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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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17 Feb 2009
i was just about to upgrade my system, and i have to say this had me think twice but im still going to buy 2x 4890. the computer i have currently cant play any games at all. since ill be taking my stuff abroad i have no choice but to buy now :( i still might buy something cheap until like 5870x2 comes out :D
31 May 2007
i was just about to upgrade my system, and i have to say this had me think twice but im still going to buy 2x 4890. the computer i have currently cant play any games at all. since ill be taking my stuff abroad i have no choice but to buy now :( i still might buy something cheap until like 5870x2 comes out :D

You have a choice. Just get a cheap 4850 until the 5800s come out.
16 Nov 2006
Supreme Commander, GTA4. Unreal, Crysis and other games /wave :p

On a serious note however - you can't use them as a life like performance - but what you can do is use them as a rough gauge to how two cards on similar system perform against each other.

Of course, the one problem is that each card maker has a habbit of releasing drivers which... "improve" the performance on the benchmark software.

I will be more interested in seeing how Crysis and other games run.

Precisely, they should do away with it altogether and just focus on the games, not theorectical tech demos. Games have much more objects, and randomness involved. I wouldn't mind if they categorised the gaming type as that has much more to do with performance. Eg fps, rts, rpg, what shader tech used etc, what graphical engine and rate accordingly.
17 Jan 2004
where was that said? afaik, it's just a DX11 version of the other cards. faster but still pretty much the same (from reading anandtech anyways).
28 Apr 2007
Would be nice to see some leaked benchmarks, will be a little annoyed if this is a paper launch.

Chances are September 10th will not be any kind of launch for the 5000-series, instead it is more likely to be AMD showcasing the parts to select members of the press (possibly revealing the names of the cards and the target price points).

It is also unlikely that any of the specs for the cards will be released on this date either if the 4850/70 launch was anything to go by (the exact number of sp's etc. wasn't confirmed by AMD until the actual day you could purchase the cards).

I'd guess that the cards will be officially launched and NDA's lifted at some point later in the month (although this is a complete guess).
26 Aug 2004
South Wales
a lot of the games i play seem to favor Nvidia cards, so a 5870 is going to have to be a bit better than a 4870x2 to get me interested.. cant wait for some game benchmarks now, looks like we are still a bit off from those yet though.
16 Jan 2003
Given that Anandtech and I'm guessing the other hardware review sites already have cards, I see no reason why we wouldn't have full reviews, with full info on the 10th.

The only reason we didn't get that info for the 4800 series is because retailers started to sell the 4850 earlier than the release date, so AMD told the sites they couldn't post full specs and such until the 4870's were released.
15 Mar 2007
Its the same old fantasy of graphics. The games are 2 years behind the technology, dont expect to play more than one Dx11 (in part) game in the time it takes to get out the second generation of DX11 cards.

The only reasons for buying one of these cards is in the hope that they are a lot quieter so that you can game at midnight when the wife/girle is trying to sleep or when you want playable frame rates for DX10 games (HL is still DX9 and looks good enough) when buying a 24"+ monitor and you want to max out the fps with the AA/AF on.

Its just the same old story but every new generation of gamers falls for it. A lot of hype from the marketing division of AMD wets the appetite and gets people drooling when some non playable DX11 demo comes out.

For all those who have been into PC gaming since 1990 (ah the original wolfenstein and outrun which was 1989) know that as soon as these accelerators and DX was invented (Dx3 I think it was) know that the games have taken longer and longer to produce until nowadays there is a masssive disconnect between the games and the DX version on your OS.
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