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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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14 Feb 2007
What games can't you max out at that res? None I would imagine using the current tech bar Crysis. So you can spend all your money to conquer 1 game or wait for prices to come down.

Or get a quieter less power consuming CPU that does the same for money i could easily earn quickly again.
20 Apr 2006
Leeds, UK
Typical. Finally got my budget sorted out for a new card on payday this month (28th) and now theres a new slew of cards coming out.

Mind you, the 2nd hand 4890 MM might be hotting up :p
3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.

Why do you care?

Are you just annoyed that you can't afford it and are trying to make it out that people who can are insane? I personaly doubt this because it would be absurd.

To be quite honest I just like having new stuff, what is so wrong with that? I have money to burn right now after a massive tax rebate and see no problem in investing cash in what is essentialy one of my interests. Waiting for prices to come down is all well and good but I just can't be arsed, maybe I'm impatient, or maybe I just don't see the need.

I rarely splash out cash on things like this so I find it nice to treat myself to something a little extreme occasionly, if you have a problem with people spending their money then so be it, but ranting about it just makes you look like a horrible, bitter indevidual.
23 May 2004
As final8y says I doubt anyone on this forum will be buying it mainly due to DX11, it will be mainly for the performance increase over the current gen.

Hmmm; but would as many people buy one if it wasn't DX11. I mean, the GTX295 does MORE than one needs, I'd say, so if these ATI cards come out at £400+ on launch, and the GTX295's come down (say, to £249), what card would people buy?.

3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
Hmmm; but would as many people buy one if it wasn't DX11. I mean, the GTX295 does MORE than one needs, I'd say, so if these ATI cards come out at £400+ on launch, and the GTX295's come down (say, to £249), what card would people buy?.


Ignoring the fact that ATI prices are unlikely to effect Nvidias, I would probably still not get a 295, as it is just as likely to push the 4870x2 prices down as well.
16 Nov 2006

Why do you care?

Are you just annoyed that you can't afford it and are trying to make it out that people who can are insane? I personaly doubt this because it would be absurd.

To be quite honest I just like having new stuff, what is so wrong with that? I have money to burn right now after a massive tax rebate and see no problem in investing cash in what is essentialy one of my interests. Waiting for prices to come down is all well and good but I just can't be arsed, maybe I'm impatient, or maybe I just don't see the need.

I rarely splash out cash on things like this so I find it nice to treat myself to something a little extreme occasionly, if you have a problem with people spending their money then so be it, but ranting about it just makes you look like a horrible, bitter indevidual.

First you think it's a rant, it's not a rant. It's explaining things rationally rather than I like to buy things to make me feel better, or because of some clever marketing or whatever. But it is your money and you can do whatever you feel like with it. I was explaining that there isn't a game out there now (bar Crysis) that will put a dent your performance, so buying on that reason doesn't make sense.

And second I have a 3007wfp since 2006.
14 Feb 2007
First you think it's a rant, it's not a rant. It's explaining things rationally rather than I like to buy things to make me feel better, or because of some clever marketing or whatever. But it is your money and you can do whatever you feel like with it. I was explaining that there isn't a game out there now (bar Crysis) that will put a dent your performance, so buying on that reason doesn't make sense.

Yes it does, it does the same performance for much less power and heat, some of us care about that as well.
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
It's explaining things rationally rather than I like to buy things to make me feel better, or because of some clever marketing or whatever.

If it isn't a rant, why are you declaring your rationality above everyone else? if it's not a rant, then you are just being a self important fool.

You are trying to make yourself seem above everyone who wants to buy one of these cards and stating they are buying to "make themselves feel better or because of martetking", ever think that people who are interested in things just like to be "up to date" with new hardware?

If it's irrational to have a hobby you like to keep up with then every person on the planet is irrational. Do you wait 2 months after a game is released to wait for the price to go down? do you wait for an album to be in the bargain bin? no? this is the same thing, yes it may be on a greater scale, but you are by no means some perfectly "rassional" person because you dissagree with other people, if you have no interest in these cards, stop slating everyone who does.
16 Nov 2006
If it isn't a rant, why are you declaring your rationality above everyone else? if it's not a rant, then you are just being a self important fool.

You are trying to make yourself seem above everyone who wants to buy one of these cards and stating they are buying to "make themselves feel better or because of martetking", ever think that people who are interested in things just like to be "up to date" with new hardware?

If it's irrational to have a hobby you like to keep up with then every person on the planet is irrational. Do you wait 2 months after a game is released to wait for the price to go down? do you wait for an album to be in the bargain bin? no? this is the same thing, yes it may be on a greater scale, but you are by no means some perfectly "rassional" person because you dissagree with other people, if you have no interest in these cards, stop slating everyone who does.

I'm voicing my opinion, and doing so without resorting to name calling in both posts. Your words are falling on deaf ears because you can't argue your point with some form of civility. Please don't reply back to my posts.
14 Jan 2008
If a person has a current gen gfx card that plays most but not all games at the settings they want and the 5xxx series come out and can do that with a little less power usage and heat whats wrong with buying it. Why people who think anyone buying one of these cards is stupid is participating in a thread about brand new cards is beyond me and i find that a bit stupid as well. If you don't want to buy one or have anything to do with them or are happy with what you have then fine thats good for you but it doesn't give you any right to insinuate anything about people that are going to get one.
5 Jan 2005
South East, UK
I have an ATI XT850! Can't wait for the 5xxx series so i can upgrade :) until then I'll have to use the old card - which should quite silly when the 24" screen i want to buy arrives as i'm sure it wont be even close to high enough resolution :)

Do we know what the time lag between launch and availability in the stores will be ?
7 Nov 2007
I have an ATI XT850! Can't wait for the 5xxx series so i can upgrade :) until then I'll have to use the old card - which should quite silly when the 24" screen i want to buy arrives as i'm sure it wont be even close to high enough resolution :)

Do we know what the time lag between launch and availability in the stores will be ?

The XT850 should handle the resolution fine for desktop use. :)
16 Nov 2006
If a person has a current gen gfx card that plays most but not all games at the settings they want and the 5xxx series come out and can do that with a little less power usage and heat whats wrong with buying it. Why people who think anyone buying one of these cards is stupid is participating in a thread about brand new cards is beyond me and i find that a bit stupid as well. If you don't want to buy one or have anything to do with them or are happy with what you have then fine thats good for you but it doesn't give you any right to insinuate anything about people that are going to get one.

If this is aimed at me, then I don't think I called anyone stupid about being interested in the cards. That's something you made up.

And people seem to think I'm against the cards, which is poppycock. I'm all for new technology and innovation, but not at the wrong price/performance ratio which is the main reason I didn't go for i7.

And also I didn't insinuate anything, Fenris said he "just likes to buy new things".

Cosmo is the one who said, more money than sense. I said wait til the prices come down.
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