Someone one mentioned it above, when your political party has been found to be institutionally antisemitic then going around making even more antisemitic statements isn't a good look, she should have been booted ages ago.
What should be homerun after homerun against the Tories (given the current state of the country) and she has somehow managed to drag her party into yet another racial argument.
Erm, the whole thread is about race as abbot has yet again shown herself to be a massive racist?
Double standards.....
nope, he is an utter clown as well.............. BUT is deviousness allowed him to get away with it.
personally i would not want either of them running a kids party let alone a country.
Really, i couldnt give a damm who they decided to jump into bed with and it has no bearing on how to do job. (No fan of either, i just fail to see why its anyone ele`s business)