Did she ditch me for good?

The plan now is:

Am going back to the same restaurant with a friend of mine in a months time. Why? For entertainments shake:D. I just wanna see what "will happen" when she sees me. After all she knows that she ditched me like a hot potato.

I shall want to entertain you by providing video proof of the upcoming interaction however I can't afford to buy the afformentioned glasses. If you donate I promise to get further involved with her and see if I can achieve something of value.

P.S. Am being serious:cool:

I doubt anybody gives a flying **** what your plan now is.
She was working her tips and was pleased that you gave her £5 and was hoping you would tip her again in the future.

Seems blatantly obvious to me, you just read something else into it and put her on the spot .
Looks like that Barry George fellow got on the internet pretty soon after getting out of jail...
Post #93 reads really disturbing.. almost obsessive?

If you are a man come outside:mad:

Compensated how? You were lucky to not be suspended. This is a family forum. Consider it your compensation that you still have the ability to post.

Suspended for what? What is anti-family from what I said? Does anything i've said promote hatred/racism/hurting others/damaging to kids?

A bit of cheeky humour is anti-family?...:rolleyes:
sure it can be weird for your taste but....
so much for freedom of expression. If you are a bit different all that you receive is abuse and for that I will not apologize:mad:

Thread served it's purpose.

It shall close with immediate effect as per OPs request

even though over 3,000 views can't be wrong ;)

P.S. Me vs all: 2-1

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I want to know what was

A little too far, and far, far too weird

Has he started following her home at night or something?

P.S. Me vs all: 2-1


I dunno so far you've come across as a deranged stalker, retarded, and really creepy.

Nearly as bad as that guy who was reading other people private mail.

Exactly what I thought!

Damn you, I was just off to find a picture to post...
Nearly as bad as that guy who was reading other people private mail.

Worse, whilst that guy was invading her privacy he wasn't intending to do anything negative towards her, this guy seems to walk to stalk some girl who showed him a bit of kindess.
I want to know what was

Has he started following her home at night or something?

It's what happens to almost everyone at some point during their young life because nature dictates so but none has the @@ to say it. We have many taboos....:rolleyes:

Worse, whilst that guy was invading her privacy he wasn't intending to do anything negative towards her, this guy seems to walk to stalk some girl who showed him a bit of kindess.

Couldn't be further from the truth. This member shall be suspended for indirectly calling me a dangerous person:mad:
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Ok, no prob but everyone wants to eliminate me here so...am under fire:D

lol but u gotta look at what u wrote ...

It's what happens to almost everyone at some point during their young life because nature dictates so but none has the @@ to say it. We have many taboos....:rolleyes:

i did already reply to your thread though....first page

you called her too quick...
go back act real rich and leaver her a 50 quid tip but go with a friend so your more relaxed and in a more laughing mood.
ask her out again...have sex with her and video tape it.
then tell her you will call her in 2 weeks....text her in 2 weeks time giving her a link to the website where you have posted her sex tape.

then do choice number (1)
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