DiRT Rally Hits Steam Early Access

Just picked this up. Been playing it all night with a buddy and its bloody awesome!

Currently using a logitech driving force gt, does anyone have some recommended setting for this wheel?
if you not trolling what is your issue Petey ?

default is very good. apart from the degrees of wheel rotation varies from player to player.

the devs suggest 540 -900

i use 200. as i said its a case of playing a track and finding what works for you.

if you want to put in time to learn play pant mawr only until you get the steering right.

pant mawr is very technical and fast.

so get that right and you pretty much set.

you must remember most have logitech wheels or thrustmaster.so if you in the lower figures if you cant find what you want put in the effort to find your own settings.

the games fine it just requires a learning curve.
It's not that my settings are bad, it drives very nice. Was just wondering if I can improve them at all. Currently using stock settings that use only 180 degree rotation.
And now you think I need driving lessons...
Do you even know what trolling is? You seem to think that someone having a different/negative experience in your favourite game has to be trolling because it's not something you've experienced and damn anyone that disses your baby, right?.
Go ahead and google for people having major issues with the ffb in this game. Look at all the workarounds that have been posted for XML tweaks etc...

Default is far from good, hence my original post.
If it was so great, I wouldn't have to arse around with trying everything possible to get it feeling decent, nor would I have to ask random people on forums.

Fwiw, I've tried a whole bunch of stuff and while it's improved it to some extent, it's still leagues away from anything I'd describe as one of the best FFB experiences I've ever had.
Again, should I have to do any of this?

Fwiw, I have no problem with the game itself. I'm looking forward to enjoying it if and when I get past the extremely poor out of the box feeling.
sorry you have a bad experience, i use default settings. set world records often.

given your wheel is different to mine. so ffb is going to be different.

all im saying is you have to tweak until you find what feels right to you. its there. you just got to put in effort to find it if no one else has posted similar configs.

shame you not on a logitech wheel as i tell all logitech people my settings.

as posted earlier some people use 900 degrees while others like me use 200.

its a big difference the thing is its works.if you put the time in you get the reward.

Dirt 3 kinda spawned the just race when this isn't the same.you need to practice you need to try different set ups. to get the best.

hope you put in time to find what a great game this is unlike many other racers.
Yeah, like I said, I'm sure the game itself is great when it's all dialled in.

Tbh, I don't even play pCars due to having to spend time setting up an ffb profile for every car on every track, instead of just being able to get on with it or at least just do a global setting.
Creating a car setup is all cool for a particular car/track, but having to bugger about with setting up the wheel in each case is just taking the mick.

With Assetto, it's all done for you. No changing rotation, you just leave it at 900° (or whatever your wheel's max rotation is) and the game adjusts it depending on which car you're in.
All you have to do is adjust general ffb levels to suit your taste or wheel.
Of course, there are advanced settings available if you want to go further.

I just wish it could be that easy with other titles, as having to spend a while fiddling to get anywhere really does take away from the experience and tbh, it's just a pain in the arse.

Anyway, I'll keep at it and see what happens because it does seem like there's a quality game in there somewhere.
once you find your general settings it is fine.

if you have soft lock(ingame) on it locks the settings. some prefer soft lock on i have it off.wheel rotation try 540-900.some use 200-300.

the only one that really throws people off is tourque alignment.that is a personally preference one.

but rest is pretty much fine at default.

so its not like you have to adjust every time you play once you find them you just rally and thats it.

the advanced settings are when your really good with the game and want that little extra out of them.most who do the fastest times though mainly just use default.they are nicely set up.
Well in my case, there's virtually nothing but a bit of rumble using default settings. Might as well be using a £20 wheel.

Haven't had much chance to fiddle with it, but it is getting somewhere at least.
Ok lads, i've got the pirated steam early access version of this game and i'm loving it. I've noticed that codies are doing a sale so i'm thinking of buying this. I already own legit copies of all the rest of the codies collection except for the F1 series., so this is the only one i'm interested in this sale. What extras has the full game of DiRT rally got in it from the copy i have (steam early access)? I could do with a concise reply before the sale runs out so any input is appreciated. Thanks
If you're loving it, buy it! :mad:

the worst thing is its one of the best pc games :(

if it was some crappy EA thing it wouldn't be so bad. :p

I know..i know. Support the devs and all that. I get it. It's just that i haven't put much thought into buying it until now and in my measly defense i've only put about 3 hours into the game so far, but i do think it's a great game so far.

I'm just pondering if it's worth getting it now for £22 or wait until after christmas now and get it even cheaper. The game is basically the same price now as it was 6 months ago. I expected a bigger price drop tbh.
May rise further as it nears full release with more content. You've had enough demo period to know this is something you want to play.
I know..i know. Support the devs and all that. I get it. It's just that i haven't put much thought into buying it until now and in my measly defense i've only put about 3 hours into the game so far, but i do think it's a great game so far. QUOTE]

I bet you do this all the time with games then,
I know..i know. Support the devs and all that. I get it. It's just that i haven't put much thought into buying it until now and in my measly defense i've only put about 3 hours into the game so far, but i do think it's a great game so far.

I'm just pondering if it's worth getting it now for £22 or wait until after christmas now and get it even cheaper. The game is basically the same price now as it was 6 months ago. I expected a bigger price drop tbh.

I expect it to be £35 on full release and when on full release no sale for a good while.

Best time to buy is now.
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