Received the Dp - mini Dp cable Friday and connected gpu with monitor today using it.
It certainly works - in fact it came with the 'bonus' of enabling the on-board sound/speakers and disabling the Asus Xonar with 5.1 speakers

BUT got that sorted fairly quickly
Can I get at the Bios now - Yes

BUT :-
1. Being a little slow; when I advised that I could not enter the Bios what I really meant was that the post screen does not show & as a result thought that I would not be able to get to see the Bios.
2. New cable has not altered the fact that there is no post screen! - but decided to try to enter the Bios by pressing the Del key @ what I hoped was the correct time ; I did, to find the BIOS (trumpet role please!!).

3. But might it work in the same way i.e. press the del.key at the appropriate point and up the bios will come ... on Dvi ??? ( Do not Know as not tried this yet but will try to remember (and report) to give it a go next time I clean my computer).
I am not sure if others who I thought had had the same problem did have , in fact , a different problem i.e. they could see the post screen(s) but not get to the Bios.- If anyone has a similar problem to the one I had - then do try the del key; you never know

BTW - great picture !!!
( Although probably only of use to those with the same board (msi p67a-gd65) and keyboard (logitech G510) - would advise that the time to be pressing del is a few seconds after start - the keyboard name 'g510' appears on the keyboard screen and it is during the time that such is visible that you need to press.)