Die Hard 4

He was one of the DEA blokes when the FBI were in the mobile unit and were asking for deskspace and told to stand in the corner :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Awesome movie, have to say its just as good if not better than the previous 2. Non stop action from the word go, some pretty cool stunts as well especially the car that flew over them in the tunnel and obviously the piece de resistance....the car flying into the helicopter had everyone gasping in the cinema.

Its just another switch your brain off movie and anyone who tries to dissect the movie really needs their brains dissecting tbh.

Seriously though one of the best if not the best movie out now....just waiting for Transformers to turn up as my bro has told me thats another stonker of a movie and from the trailers it looks pretty damn awesome.

Id recommend anyone to go and see Die Hard 4, even if you arent into the die hard series...such an awesome movie...cant wait for it to come out on dvd..hopefully hd dvd:p.
I perfered DieHard 3 tho - but the film is worth going to see - its just crazy lol.

*** Spolier****

How on earth did that woman get beaten to a pulp by McCain, then get hit by a 4x4 at 30mph which then crashed and chushed her against a wall, then fall down a lift shaft and able to catch on to a cable and fight more.... yet with not a hint of a scratch.... all within a few mins :o
Vegetarian said:
*** Spolier****

How on earth did that woman get beaten to a pulp by McCain, then get hit by a 4x4 at 30mph which then crashed and chushed her against a wall, then fall down a lift shaft and able to catch on to a cable and fight more.... yet with not a hint of a scratch.... all within a few mins :o
Because she is the personification of SEX ;)...

ps3ud0 :cool:
hmm, I wasnt expecting a lot from this. I mean. 4.0, its like all bad marketing. But if its a good film, maybe i'll scoot down and see it, maybe wednesday :)
Netvyper said:
hmm, I wasnt expecting a lot from this. I mean. 4.0, its like all bad marketing. But if its a good film, maybe i'll scoot down and see it, maybe wednesday :)

4.0 is to do with the whole new information cyber terrorism thing apparently. Like web 2.0 etc.
I enjoyed the flim a lot, funny at places and a good film to watch and not have to think about.

The funniest bit for me, was when the FBI or NSA (cant remember) were talking about thwta the hackers could do with the information they have stolen/downloaded and one guy says "they could transfer all the data to a portable disk" - something along those lines. Many 100's of Terabytes no doubt onto a Portable disk..... end geek mode. :p

My ability to describe something is truly lacking at the moment lol.
Sorry to buck the trend here, but I saw it last night and I thought it was the most boring 2 hour film I've seen in a long time. I was actually wondering half way through how they could spend so much money and create such a lifeless action movie. I even had time to send a couple of texts to the same effect.

The whole thing about running about with a PDA and hacking into computer programs was just boring. It seems the movie producers feel that they can get away with having a terrible plot that doesn't really follow anything remotely realistic, and they've pretty much done what they want because they can justify it with some technology bull****.

I can take action films with a pinch of salt, but like some guy said up there, there were too many impossible moments and I was sitting there thinking "What the...?". Rather than being in the film for those moments, I was suddenly detached and realised I was sitting in a fairly nice chair with exceedingly large cupholders.

Like the indestructable woman, the crazy plane sequence at the end with the plane blowing the interchange up and the gas being redirected to the gas stations to make it go pop (well, I suppose you could explain that, maybe). A good part was the helicopter blowing up the helicopter but stupidly they chose to show that in the trailer! Very annoying.

The guys were also annoying. The baddy wasn't particularly ruthless, aggressive or evil. Why did he not just shoot Farrel in the knee when he refused to decrypt the data? Well, I know actually - it was because it was a PG. Cinema for the masses = Die Hard 4.0 = a ruined franchise.

In my mind the whole problem with these films is that they're based around PDA's, satellites, mobile phones and 500TB of data. WHO GIVES A CRAP!? By confusing people with techno junk they don't have to stitch together a decent plot, as at any point they can get they're PDA's out, stick their universable cable into a random machine, encrypt someone's data and royally **** off the baddies.

Terrible, terrible, terrible. But that's just IMHO. ;)
Really enjoyed this film!

Everything about it is quite formulaic, but it has to be - it's a Die Hard!

Well, all except the action. The action has definitely raised the film making bar. It's pretty stunning to say the least!

The only disappointment to me was the final confrontation, which lacked a bit of power and tension, but the rest of it made it sit quite comfortably with Casino Royale as one of the best actions of the 21st century so far.

It didn't quite feel like a Die Hard (actually more like an episode of 24 in places) but it's a damn good action film!
Awesome film, I love it when John is in the tunnel talking to himself whilst he is getting in the police car and driving it towards the helicopter, 'how hard can that be john?' 'no it can't be that hard' :D

Also saw a good Simpsons trailer at the start where Ralph finishes off the 20th Centruy Fox theme tune :D Also spider pig!

it was because it was a PG. Cinema for the masses = Die Hard 4.0 = a ruined franchise.

15 actually
manoz said:
4.0 is to do with the whole new information cyber terrorism thing apparently. Like web 2.0 etc.
It only has the Die Hard 4.0 moniker in the UK for some reason...In the US it's Live Free or Die Hard.
Just watched it.. not sure.. 7/10 maybe.. dunno it does say die hard to me.. but something about it is just not die hard enough =/ not sure..

for a film i love it
for a die hard film i rekon its "okay"
Gah, average film. Still, wasn't expecting much so at least I wasn't disappointed :p Unlike with Die Hard with a vengence I never felt the film was really going anywhere, it just plodded along.
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