sensible idea while people are up top sniping/using heavies...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Have a good relic guy, because at some point he is going to have to take down mid left and back right oracles as well as hidden left because the snipers cant hit them through the templar.
Yeah this is what got us unstuck - when the Templars nearest to the snipers they can't easily get to the oracles behind him. I was the relic holder and just couldn't get there in time the fee tries we made.

New learning process so had fun trying out ideas. Might try and stay on the near edge of the map to stop him doing such teleports - might also be useful to be a titan with the relic shield and pop the bubble (if it charges while holding the relic?) at times.

Those harpies are worse than Gatling guns :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
I'm probably not going to be around this evening for this I'm afraid - my wife's nan passed away this morning :(
Ahh unlucky dude :(
OK probably my last time Ill organise a raid for VoG! Still need a few things though ;)

Wednesday 7.30pm - Double normal run - level 27+ with some decent weapons and voice comms

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (30 something)
2) Greboth - Greeboth (29 Warlock/29 Warlock)
3) AStaley - AStaley (29 Titan)
4) wattsy - chewie9967 (29 Hunter/27 Warlock)
5) Paul_M - Turbo_Nuter (30 Titan/28 Warlock)
6) oneilldo - Facebaker (30 Hunter/28 Warlock)

Only going to accept people that will do both runs, ate into time last week trying to chase replacements at short notice which I dont want to do again (could have done a third run in the wasted time :p)

ps3ud0 :cool:
See you guys tonight @ 7.30pm :)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Had fun last night - doing the Templar normally was a breath of fresh air, shame we couldn't stop him teleporting but I think as soon as it dawned what the possible reward loss was it seemed more a waste of time than anything

Annoying no one got anything useful it seems - wouldn't have minded a duplicate exotic to destroy :p
That single Atheon bug fix does make Atheon nice to do now - will be doing a hard raid so be interesting how that goes on those 2 areas!
1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (30 something)
2) Greboth - Greeboth (29 Warlock/29 Warlock)
3) AStaley - AStaley (29 Titan)
4) wattsy - chewie9967 (29 Hunter/27 Warlock)
5) Paul_M - Turbo_Nuter (30 Titan/28 Warlock)
6) oneilldo - Facebaker (30 Hunter/28 Warlock)
7) Wydro

ps3ud0 :cool:
ps3ud0 :cool:
Probably buried somewhere in this thread but have you got a group for hard? I know I am only 29 but never tried to do a full hard raid.

As it seems that even with DLC vanguard armour will still only go to 27 light that people will still be running VoG raid after the DLC?
I havent actually - I used to organise a HM raid but the Atheon stuff just got me too annoyed to keep trying beyond getting the raid helmet - I do tag along with another group who I think has a slot spare for this Friday - zoomez is the man to ask! No idea regards the DLC armour, I tend to avoid too much information about new things and want to discover them myself - I asuem you can make level 30 with it but unsure how...
You really want me to join this raid :p. If I do this raid I might raid the day after in ps3ud0s group as well(I will feel bad joining one group and not the other), in which case I will pick the class that the raid group is short of. By the looks of it, I will be playing either a warlock or a titan.
Yeah was just going to ask that :p - might aswell get mine on the go then!
I'm looking to sort out a group for Crota's End NM on Tuesday. PS4 of course. I already have a couple of people, who's up for it?

1) Moon-EU- - 30 Hunter
2) TowerZ_UK - 30 Hunter
3) Righteous_Rabbit? - 30 Warlock
Ill join in too - really depends on the mechanisms to allow you to start the raid tbh though

30 something

ps3ud0 :cool:
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OK Crotas End normal mode for Wednesday 7.30pm:

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (30 something)
2) Zhokel - Zhokel (30 Titan)
3) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit (30 something)
4) Soulja - Soulja85 (30 Warlock)
5) Alrik - xAlrikx (30 ?)
6) ps3ud0+1 - KneesofGomorrah (30 ?)

Can people just confirm day/time please as I havent seen some of you since last week online - looking to make this a regular time/day really, but I know Soulja might be the only one that has trouble making it every week due to work commitments

ps3ud0 :cool:
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I'm sure Friday night raids will change from VoG to the new one bud ;)
Oh I bet you will :). If you dont have a space for me can I please join the voice chat to listen? :D. Raid is what Im paying for!

