Yeah, like I said, I'm sure the game itself is great when it's all dialled in.
Tbh, I don't even play pCars due to having to spend time setting up an ffb profile for every car on every track, instead of just being able to get on with it or at least just do a global setting.
Creating a car setup is all cool for a particular car/track, but having to bugger about with setting up the wheel in each case is just taking the mick.
With Assetto, it's all done for you. No changing rotation, you just leave it at 900° (or whatever your wheel's max rotation is) and the game adjusts it depending on which car you're in.
All you have to do is adjust general ffb levels to suit your taste or wheel.
Of course, there are advanced settings available if you want to go further.
I just wish it could be that easy with other titles, as having to spend a while fiddling to get anywhere really does take away from the experience and tbh, it's just a pain in the arse.
Anyway, I'll keep at it and see what happens because it does seem like there's a quality game in there somewhere.