seriously you're still not quite getting it. There are elements of the boycott or at least the fury that surround it, that have staved off this conoleitis you're
so keen on seeing. AvP is the perfect example, one minute jumping on the no dedi bandwagon and now panicking about losing sales because of it.
And that's kind of the point. I really don't care if MW2 is so fantastic it makes stars shoo out your butt. The less sales on the PC the better because 99% of companies aren't able to ignore the PC Market like IW. Secondly a huge FPS nut would abandon MW2 pretty quickly for a multitude of reasons, some of which there are threads about. Especially when there are way better options out there like COD4 and some classics like DoD, Red Orchestra and even CSS which don't use P2P and more importantly allow more thann 9v9. Finally a lot of us work which is why postng drops in the evening. Essentially were getting paid large sums of money to post so don't feel too bad because were messing around on huge servers with low pings by the time you read this.
i do get it but what im trying to say is it doesnt matter ! the game is out made its been done ranting about it now is like crying over spilt paint on your carpet.
i have my own server box with loads of servers on for all cods and other games. so i get exactly where your coming from
ive also seen a lot of clans come close to splitting due to this very game and do you know what most have done ?
they brought the game took a gamble and play together every night as a clan
cod 4 is better for dedis no doubt but by not buying the game to stop future companies doing the same your just wasting your time. as we are not the influence that makes the change the console is!
my mate shown me stats of mw2 sales - xbox sold something like 5 million copies , ps3 about nearly 4 million pc 500,000 about 6 percent total
so no matter how much money you earn it doesnt change one iota
ive played all the classics from yester year and tbh most are dead. if they wernt and still popular with all my clan and friends id be there.
cod 4 ive played to death is full of hacking nabs
before people say it aint that bad i submit screenshots daily of hacknig nabs its bad and will only get worse.
played three matches in a league in last few weeks three of the four had hackers in or had illegal binds .
not saying cod mw2 will be any different for hackers but like ive sat and studied the pros and cons of playing the game and it came out more postitive than not playing it . infact why am i even typing here
time for mw2 with my clan mates
last post from me in the mw2 scandal as your either for it or against it. doesnt matter which you are at end of day they sold nearly ten million copies and are laughing all the way to the bank . probably sell 20 million copies by time its done.