Can you take some pics from the angle/distance as those taken by me here (scroll down a little for the pics)Hey guys, I saw these Corsair sticks and jumped on them. Here are some pics
Can you take some pics from the angle/distance as those taken by me here (scroll down a little for the pics)Hey guys, I saw these Corsair sticks and jumped on them. Here are some pics
Can you take some pics from the angle/distance as those taken by me here (scroll down a little for the pics)
Thats the thing, I would have expected you to be able to post with those settings as they are not aggressive at all.Ah sorry, I should have been clearer. Thanks for the advice though. What's a likely stable set of timings with 1T I can start from as a baseline? 16-16-16-32 with auto subtimings and then start changing them in small groups?
They are showing, but I wont be able to work out what the PBC is with those pics, as the angle/distance does not show what is required to make an evaluation.Are the pics not showing? I put them in a spoiler tag.
They are showing, but I wont be able to work out what the PBC is with those pics, as the angle/distance does not show what is required to make an evaluation.
Look here
Scroll down and open the spoiler, it shows the different PCB layouts.
You should then be able to understand why the pictures have to be taken from specific angle/distance to be able to work out what the dimms are ........
Thats the thing, I would have expected you to be able to post with those settings as they are not aggressive at all.
GDM enabled is obviously assisting you to be able to post.
Can you try with 2T GDM disabled and report back
Thanks for that, they indeed do look to be on an A2 PCBAhh, sorry. I took some more and tried to get them the same as yours, not sure if they are any better. I will try and take some better shots during the daytime as my lighting sucks.
EDIT: They appear to be A2 layout from what I can tell, the chips are bunched at the ends of the PCB
Ive used in total 4 sets of Viper 4400 mhz dimms, non of the sets I used were that bad.This got past POST but in a quick MemBench run (just to check for errors) it threw up an error very quickly.
Just an FYI I have NB/SOC voltage at 1.1v, VDDP 0.905v, VDDG CCD 1.05, VDDG IOD 1.05v, CPU IP8 on Auto, RAM at 1.4v and DRAM VPP at Auto (not sure if any of these is making the difference).
Tried 16-16-16-32 at 1T with all else on Auto and it crashes in Windows (with either BGS or BGS alt enabled).
Ive used in total 4 sets of Viper 4400 mhz dimms, non of the sets I used were that bad.
Though they have only been tested on upper tier motherboards.
Maybe its the motherboard your sporting that is not able to power the dimms effectivly at 16-16-16-32-1T
Did you try 2T ?
Insane RAM for sure, although it'll all be for nothing when DDR5 hits the shelves next year, that's what I'm waiting for.
New ram standards often start out expensive and with very high / loose latencies, the first round of DDR5 likely wont be much improvement, higher frequency sure but timings will be terrible.
High end DDR4 isn't going to be available and affordable for much longer anyway.
Got the ram running at 4000mhz, with flck 2000 and and curve optimiser at -25. It runs at -30 but I get a lower score in Cinebench.
Ran the memory benchmark in Dram calculator, cinebench and some games without issue.
5800x, MSI Mortar b550
I should state this took 0 effort. I set it to the xmp profile and changed flck. Other than that it's all just auto.Well played sir, well played.