DiRT Rally Hits Steam Early Access

turned back off traction control which I turned on when I as struggling with finding a good wheel rotation.

so much faster through the slow corners and hairpins can be drifted again.
even the start line is loads faster without the car bogging down trying to find traction

Instantly within 6 seconds of the ai on the first stage and 384th in the rankings on that stage one of the monte carlo snow stages

anyone playing with TS turn it off especially in 4wd cars they need to lose traction to power out of the corners without the stupid game limiting your bhp
If anyone could add me on there steam so i have some more times up that would be great.

added most my times are prob rubbish apart from group A though.

this game would be awesome at a mini lan party at someone's house pitty I don't have any pc gaming friends in rl just console peasants :(
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added you ;)

hmm might do something different today but i still fancy beating my sweet lamb times :D

i asked about people being able to copy other peoples car set ups today. they are working on this. :cool:
only really raced the mini cooper 1960s and the pug 205t16. all rest should be pretty avg.

some of my mini times are scarey fast :D
which track and car ? :D

No idea tbh, Just some random wales stage a short one that I came across doing Group A in career.
Beat your time by about 8 seconds and I was far from perfect.

you weren't even top out of all the ocukers :p

I think the scoreboard times are based on the weather though? so a time in the dry won't show up for the same car/track combo with the weather being rain?
EDIT must have been either
Pant Mawr - morning/rain (probably this one)
or Fferm Wyn - morning rain (don't believe you had a time set so probably not this)
with group A

The weather/time of day thing is pretty lame though I did pretty good earlier hit the button for compare and pfft only one other guy out of 13 of you even has a time :(
Replay from that check how battered the car is at the start LOL
Does the weather and time of day even have an effect on the grip levels? I can't say I notice it.
obviously for the night/mist/snowing it effects how far you can see and causes you to drive slower but thats it?

I'm captain slow though this is about my limit and I still don't even know the tracks as you can see from my lifting lol
Not the track I had a better time than you though I don't think you even had a set a time
No speedo on replays :S
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well i had a couple of races with the group A cars. bit more later.

did the cossie on sweet lamb. was about 5 secs up on you arknor on that one. then did with the scoobie 95 on the fferm wynt one you posted above. on that one i was 20 secs faster :D

that one was first go :p scoobie is a pretty nice car bit skippy sometimes. :D

have recorded the runs not best times to be achieved but nice fun :cool:

do enjoy the cossie though as its effortless to drive fast.

escort cossie on sweet lamb

subaru impreza 95 on fferm wynt

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This game was very smooth on a single TX, but I am getting stutter every 2 or so seconds with TX SLI which makes it horrible. Still very smooth on my 980m. I have read the steam forums and it seems there is an SLI profile. Anyone else using SLI and how is it for you?
as said on group a i done literally two tracks which i did last night cause you said you beat me :D

one i beat you by 5 secs the other first go 20 secs up :p dont make me get the wheel out :p
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