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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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god damn this, I was literally just about to order a 4890 and then I got told about this....

Is it worth the wait? Is it going to reduce 4890 prices significantly? I am not really bothered about buying a 5 series card as like he poster above said. DX11 isnt gonna come in properly for a while yet, im running a 22" display and my main game is WoW (but i will be playing the new COD when it arrives...).
Its the same old fantasy of graphics. The games are 2 years behind the technology, dont expect to play more than one Dx11 (in part) game in the time it takes to get out the second generation of DX11 cards.

The only reasons for buying one of these cards is in the hope that they are a lot quieter so that you can game at midnight when the wife/girle is trying to sleep or when you want playable frame rates for DX10 games (HL is still DX9 and looks good enough) when buying a 24"+ monitor and you want to max out the fps with the AA/AF on.

Its just the same old story but every new generation of gamers falls for it. A lot of hype from the marketing division of AMD wets the appetite and gets people drooling when some non playable DX11 demo comes out.

For all those who have been into PC gaming since 1990 (ah the original wolfenstein and outrun which was 1989) know that as soon as these accelerators and DX was invented (Dx3 I think it was) know that the games have taken longer and longer to produce until nowadays there is a masssive disconnect between the games and the DX version on your OS.


How many essential DX10 titles can you count ? the same has happened on previous DX generations. I'm happy to see these cards but I won't be dashing out to grab one, at 1680 x 1050 I'm still chugging along on an 8800GT maybe nearer to launch I'm might trade up via a pre owned card such as the 4850/70 X2's or I may just go SLI / X fire.
Its the same old fantasy of graphics. The games are 2 years behind the technology, dont expect to play more than one Dx11 (in part) game in the time it takes to get out the second generation of DX11 cards.

The only reasons for buying one of these cards is in the hope that they are a lot quieter so that you can game at midnight when the wife/girle is trying to sleep or when you want playable frame rates for DX10 games (HL is still DX9 and looks good enough) when buying a 24"+ monitor and you want to max out the fps with the AA/AF on.

Its just the same old story but every new generation of gamers falls for it. A lot of hype from the marketing division of AMD wets the appetite and gets people drooling when some non playable DX11 demo comes out.

For all those who have been into PC gaming since 1990 (ah the original wolfenstein and outrun which was 1989) know that as soon as these accelerators and DX was invented (Dx3 I think it was) know that the games have taken longer and longer to produce until nowadays there is a masssive disconnect between the games and the DX version on your OS.

Most people know the reality & its mainly for the performance boost with the DX being a bonus that if any latest DX games do come out that the user will be able to play it with everything in tacked.
The refresh does not matter & once again anyone thinking about going from the same gen to the refresh of that gen would be for performance again if the difference was big enough.
So you see DX is the least of the reason even if all that's seems to be talked about is the DX & that because the improved performance of the next gen are taken as a given.

If reviews so that next gen cards only offers new DX without improved performance then very few people would bother moving to them. Why pay more just for a new DX version.

The GTX8800 was king because of its performance boost & not because of DX10.
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Yup, the reason I will be buying a DX11 card is in the hoep it is a significant boost in performance over DX10.1 cards.

If it turns out they aren't then I will wait till DX11 games come out.
Yes well I did mention the performance boost but its comes with a price premium when a DX10 card is good enough for DX9 games. Looking around at the benchmarks I can see that all games released are playable on a 4890/275/285 etc.

What more power boost do people want for a price hike me wonders? Is this not just a bunch of people with money burning a hole in the pockets for no measureable gain of note.
Yes well I did mention the performance boost but its comes with a price premium when a DX10 card is good enough for DX9 games. Looking around at the benchmarks I can see that all games released are playable on a 4890/275/285 etc.

What more power boost do people want for a price hike me wonders? Is this not just a bunch of people with money burning a hole in the pockets for no measureable gain of note.

you have jsut quoted basically the top end parts, apart from dual cards. Remember the majority of people only ever have the mid range cards, so the next gen which brings with it a mid range card at the same performance of the current high end menas they can play at higher res/details etc. Also there are games that still challange my system, not many, but they exist, this number will grow as time goes on, and ill either have to lower detail, turn aa off, buy new cards, cry, or do all of the above.

I wont be buying into them though, I still LOVE my 295's and i cant afford to get anything that will be better than them, for quite a while.
yes but the present high end cards might become cheaper due to new cards costing upwards of £300.

Monitor size is important to. High end card owners more then likely to own a big 24" monitor plus I woud imagine.
This will be very interesting around this time next year. The pricing will have stabilised, and we can expect to see some DX11 games for Christmas 2010.
This will be very interesting around this time next year. The pricing will have stabilised, and we can expect to see some DX11 games for Christmas 2010.

i think DX11 games are due for release at xmas this year, the first one being Dirt 2 from codemasters i think with a november release date. so i'm hoping a lot of companies jump on the band wagon and get us a good selection of DX11 games by this time next year :D
I doubt what you guys are saying. First off is that consoles sell more copies and Dirt etc are Xbox games and hence its a PC port with some bells and whilstles attached. 1 years is not enough time for a modern classic game.
Games seem to be stuck in the current console hardware generation, ie 360s DirectX 9c. I wonder if new consoles with dx11+ would push the software companies to actually work with the new tech.
Looking around at the benchmarks I can see that all games released are playable on a 4890/275/285 etc.

Yes but people always want the best they can get.

I mean I recently upgraded to a 26" monitor and am running a single 4890 and seeing as there are quite a few very good looking games coming out within a year, I want to be able to whack everything on full at max res, hence why I will upgrade if the performance boost justifies it.

I mean if the single cards aren't worth it then I'll probs just grab a 2nd cheap 4890 for CF, but if I can get a 5870 that clearly beats my 4890, I probably will.

Assuming the price isn't absurd that is.
More money than sense though if you are objective about it.

It's impossibly to be "objective" about anything so don't pull that one, every throught of every human being is always a subjective personal opinion, as is your statement.

I like MANY other PC gamers want to play games maxed out on a 26" monitor at 1920*1200 res or higher, if we can afford to do this are we automaticaly thick? Or are we simply interested in getting the most from games? I just want stuff to look nice, if I can do this without breaking my bank, I don't beleive doing this is not sensible.

More money than sense is buying a GTX295 for a 19" monitor.
Do i need a dx11 card no i don't but one i am not paying for it so am not going to turn one down and secondly while my current X2 is great i still can't run every game with total max settings and i am curious to see what if any difference it makes being able to fully max all settings in current games. Not sure i understand why your bothering with this thread if your views are as you say surely there are other parts of the forum that would interest you more. For most people they will buy them because they are new and shiny and have bigger numbers but most on here will buy them because thats what we do and always will you don't have to like it but don't be dismissive of it either :).
....For most people they will buy them because they are new and shiny....bigger numbers......

mmm, shiny ! mmmmm, bigger numbers :p

Too true, although can't wait to see ATi get back to 98xx series and see some benchmarks against the classic(s) ;)
It's impossibly to be "objective" about anything so don't pull that one, every throught of every human being is always a subjective personal opinion, as is your statement.

I like MANY other PC gamers want to play games maxed out on a 26" monitor at 1920*1200 res or higher, if we can afford to do this are we automaticaly thick? Or are we simply interested in getting the most from games? I just want stuff to look nice, if I can do this without breaking my bank, I don't beleive doing this is not sensible.

More money than sense is buying a GTX295 for a 19" monitor.

What games can't you max out at that res? None I would imagine using the current tech bar Crysis. So you can spend all your money to conquer 1 game or wait for prices to come down.
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