DiRT Rally Hits Steam Early Access

Shall we set up a new league as getting bored of waiting for events to restart, gecko you too busy for this? If you are you can transfer ownership to me if you like and I will set it up?
Yeah it's definitely a server error, this happens after I try to add events.

Server Error

500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
be better if leagues earned you money like the official events.

most people are probably tired of the current content though.
hill climbing will be out probably next weekend then the league will likely become active.

I still do a few rallies a day but just sticking to career and slow cars.

I give up on the fast ones they just feel like they are constantly fish tailing down the straights, I find it easier going around corners with them.

maybe it's something wrong with my wheel just feels like there's a dead zone in the centre or lag.
It's weird the game feels alight when I'm doing big wheel movements and instantly correcting them but when I try to be smooth and precise it's like the steering is all floaty and it takes a second for the wheels to start turning.
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arknor make sure when you connect wheel to reboot with it in then play game. sometimes settings don't seem to stick on logi wheels or work if you just plug in.

im racing just as much love it.

got all cars except one the last mini now. won all the comps. just leveling the 2010 fiesta up.
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