Digg.com - Modern Warfare 2 boycott.

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all the more reason to burn them then, but to avoid confusion, ive updated it
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thing is even if we dont pay (apparently pc sales for mw2 game are 6 percent total ) not going to make one difference. consoles own cod simple as that.

whatever consoles do now managers the way the games going to go. i dont like it and understand why all include myself have got to great lengths to hope for a change from iw but the games out they got there cash .

the games good so what is there to do ? you hold the principle line or just go have a game of something .

whats more entertaining ? writing posts all day about cod mw2 or gaming itself. if its writing posts allday then id consider having a break from gaming for a while as you cant be enjoying it. so go have a game enjoy yourself and forget the iw big wigs .

seriously you're still not quite getting it. There are elements of the boycott or at least the fury that surround it, that have staved off this conoleitis you're
so keen on seeing. AvP is the perfect example, one minute jumping on the no dedi bandwagon and now panicking about losing sales because of it.

And that's kind of the point. I really don't care if MW2 is so fantastic it makes stars shoo out your butt. The less sales on the PC the better because 99% of companies aren't able to ignore the PC Market like IW. Secondly a huge FPS nut would abandon MW2 pretty quickly for a multitude of reasons, some of which there are threads about. Especially when there are way better options out there like COD4 and some classics like DoD, Red Orchestra and even CSS which don't use P2P and more importantly allow more thann 9v9. Finally a lot of us work which is why postng drops in the evening. Essentially were getting paid large sums of money to post so don't feel too bad because were messing around on huge servers with low pings by the time you read this.
TBH I doubt anyone regardless of if they bought it or not could argue that this release hasn't been a farce of almost biblical magnitude.

we {SAS} have based our community on hosting servers for the last 8 years, To not be able to do so makes the game worthless to us regardless of how good it is. But I still think the boycott has been a success, simply looking at peak playing figures points to either rubbish sales or rubbish game.
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^agreed, i doubt many who said they were going to boycot went through with it coz of all the hype, but why bother with the pc version if you cant take full advantage of the massive online community the pc has.

tbh they put more effort into the guns sounds, textures and addons, which sacrificed the dedi server support, a decent campaign.
What I will find interesting is the % of people who bought this product that go on and buy the next instalment assuming its on the IWNET system. People will be a lot more informed next time round. If anything the boycott only served to highlight what we envisaged the issues to be, all of which imho have come to fruition.

Would the people who are playing MW2 now and saying "its ok, but dedis would be better" buy MW3 ?
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Principles are all well and good but when you're missing out on what is still an amazing game, it's a bit stupid really.

Buy it for the SP, you won't be disappointed.

"Remember - No Russian"

I have no doubt, loved the first one - but im not paying that much cash for 5 hours of gameplay, thats stupid to me. Maybe when it hits a tenner.
seriously you're still not quite getting it. There are elements of the boycott or at least the fury that surround it, that have staved off this conoleitis you're
so keen on seeing. AvP is the perfect example, one minute jumping on the no dedi bandwagon and now panicking about losing sales because of it.

And that's kind of the point. I really don't care if MW2 is so fantastic it makes stars shoo out your butt. The less sales on the PC the better because 99% of companies aren't able to ignore the PC Market like IW. Secondly a huge FPS nut would abandon MW2 pretty quickly for a multitude of reasons, some of which there are threads about. Especially when there are way better options out there like COD4 and some classics like DoD, Red Orchestra and even CSS which don't use P2P and more importantly allow more thann 9v9. Finally a lot of us work which is why postng drops in the evening. Essentially were getting paid large sums of money to post so don't feel too bad because were messing around on huge servers with low pings by the time you read this.

i do get it but what im trying to say is it doesnt matter ! the game is out made its been done ranting about it now is like crying over spilt paint on your carpet.

i have my own server box with loads of servers on for all cods and other games. so i get exactly where your coming from ;)

ive also seen a lot of clans come close to splitting due to this very game and do you know what most have done ?

they brought the game took a gamble and play together every night as a clan :D

cod 4 is better for dedis no doubt but by not buying the game to stop future companies doing the same your just wasting your time. as we are not the influence that makes the change the console is!

my mate shown me stats of mw2 sales - xbox sold something like 5 million copies , ps3 about nearly 4 million pc 500,000 about 6 percent total :(

so no matter how much money you earn it doesnt change one iota

ive played all the classics from yester year and tbh most are dead. if they wernt and still popular with all my clan and friends id be there.

cod 4 ive played to death is full of hacking nabs :(:mad: before people say it aint that bad i submit screenshots daily of hacknig nabs its bad and will only get worse.

played three matches in a league in last few weeks three of the four had hackers in or had illegal binds .

not saying cod mw2 will be any different for hackers but like ive sat and studied the pros and cons of playing the game and it came out more postitive than not playing it . infact why am i even typing here :D time for mw2 with my clan mates :p

last post from me in the mw2 scandal as your either for it or against it. doesnt matter which you are at end of day they sold nearly ten million copies and are laughing all the way to the bank . probably sell 20 million copies by time its done.


It's a ruddy computer game.

It's only a computer game, it's only a car, it's only a house, it's only a *****, it's only your ass....

I agree with Kenai here, it's obvious the company tried to screw the customer, it was not a mistake, in fact they were not even planning on letting people know until somebody asked that ***** 402 specific questions on a podcast and he had no choice but to answer.

And people still support them and buy the product.
What I will find interesting is the % of people who bought this product that go on and buy the next instalment assuming its on the IWNET system. People will be a lot more informed next time round. If anything the boycott only served to highlight what we envisaged the issues to be, all of which imho have come to fruition.

Would the people who are playing MW2 now and saying "its ok, but dedis would be better" buy MW3 ?

A resounding, no; not unless IW have some about face, regarding severs.
I believe paying for extra stuff in the game is where the likes of IW see big, fat, easy, profits. Companies like ijji are making a killing with people paying for stuff in game. I believe this is possibly, a route they want a piece of the cake from.
It's only a computer game, it's only a car, it's only a house, it's only a *****, it's only your ass....

Dramatic and funny at the same time :D

I haven't bought it, was looking forward to it just like i was looking forward to Citiesxl and Spore...!

Still play BF2 more or less everyday and love the large maps with loads of players. I played all the cods and moh's and loved them (actually installed spearhead and Quake 2 the other day).
But me loving it doesnt make them any money and thats why the software companies are there. They want to make money, i am sure that there are a few who do it for the love but not many.

So i guess short games with great gfx and downloadable content is the way i would go to make the most money.

Am i right in thinking that the PC players are not on the same servers as those console people :) ? If this is the case and not many people are using the PC infrastructure they have put in then you could say that they will give up on PC altogether or possibly allow modding and dedicated servers again.....only time will tell

Main thing is though that people can do what they want and they will, we will have to wait and see.
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But I still think the boycott has been a success, simply looking at peak playing figures points to either rubbish sales or rubbish game.

What are the peak playing figures? As far as I knew CoD4 was around 44k people online at peak times, CoD6 it's got more people playing than Counter strike source at 93k?


Click on "View Steam players per game"
Single player took me close to 12 hours to finish. However, I played on Veteran and really took me time. Did consider to play on Easy, run and gun through it and go to a forum to start wailing over it, but truth be told, the SP was fabulous and worth the £30. I just wish there was a Nighmare-Impossible setting.
What are the peak playing figures? As far as I knew CoD4 was around 44k people online at peak times, CoD6 it's got more people playing than Counter strike source at 93k?


Click on "View Steam players per game"

In game it told me the other day that 250k players were online. I found that a little hard to believe.
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