Die Hard 4

Thought it was a very good film. saw it last night at the vue cinema in plymouth, late night viewing finished at 2am lol
Just got in from seeing it, must say it is one of the best action films I have seen in recent years. Very good!

Best of all they fluffed up and had to restart the film... free tickets for everybody :D
Raikiri said:
Just got in from seeing it, must say it is one of the best action films I have seen in recent years. Very good!
saw it yesterday and i have to agree with you. some of it was a bit unbelieveable though (i wont give anything away but the part contained within the last 20 minutes). i was also suprised by how long it was considering what type of film it is

what did everyone else think of the new bourne ultimatum trailer??
looked pretty good although i would say that as i thought the first 2 were brilliant :D
Reeve said:
saw it yesterday and i have to agree with you. some of it was a bit unbelieveable though (i wont give anything away but the part contained within the last 20 minutes). i was also suprised by how long it was considering what type of film it is

what did everyone else think of the new bourne ultimatum trailer??
looked pretty good although i would say that as i thought the first 2 were brilliant :D

I liked the Rush Hour trailer. :D

"Stop humiliating yourself, you're Asian" :D
Fraggr said:
I liked the Rush Hour trailer. :D

"Stop humiliating yourself, you're Asian" :D

bah didnt see that one :(

only saw the new ultimatum one and a shorter transformer one that i have not seen before
good film thou none of it is plausable.
it's a typical hollywood hackers film, where anything with an internet connection can hack any "top secret governemt system, using disused military satellites" with a few keystrokes to crack an encryption on the 1st attempt.

good film. Rush hour trailer was good, will be going to see that & the simpsons of course
saw the film, thought it was brilliant! The only thing that annoyed me was the F35, but apart from that it was good
Good action film - just not a good Die Hard film - just thought it was funny that John McClane of all people would get involved in fighting against cyber crime :p...

Unsure why films are made with 80s values/ideas but attempted to put into a modern day scenerio - never seems to work properly - leave the classics where they are...

Worth watching - just dont expect too much :)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Anyone who says this is not one of the greatest action flicks of all time is craaaazy.

This was imo the best movie i have seen for action in the last 5 years. :D
Just got back, it was awesome!

Very happy, it's nice to see a decent film at the cinema for a change - was thoroughly dissapointed with Shrek 3 t'other day, but then again I'm not a fan.

Highlights were definately the harrier & truck scene, the sexy asian woman who kicked ass (hawt!) and the endless cheesy one liners :D
Went to see it last night, good movie but not as good as the other 3 i feel. Still was fun, me and my friends were buckled at the

"Enough of this kung fu ****"

and there was also the cameo from Tim Russ aka Tuvok which had me laughing :confused:

Would have been better if they missed out the jet fighter part.
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