I noticed oHutchyo cant make Friday and mentioned to Greeboth that you might have a spare slot...

ps3ud0 :cool:
What are peoples thoughts about Crotas End and possible spoilers when people start raiding? Make people spoil quote stuff or just leave it as free reign?

Personally I'd rather avoid anything and go through it blind as part of my enjoyment is working it out myself

ps3ud0 :cool:
TBH knowing how raid stuff has flooded into the main Destiny thread some of the time just breaking into more threads seems an exercise that probably will fail. I was tempted to ask if we should just make a new Crotas End thread but that seemed over the top requirement...

Id rather people just throw anything possibly spoilerific into the spoiler tags and its up to people to choose to click on them or not. No doubt quicker than we anticipate that will be forgotten anyway or people will want to openly discuss tactics once weve discovered the raid checkpoints are well known. Im sure common sense doesnt need that much discussion really :)

Just be nice to let everyone who wants to try this fresh the time to do so before we all break the raid down into 'do this or do that to succeed' exercise. Ive felt bad for people who have come late into raiding as they just lost a lot of the discovery parts of the VoG because everyone else (including myself) now treats it as 'lets get our rewards as quickly and easily as possible'...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Sense of achievement of getting anywhere blind for the first time will be incredible - perhaps Stewy just don't do the new raid for a few weeks til people have worked it out.

Though in hindsight the VoG isn't some Mensa level puzzles - so many clues are given if you are looking out for them.

I think we took about 7-8hours to do it first time - it was overly obvious bar the two bosses...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I still up for it, if I need to do some additional content to unlock the raid then I will put myself down as playing a hunter, leaving the second warlock slot for ps3ud0(which i'm sure is the class he would prefer to play :p).
LOL I didnt even think about having a fair share of classes - I dont mind being Hunter, though expect me to run away a lot - tbh with the normal 30sec revive Im sure I wont be that much of a liability.

Least youve reminded me what class I really should get done before tonight - looking very much forward to it :)
OK Crotas End normal mode for Wednesday 7.30pm:

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (30 something)
2) Zhokel - Zhokel (30 Titan)
3) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit (30 something)
4) Soulja - Soulja85 (30 Warlock)
5) Alrik - xAlrikx (30 ?)
6) ps3ud0+1 - KneesofGomorrah (30 ?)

Can people just confirm day/time please as I havent seen some of you since last week online - looking to make this a regular time/day really, but I know Soulja might be the only one that has trouble making it every week due to work commitments

ps3ud0 :cool:
Just a reminder about tomorrow, think everyone has advised me they can make it - I know Alrik had a hiccup but assures me he will. My assumption is we wont get it done in one night because its new - if we had to reconvene is Firday ok for everyone?
Polynomial..... WORD IN EDGE WAYS!
Everyone will think you are referring to the fact I talk too much :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Question about the first section
I prefer running as a group and only waiting at the lights to remove the weight effect - the adds are slower than you until you get say x8 so actually shooting them just delays progress. Just get the explodey ones an then use supers or grenades to get yourself out of trouble.

Out of curiousity if you fight it out do the enemies stop spawning? Might be worth doing just to get the chance to explore
ps3ud0 :cool:
I don't think i'll be able to do the raid tonight. My PSN is fudged. Are that gay lizard group DDoS attacking Sonys servers again?
Sorry dude didn't see this post so spammed you with unnecessary PSN messages. Hope it all got sorted in the end but you weren't the only one who couldn't make it due to ISP issues!

You didn't miss much promise ;)

@zoomee/Sieze2 - I always recommend making your fireteam invite only as it stops undesirables without worry! Always awkward to kick people if they join...

ps3ud0 :cool:
There's a min cap for the raid as normal - under level 27 and it just won't let you start it
How far did you guys get? I was kicked from orbit at least 15 times last night. I thought it was a problem with destiny but when I tried using WiFi on my phone that wasn't working properly either. On the plus side I should be level 31 last night as I just plodded on with some bounties.
Not to spoil it but we think we are at the final boss - but it feels like beating him will need us to be level 31. Everything else up until that point feels 'easy' compared...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Don't forget that the VoG still could give you an exotic and I guess it would have to be the new higher damage ones.

I'll still be looking to do some VoG this week - like to do it 3 times back-to-back - wouldn't take long at all too...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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